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The best kept secret in music


"Local Music Review: Obcission"

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Ok, switching gears for this weeks review. For the past couple of weeks I have been reviewing some high octane metal bands. This week I am reviewing a cutting edge techno band. But don’t worry there is plenty of metal coming in future reviews!

This past Sunday I went to Cervantes to check out the Battle of the Bands but more specifically to see Obcission. Obcission is a three piece techno band with an incredible new sound. Morgan is on lead vocals, keyboards and various other synth type stuff, (really, I have no clue what half his gear even is!!); Joe on backing vocals, keyboards and drums and to round out this trio is Luke on a very metal edge guitar. Imagine what Nine Inch Nails could have been like without the self deprecating and suicidal themes and a bit more fearlessness to deviate from the standard “formula” of song creation, and you might be close to what Obcission is! These guys have butt loads of talent, stage presence and are tight tight tight! Even some of the rappers that were at the show told me they were blown away by these guys! Thumping drum beats, melodic keyboards, catchy lyrics and just the right amount of crunch from the guitarist! Top it off with three guys who obviously love what they are playing and are jumping around the stage, standing on their keyboards and in general, just putting on one hell of a show! Hell, I might have even started dancing, that is if I could have figured out which foot is which. If you are into Techno/Industrial you must go and check out this band! Bring your friends and plan for a Grate show!

Obcission is a phenomenal example of the main stream music industry ignoring the Denver music scene! These guys should be on the radio and touring the country! Their act is polished, their sound is unique and sticks in your head way after the show is over, and their stage presence keeps you entertained. Hey Sony, RCA, Epic!! Where are you guys? Why does Denver get ignored as a center for new talent?

Morgan informed me after the set that they were going back into the studio to complete their CD and would be taking a short break from doing shows. He has promised to keep me informed of future shows and I will make the dates available on the Grateful web as soon as I get them!
- Derek Rhine - Local Music Reviews


We just released our 1st album "Social Hallucinations" in April. People are loving it and tell us all the time. The most popular of our songs (that have airplay and we get constant request for) are My New Addiction, Castaside and Hero.


Feeling a bit camera shy


Obcission, is industrial rock, with a touch of electronica and hip hop. Mostly synth operated with keyboards and using drums, guitars, and dijeri doo's. We love to play and fans tell us it shows, if someone is not sure if they like our music, they always buy a CD afterward.