Os Argonautas
Gig Seeker Pro

Os Argonautas


Band World Acoustic




"Corriere Del Mezzogiorno"

See at link - Rossella Trabace


See at link - ON LINE


"Navegar é Preciso" - (CD) - Digressione Music label - 2011
"Oba" - (EP) - Self-production - 2011
"Coraçao Vagabundo" - (SINGLE) - videoclip - 2011



Os Argonautas are a recently formed three-piece project, hailing from Bari, a town on the south-eastern coast of Italy. The band’s musicians enjoy successful careers and collaborations at home and abroad. They play at well-known venues and major live music events in Italy. They have also played, as soloists, at international festivals in France, Portugal, Germany, Czech Republic, Greece, Turkey and Japan.

The sound of the band is a signature fusion of folk music with Brazilian and Portuguese influences, at times combined with new wave, thus creating a mix of electronics with strong folk-acoustic elements.

The core members of the band are:
Federica D’Agostino – vocals
Domenico Lopez – guitar, Portuguese guitar, Cuban tres
Giovanni Chiapparino – percussion, bass, accordion, bandoneòn, piano, live electronics

Session musicians:
Scintilla Porfido (cello) Giulio Vinci (classic guitar) Alessio Campanozzi (double bass) Adolfo La Volpe (oud, guitar and strings) Alessandro Rizzo e Fabiana Aniello (narrators).

“Navegar è Preciso”, the band’s debut album, was released on 11 April 2012 by Digressione Music. The album is a tribute to Portuguese and Brazilian folk music, combined with Mediterranean influences of the present and the past. Original music and lyrics are by Giovanni Chiapparino. The band is currently touring the album at major folk and acoustic music venues across Italy.
It didn’t take long for the press to appreciate the fine work of research by Os Argonautas, who have already received enthusiastic reviews from local and national press (Rokkerilla, Pool Magazine, Corriere della Sera, Repubblica, Il Manifesto).

The songs in their show tell the story of a sea voyage, as a metaphor for life.
The meaning of life itself is to live. The meaning of sailing itself is the voyage. The meaning of music is to travel through itself, passing through all possible music forms. Like water, it can only travel over itself.

This is the human experience that Os Argonautas bring to the stage with their show “Navegar è preciso” (Sailing is necessary).