Raíssa Fayet
Gig Seeker Pro

Raíssa Fayet

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF | AFM

Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil | SELF | AFM
Established on Jan, 2012
Band World Pop


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos



"Virada Cultural"

O show do cantor sertanejo Almir Sater em Umuarama, no próximo dia 15, é um dos mais esperados pela população que vai participar da Virada Cultural. No entanto, outra grande surpresa é a apresentação de Raíssa Fayet, cantora considerada pela crítica como a nova “Diva do MPB”, que conversou com a reportagem do Ilustrado sobre a vinda à Capital da Amizade.

The Festival Brings a very known artist Almir Sater at Parana - Brazil, it is one of the most expected concert of this festival. However, other big surprise is Raíssa Fayet, considered by the musical critics the new Diva os Brazilian popular music. -

"First album release"

A cantora Raíssa Fayet estreia seu novo show nesta quinta-feira (27/09) no Jokers, em Curitiba. Ela aproveita a ocasião para gravar um disco ao vivo e também um DVD.

Veja abaixo mais informações e escute um pouco desta bela voz:

A curitibana revela uma sonoridade particular, formada da mistura de gêneros nacionais e internacionais que a influenciaram. Raíssa tira para dançar estilos como MPB, rock, folk e jazz. Ingressos antecipados podem ser adquiridos por R$ 10, ou no dia do show, a R$15. O evento conta com patrocínio da H.Franck Construção Civil apoio cultural da Fnac Curitiba.
Fizeram parte de sua infância os mais variados ritmos, de Gil e Caetano a The Cure, marcando os primeiros passos da cantora dentro de sua sonoridade múltipla. Raíssa também é atriz e compositora, além de interpretar canções nacionais e internacionais.

Seus primeiros trabalhos tiveram a pesquisa, produção e criação de arranjos de Tom Saboia, Alexandre Menezes e participação do DJ Negralha. Os dois últimos são integrantes da banda O Rappa, enquanto Tom é o responsável pela produção do CD mais recente do mesmo grupo. Eles trouxeram para as canções um pouco da música afrobrasileira de raiz, misturada a arranjos modernos, criando uma harmonia especial com o trabalho da cantora.

Para a apresentação em Curitiba, Raíssa será acompanhada pelos músicos Endrigo Bettega (bateria), Henrique Peters (teclado), Vinicius Junqueira (baixo) e Gabriel Teixeira (guitarra). Peters e Junqueira foram indicados ao Grammy Latino no ano passado, com o álbum dos Mutantes. Bem acompanhada, Raíssa lança em Curitiba toda a sua sonoridade, recheada de misturas e homenagens à música brasileira. -


Still working on that hot first release.


Feeling a bit camera shy


Bringing an innovative world pop directly from Brazil, Raíssa is
constantly defying bounderies. Her musical influences stem from her Brazilian
roots, merging charisma, her acting abilities, all with a sweet, unique voice
that will impress the most critical audiences.

Life abroad enriched Raíssa´s music and carreer. Her talent as an
actress is an intricate part of her personality and stage performance.  Versatile, her voice transits from pure
melody, to beat box, to percussion, to voice trumpet. She gracefully plays the
guitar, besides writing most of her songs.

Raíssa never aims low. Her first album was produced and arranged by the
respected Brazilian producers Tom Saboia and Alexandre Menezes. Raíssa´s second
album, just mastered at The Metropolis Studios in London, was produced by
German success maker Christian Lohr, known for the keyboards and musical
direction of Joss Stone. With a solid record of exceptional artists, Christian
Lohr boasts producing songs for Mick Jagger, Sting, Donna Summer, Liza Minelli,
Andrea Bocelli and many others.

She also has a strong quartet band: Henrique Peters
(keyboards/samples/vocals), Leomarist (Bass), Gabriel Teixeira (Guitars/Vocals)
and Edu Kardeal (Drums and Percussion).

Innovative as he is, Lohr saw in Raíssa the perfect
opportunity to promote a memorable encounter with traditional brazilian music,
his Berlin vanguard and world pop references. He didn't hesitate to bring two
of his artists together, Raíssa and Gregor Meyle, which resulted in a new bossa
nova version of the song "Heute Nacht", a duo in Portuguese and
German, with a classy arrangement, and renouned musicians. It was a success on
iTunes from the beginning and Gregor has a sold out his concert schedule until
2016. Nothing more logical than a special invitation to Raíssa to participate
in some of Gregor's 2015 summer concerts in Germany. Raíssa toke advantage of
this opportunity and opened the pre-relase campaign for her new album, finally
showing the face of the voice that's been heard by millions. Her strong
presence on stage and the welcome of the audience made Gregor invite her again
for the 2016 summer in Europe.


Raíssa opens the curtains to her own stage and
will return to Europe in 2016 and also release her album in the USA. This time with her own band, an unriveled
quintet that will give her audiences an envolving, Brazilian and universal
performance. A true exchange of creative and sensorial experiences

Band Members