Randy Sauer
Hays, Kansas, United States | SELF
Whether playing for one or 30, Randy Sauer said he enjoys entertaining youngsters with music. And it shows.
His audience on Tuesday at the Hays Public Library numbered 10 children between the ages of 7 months and 10 years.
It was obvious from the get-go Sauer, vocal music and band teacher at Holy Family Elementary School in Hays, would have a captive audience at Jamming with Randy on this particular afternoon.
Jenna Schlyer, 6, bounced into the room, announcing Sauer's accomplishments in another activity just a few hours earlier.
Jenna, a Holy Family first-grader, earlier had watched her music teacher finish second in the faculty-staff division of the school's pancake race run annually the day before Ash Wednesday.
"I thought I was training for the wrong thing," Sauer said, jokingly explaining his reason for losing the race. "I thought it was an eating contest."
Jenna and her younger sister, 4-year-old Paige, had come to the library Tuesday with their day care provider, Glenda Knapp, and another youngster under Knapp's care.
Sauer, who has been performing at the library for a couple of years, didn't pull out two crowd favorites Tuesday -- his ukulele and inflatable instruments for the children -- but he didn't need to.
He was able to keep the youngsters' attention by involving them with action songs that involved their input.
Sauer, who writes the songs he sings to the youngsters, said he tries to pick a topic for each performance.
Tuesday's theme was "stories that have sounds with them."
He handed the children instruments that made sounds like a lawnmower, hammer, train, jackhammer and rain.
They sang and danced to songs such as the "Penguin Hop," "Taking a Walk Around Town" and "Shake Your Sillies Out."
"I think it's cute how he writes the songs for them," said Tori Gano, who was in attendance Tuesday along with her two young daughters, 4-year-old Nyla and 9-month-old Lyten.
"He's our friend," Jenna said, pointing to 5-year-old Preston Parr. "And his mom and my mom decided we should hear some music today."
Sauer, a longtime music teacher, said he began writing several years ago when some friends suggested it.
Now, when he isn't teaching school children, he plays at libraries, festivals and parties. More can be found about Sauer and his performances on his website at www.randysmusicjam.com.
"You're going to be at my birthday party," Paige Schlyer, who will turn 5 in April, informed Sauer.
"Well, yes I am," he agreed. "(I) love birthday parties."
From the looks of things Tuesday, that sentiment for Sauer holds true for anything to do with music and children. - Hays Daily News
How did you get started with all this??
I was writing music for my elementary music classes in the school that I teach. I found that the kids enjoyed the music I was writing. Most of the music at first was for educational purposes but I still tried to make it fun. Later I started writing music that was more for fun that would get the kids involved by either singing or doing actions to the songs. In the past year I have started going out and performing my music for libraries, schools, festivals, concerts and any event that is for families or children.
What's the message to transmit with your music??
I want the kids and families that come to my shows to leave with love for music. I also try to involve the adults and kids in my shows that they can get a chance to come and perform on stage with me. This I hope might spark a kids interest in music and hopefully will someday want to perform.
What's your method at the time of writing a song??
I try to be creative and do things in the music that kids and can either sing along easily or do actions to the songs. Whenever I get ideas for a song I write down the ideas and work with that idea until I get something that works. Many times it takes awhile to get an idea I like.
Which is your music influences??
I enjoy 80’s rock and classic rock. I have written a couple of songs that I tried to make into a 80’s style rock and the kids kind of like that! I have got to perform in Kansas City and have met some of the children’s entertainers from there that I really respect. The work they have done has influenced many of the things I do in writing my music.
What plans do you have for the future??
I want to continue to write children’s music and keep performing. I hope to keep developing a good following in my area I live and also expand the area in which I perform. I would also like to continue to play at festivals.
Which has been the funniest prank you have been or took part while on tour or after a show??
I really haven’t had anything happen yet. But I am sure something will happen soon!!
If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere after a show or while on tour. The help is 65 miles away from where you and your band (If any) are, ¿Who would you send to look for help? And if while the rest wait, there's no food and the only way to feed yourself is by eating each other, ¿Who would you eat first?
I would send my brother for help and I think I could last for awhile without eating. I couldn’t eat someone else. lol
Which country you would love to play? I would like to play in France!!
With which bands you would love to share stage??
I would love to get to perform with a 80’s rock band. I know I don’t do the same type of music. My fiancé loves Bret Michaels so maybe perform with Bret or Poison would be lots of fun. Maybe Bret’s girls would enjoy my kids music especially the ones that sound a little 80’s!!
Are you OK, with the direction the band is going actually? I am happy with what I have been doing. I keep getting good reviews wherever I go and people keep asking me back to the places I play so I think things will be getting better for me. - Vents Magazine
Happy Dance(2008), Be Silly(2009), Pet Store(2010), Jammin' With Randy(2012) on Itunes, Go Crazy CD (2013), Go Crazy DVD(2013) -Awarded Preferred Choice Award from Creative Child Magazine

I am a songwriter and educator. I have been teaching 16 years. I have taught instrumental music, elementary music, and college music classes. I enjoy writing for elementary age students. I write many of my own songs for my own elementary classes. So the songs I write have been kid tested!!