Raquel Tavares
Gig Seeker Pro

Raquel Tavares

Band World Folk


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"Raquel Tavares with new cd on May"

raquel tavares

live presentation day 7 may in teatro da trindade

the couple fadista raquel tavares is preparing to edit a new work of originals, called "bairro" on may 5. the same will be presented live in the theatre of trinidad, in lisbon on may 7.

for the recording of "neighborhood", the winner of the 2006 prix revelation amália rodrigues, has remained faithful to the environment of the traditional fado, and with the musicians that followed in its debut record: diogo clemente in viola of fado, bernardo couto in the portuguese guitarra , and yami on acoustic bass. "bairro" still counted with the participation of special guest guilherme banza and angelo freire, the portuguese guitar players, and fatima fernandes, in the voice.

"bairro" will be published in cd format and digipack. the latter contains a dvd consisting of a concert of raquel tavares recorded in namouche studios, in lisbon, on march 8, and two interviews: the raquel tavares and diogo clemente, producer and musical director of "bairro”

- new album, "bairro," released on 5th may

"Raquel Tavares in Vredenburgh Leeuwenbergh"

Fado wordt vaak als de hoogmis van de weemoed omschreven, zwaarmoedig, triest, eenzaamheid en hartepijn lijken de kenmerken die het publiek naar de theaters trekken. De fadista, stemming in het zwart gekleed, het gelaat gegroefd van smart, met de ogen gesloten of de handen in de xaille gevouwen zingt haar of zijn lied, doorleefd en met de nodige Saudade, dat onbeschrijfelijk verlangen naar vervlogen tijden die nooit weer zullen keren.
Sinds de wederopstanding van de stijl aan het eind van de vorige eeuw kan de fadoaafficionado regelmatig naar een concert dat grofweg in te delen is als theatraal, vernieuwend of klassiek. Zelden staat er een fadista op het podium die al deze uitvoeringen in zich weet te verenigen en het was dan ook weer een hele tijd geleden dat ik ademloos naar een optreden heb staan kijken.
De fadista in kwestie is Raquel Tavares, 23 jaar, woonachtig te Lissabon en zingt volgens eigen zegge al vanaf haar 5e. Ze heeft het klassieke traject doorlopen; thuis zingen, in het buurthuis en de taverna op de hoek waar ze opviel. Ze werd gevraagd en vanaf haar 17e zingt ze in Senhor Vinho, Luso en Bacalhau de Milho, allen prestigeuze fadohuizen en allen behorende tot de top van de Lissabonse fado.
Zondag 17 februari stond ze in Vredenburg Leeuwenbergh te zingen voor een uitverkochte zaal. Ik had het genoegen bij de soundcheck te zijn. Op het podium stond een vrolijk huppelende dame in zacht roze coltrui. Dat ze ooit een fado kon zingen zoals de regels der kunst dat vragen was te betwijfelen.
Hoe anders was deze zelfde dame die als fadista het podium betrad. Strak zwart met rode ceintuur en rode bloemsjaal in het haar. Ze leek in het totaal niet meer op het vrolijke ding van tijdens de soundcheck. Hier stond iemand die geleefd had, die haar woede, haar geluk, haar verdriet en haar hele ziel en zaligheid in haar kunst wist te leggen. De rillingen liepen over mijn rug en regelmatig hield de zaal collectief de adem in. Dit was misschien wel de dichtste benadering van de ware fadoziel die je buiten Portugal op een podium kunt meemaken. Tavares zong haar fado’s niet, ze was haar fado’s.
De verrassing zat in de tweede set toen de begeleiding het podium verliet en ze zichzelf begeleide op de Portugese gitaar. Het spel was nog een beetje twijfelachtig maar het applaus dat volgde niet.

De grote namen van de nieuwe generaties fadista’s heeft er een geduchte concurrent bij gekregen. Als Raquel Tavares zich blijft ontwikkelen zoals ze nu doet dan zal ze binnen een paar jaar Mariza en Cristina Branco voorbij streven. - Philip Nijman in De volkskrant NL

"Fadista Raquel Tavares recebe Prémio Revelação da Casa da Imprensa"

Fadista Raquel Tavares recebe Prémio Revelação da Casa da Imprensa

Raquel Tavares soube da distinção numa semana atribulada, entre uma viagem a Paris e um outro prémio, o de "Melhor Nova Voz do Fado", atribuído pela Rádio Central de Leiria. A fadista que em Maio de 2006 editou o primeiro album, vê agora o seu valor reconhecido nos mais prestigiados prémios para o Fado, atribuidos anualmente pela Casa da Imprensa. O prémio Revelação vai ser entregue na Grande Noite do Fado, no Teatro S. Luiz em Lisboa, no dia 20 de Outubro.

Há dez anos, Raquel com 12 anos subia timidamente ao palco da Grande Noite do Fado para levar para casa o troféu do concurso para juvenis. Depois deste primeiro prémio estava lançado o percurso dedicado ao fado. Actuou no estrangeiro e em mediáticas noites fadistas lisboetas. Só em Maio de 2006 editou o primeiro álbum, sendo também distinguida com o prémio Melhor Revelação Feminina da fundação Amália Rodrigues.

"Há aqui uma série de factores que me fazem recordar as vivências na Casa da Imprensa. Dez anos depois de receber aquele primeiro prémio, isto tem uma certa piada. É um orgulho, sinto-me lisongeada", disse Raquel Tavares ao PUBLICO.PT.

"Os prémios deixam-me surpreendida. Não se grava um disco a pensar neles. Tendo a ver as coisas tranquilamente, tento manter-me com os pezinhos bem assentes na terra. Antes de ganhar um prémio quero ser reconhecida pelo meu trabalho", acrecentou a fadista que adianta estar a preparar um segundo álbum mais maduro, para sair, "se tudo correr bem", em Fevereiro do próximo ano.
- Público

"Raquel Tavares semeia fado em Madrid"

Depois de nomeada Revelação Feminina no Prémio Amália Rodrigues, chegou o convite: o público madrileno vê este sábado a fadista Raquel Tavares na edição de estreia do Tradinvierno. :: 10-01-2007

Raquel Tavares actua este sábado, dia 13, na capital espanhola. A fadista portuguesa foi convidada para participar na primeira edição do Tradinvierno, que terá lugar no Teatro Adolfo Marsillach, em San Sebastián de los Reyes, Madrid.

Com o Prémio Amália Rodrigues na categoria de Revelação Feminina ainda fresco nas mãos, Raquel Tavares aproveita esta viagem ao outro lado da fronteira para apresentar o seu álbum homónimo de estreia.

Os palcos internacionais não são, contudo, novidade para a fadista, que já actuou em cidades como Paris, Roma ou Bolonha. Outra das proezas de Raquel Tavares – que amanhã, 11 de Janeiro, comemora o seu 22º aniversário – foi vencer, em 1997, a Grande Noite do Fado.

Para os leitores madrilenos, ou que tencionem deslocar-se à capital espanhola, o concerto de sábado está marcado para as 19h30 e custa 3 euros. No cartaz do evento estão ainda Anabel Santiago (dia 13) e Alba Gutierrez e Maria Salgado (dia 12).

- Revelação Feminina no Prémio Amália Rodrigues


2006,Raquel Tavares
2008, Bairro



Inevitably, “Fate”
If Fate (Fado) means Destiny, them let’s talk about Raquel Tavares.
One feels in her voice, in the attitude, in the expression and, above all, in the courage she ha by assuming herself as “a Fadista (Fado Singer)”. All of this couldn’t be by chance, or by the fact that she is an artist with a huge talent to act. None great actress could assume so well this role…
In her attitude, one can notice the living and the fantastic absorption of this art from who was born and grown in this sphere. In the essence of her chant, one notices the gesture, the discipline and the influence, with a natural plainness, of an assemblage of other grand constructors of this way of being and living to which we call “Fado”.
The musical intuition, the weight and rhythm of the words, the contention and the authenticity of the interpretation, can be felt in themes like “Quando Acordas” (When You Wake) – It is true not knowing the reason for the freshness of Spring in a flower – or the influence of other great interpreters, like in “Olhos Garotos” (Trickster Eyes), in homage to two of the most important composers ever in the history of Fado, Jaime Santos and João Linhares Barbosa.
To be an interpreter it’s not enough to know how to sing, place the voice and to tune up with the notes of a melody. It is important to create, to take up the poetry and harmonize it with the music, also suggested to us.
A great interpreter is also a great composer, for he has the talent to balance the context between the voice, the melody and the words, so that all of it turns into a message. A message that must get to everyone, as if, with the eyes shut, one could see and believe in the various descriptions presented to us, such as in “Fado Lisboeta” (Lisbon’s Fado) – I hear guitars thrilling and voices singing, in the shadowy lane / The lights are already fading, announcing the day / I close the window slowly, hearing in the alley tender fights / Comes the morning calm and cold, just in my soul rests the dark night…
Besides her versatility, Raquel Tavares has the talent to recreate what could be a “Fado Balada” (Fado Ballade) ou a “Fado Canção” (Fado Song), in a great Fado of our time, like in the themes “Noite” (Night), “Querer Cantar” (Willing to Sing), “Por Momentos” (By Instants) or “Trazes pedaços de mim” (You Bring Pieces of Me), giving them her own interpretation, in a such charismatic way.
There is inside the artist a “magnet” which stimulates the creation of all those who surround her, from the record to show, created by it self, over the inspiration of that one who’s the main character and, at the same time, the “muse” of this project. He could only be like this. There was no other subject to approach but the “Story of a Woman Singer”, the story of Raquel Tavares.
Inevitably “Her Fate”, what she could never stop being.