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Band Rock Hip Hop


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Two albums by Creature, both available on Itunes:
Never Say Die LP
Hustle to be Free

Rebelmatic has taken the ryhmes from these two albums and made it into a rock genre full of energy and ready to explode.

Get up n Go has had recent air time on Break Through Radio.



Some people say Creature looks angry on stage, but he's not. He's at peace....with all of the emotions that he puts into his lyrics bursting out into rhythm.

Creature has been the premier NYC hustler, as he makes his living selling his music hand to hand on the street, playing the New England clubs, and doing what it takes to live off on an independent artist’s music. His LP, Never Say Die was an instant classic in the NYC hip hop community, and was followed up by Hustle To Be Free, a second full album. His friendly demeanor makes him an instant friend, and he has found successful street selling morphing into bigger and better things. In 2008, he completed a 2 month tour of Western Europe, performing in 11 countries as well as giving college workshops in performance at several community colleges.

Creature is now embarking on the next stage of his career with his band, Rebelmatic. Rebelmatic has recently played such clubs as the main stage of the Knitting Factory, Joes Pub and other NYC venues as they strive to blend Creature’s hip hop lyrics with a hard rock sound.