On the evidence of this CD, jazz is thriving in Azerbaijan, where musicians have forged an individual voice that takes full account of their own country’s rich classical music, mugam. Here, led by outstanding pianist Emil Ibrahim, some of them have teamed up with singer Sevda Alekperzadeh, whose day job is being Azeri pop idol number one. Her voice ranges from a lascivious croon to a clear ringing chime, and her local roots are heard on a couple of traditional songs, in her effortless mastery of the music’s glottal ornaments. - SONGLINES (UK)
In her country as well as in the whole Caucasus she is a star, well-known from the radio and TV. The music world of Azerbaijan is coined much by the classical murgam music. Some of its best interpreters are playing in Sevda’s band. However, the multifaceted repertoire which is including quiet murgam pieces, jazzy ballads, Afro-Cuban rhythms and even exotic Caucasian salsa sounds is really surprising. - CONCERTO (Austria)
Another terrific Network discovery, this time from Azerbaijan and with a voice, that is beautiful, moving and deeply expressive. Listen to ‘Alvida’ seven minutes of emotive expression with just piano and voice and the pain of separation, then listen to ‘Goy-Gol’ and you’ve got a romping Azeri salsa track or ‘Mahur’ a classical Mugham improvisation with tar, kemancha and voice or the CD closer ‘Lolo, Lolo’ which takes us at speed through African, flamenco and Afro-Cuban rhythms. Top stuff. - UK
Presentee dans le livret qui accom pagne ce disque comme la Billie Holiday de la Mer Caspienne, Sevda, chanteuse azeYie originaire de la capitale, Bakou, evoque aussi au f II des quelques photos qui ülustrent ie projet la multiplicite des personnalites d'une Madonna, De meme, sa voix aux Charmes fuigurants peut se faire cäline, fagon chanteuse de bar ä une heure plus qu'avancee ("Alvida") ou renouer avec la tradition du mugam ("Mahur"), quand eile n'invente pas ä ce repertoire au Systeme modal d'Asie Centrale, d'improbables et nouveaux territoires: africains pour "Lolo, Lolo", latino pour "Goy-Goi". Entre deux mondes, cette voix qui ose s'aventurer sur les terres des musiques populaires surprend juste parfols poi ie choix des arrangements. - MONDOMIX (France)
"A Flower In Bloom" Network Medien 495119
"World of Love" Network Medien 495125

The Voice of the Caspian Sea / Azeri Jazz
Sevda was born in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, in a house with a view of the Caspian Sea. From her early childhood she listenend to her father singing Mugham songs and in his voice she heard the sounds of the sea. At the age of 14 Sevda decided she wanted to be a singer.
Her musical career has been formed by a synthesis between western and eastern music. She is also interested in classical and pop music. Her magical blend of music from East Asia, the Orient and the Occident caught the attention of experts from the East and from abroad. This unique way of adopting and adapting different musical traditions means that Sevda has opened up a whole new chapter in the history of Azeri music.
Usually her point of departure is traditional folk music, which centres around the relationship btween man and nature. Sevda sings these songs with great passion, and they often remind us of spring, of natures awakening but also of mountain peaks, mountain flowers, rivers and forests as well as the people of this region.
Many of the songs with modern arrangements were written by classical Azeri composers who respected the traditional features of the music.
What interests Sevda about classical music is not the perfected, inflexible aspects. She ventures out in new directions. Accordingly, she works with different, more creative ensembles, adding a tar and a kemancha to one traditional Mugham piece, a trumpet and an oud to another.
Making contact with her audience is something Sevda feels is very important. She enables them to relax, while at the same time putting them under a tense spell. Her varied and wider repertoire recalls both past and future times. Old folk songs are given a whole new life.
Sevda sings with the intonation of a loving soul.
In the whole Caucasian region Sevda is a bright star on the firmament of the arts, high above the Caspian Sea.