Shade Parade
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Shade Parade

Woodbridge, Virginia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014

Woodbridge, Virginia, United States
Established on Jan, 2014
Band Rock Pop


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Still working on that hot first release.



Northern Virginia quartet SHADE PARADE is redefining the term modern rock. In just 2.5 years, Gregg Smith (drums), John Greenwood (lead vocals, keys), Devon Robey (guitar) and Victor Merino (bass) have created a sound that is catching on in a big way.
Releasing their debut EP, All That You Wanted, in Summer 2012, SHADE PARADE dances a fine line in the rock realm with soulful vocals, catchy melodies, dancing guitar lines, and solid rhythms. While each member sites rock classics (and even some rap and techno) as major influences, their contagious sound is often compared to Kings of Leon mixed with a vocal stylings similar to Bradley Knowles.
While a lot of modern rock follows the 'more is more' belief in songwriting, Shade Parade masterfully crafts their songs allowing each instrument its moment in the sun, treading ever so carefully to not overwhelm. With an unassuming natural ease, the band undeniably executes each song with a brilliant precision. Songs "Speak No Evil", "Lock the Doors", and "Win Real Big" are smart, catchy, infectious rock'n'roll hits in the making while "New Orleans" and "I'm Coming Home, featured on the debut EP, show a more pensive heartfelt side to their solid rock approach.
Recently ascending to the Top 3 finalists in the 2013 DC Hard Rock Rising competition (no small feat with over 300 entries), SHADE PARADE is currently working on the follow-up release to All That You Wanted and playing shows in the mid-Atlantic region.

Written by Jessi Canning *sugarcoated* Promotions Š 2013

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