Shades of Euphony
Gig Seeker Pro

Shades of Euphony

Band Alternative Rock


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos



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None to speak of just yet but we're on it so watch this space! (or this small generic textbox)


Feeling a bit camera shy


Estelle & Jason met on a cool, blustery day in Brisbane in early 2005 and began writing songs immediately. Based on the strange and interesting melodies they could hear swirling around them, it became obvious that they had to kidnap these sounds and then hold them for ransom.

Months of hatching and then perfecting their devious plan soon followed. They found that the best way to 'capture' these sounds without being detected by the authorities was to use Jason's guitar and Estelle's vocal cords. Vibrating the guitar strings & vocal cords simultaneously seemed to entice the unsuspecting sounds in droves. Some would say it was as simple as taking candy from a small child, but without the resultant shrill crying. The pair couldn't have been happier with their labours.

Before they knew it, it was early 2006 and they had a bunch of captive sounds begging to be released. Would there ever be a better time than right now to implement the final stage of their plan? Unlikely. So the duo set in motion the means with which to realise their ransom demands.

The final step was to record some of these sounds onto a CD (using force if necessary) just to show people that they were 'serious' about their demands. Surely when people heard those poor, sweet sounds being manipulated by the dynamic pair, their natural compassion would take over and they would want to help release these defenceless sounds in anyway they could, even if it meant giving up such necessities as expendable income? It was this obvious glitch in basic human decency that the pair had hoped to exploit. It would only be a matter of time before the ransom payments started rolling in...

...but wait. There was a small problem. Unfortunately the pair had captured some percussive sounds that were not cooperating with the recording no matter what coercion methods they tried. This would not do. The pair dubbed these particular sounds 'enemy soundbatants' and promptly stripped them of all their sound rights. It was now obvious that the two founding members would need to recruit other like-minded individuals and brainwash them before they could fully realise the results they were so close to achieving.

So the search began...



Estelle creates verbal landscapes using emotion and experience as her inspiration to construct the ear friendly melodies heard at the forefront of the Shades of Euphony tunes. She's been singing since before she could spell and spelling since before she could speak. Hearing her voice will release all those emotions you keep bottled up inside. You know the ones.

Jason manipulates various strings on his guitar (quite often simultaneously) to create the spacious dissonance that meanders through these songs. He's been playing guitar since before he could string grammatically correct sentences together and stringing grammatically correct sentences together since before he could string a guitar. Hearing his voice will conjure up images of fingernails & chalkboards.

We are currently seeking other musicians to complete our band and continue our journey. So if you're still reading this and live in Brisbane and have a desire to conform to our strict code of hygiene and personal conduct, please contact us!