Shunda K
Gig Seeker Pro

Shunda K

Brandon, Florida, United States

Brandon, Florida, United States
Band Hip Hop EDM


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"15 nov: Phag Off, intervista a Shunda K"

Lashunda Flowers -- professionally known as Shunda K - è la leader di una delle formazioni più potenti di hip hop afroamericano di donne nel mondo.
Il loro nome è Yo Majesty.
Master of Cerimony, autrice ed ambiziosa imprenditrice, Shunda è riuscita a strappare un contratto con la famosissima Domino Records (Arctic Monkeys, Franz Ferdinand, The Kills).
Shunda K, oltre ad essere una portavoce della scena Queer, è allo stesso tempo una profonda credente che con le sue rime sparate vuole diffondere il messaggio del Signore.
Un messaggio di amore puro, di un Dio che non vede differenze nel creato e non si pone problemi su sessualità e scelte di vita.
Entriamo con questa intervista esclusiva nell’ utopia di questa incredibile artista e proviamo per un attimo a credere che sia come dice lei.

Qui a Roma stiamo aspettando tutti la botta di energia della tua furia live!!

Cosa hai preparato per noi per il concerto di Sabato 15 Novembre a Phag Off?
Ho preparato un set garantito per far muovere la gente con il tocco del vero amore che ho per il mio pubblico.

Oltre ad essere la regina indiscussa della scena Hip - Hop femminile afro americana a livello internazionale sei anche un artista gay con un innato amore per Dio di cui vuoi portare il messaggio tramite la tua musica.
In Italia il binomio omosessuale-cristiano suona immediatamente sbagliato.
Ciò è dovuto a un rifiuto ufficiale da parte della chiesa nei confronti dei gay che sembrano quasi non dover esistere senza dimenticare le continue pressioni da parte del Vaticano sullo Stato Italiano per impedire il riconoscimento di pari diritti per le coppie.
Che consigli puoi dare alla comunità gay italiana per aiutarla a riconciliarsi con il Signore?
Prima di tutto Dio non e' religioso ed e' un Dio d'amore.
Io sono cresciuta pensando di essere un abominio agli occhi di Dio a causa delle mie preferenze sessuali ma sono cambiata da quando ho sviluppato la mia relazione personale con Dio e ho capito che il Signore mi ama esattamente per come sono.
La gente ha bisogno di imparare ad amarsi perché se non ti ami non puoi amare nemmeno me.
Soprattutto, io direi semplicemente alla gente di avvicinarsi a Cristo per sé stessi perché lui è l'unico che può aiutarti o distruggerti.
Io guardo la mia vita e come Dio la sta benedicendo. Come Dio benedice le Yo! Makesty e lo ringrazio per questo.
Voglio dire, io sono stata sposata con un uomo a sarei potuta diventare una cantante Gospel poiché era ciò che facevo quando stavo con lui.
Nulla mi ha portato alla fama finché non ho mollato il suo culo, ma ho mantenuto la mia relazione con Dio e ho imparato a mantenerla reale e vera per me stessa smettendola di provare a compiacere tutti coloro che avevano idee su di me o volevano mi comportassi in un modo piuttosto che in un altro !!!

Nell’ immaginario collettivo il mondo Hip-Hop è costituito da machi e puttane al loro servizio.
Attraverso quali mezzi cerchi di sovvertire tale stereotipo?
Attraverso lo "Shunda K Movement" sto insegnando agli uomini come amare le loro mogli e alle donne come amare i loro mariti, ai bambini come obbedire ai loro genitori e a tutti come essere integri e avere carattere e morale.
Io sono un esempio vivente dell'imperfezione e la gente si identifica con me proprio per questo dandomi la possibilità di guidarla.
L'unica percezione è rappresentata da Gesù Cristo e arriva a noi attraverso anni di insegnamento e comprensione, anni di prove e fatiche che ci fanno diventare ciò che siamo.
Quindi nondimeno è nostra responsabilità (di tutte le musiciste e i musicisti) di fare la cosa giusta e promuovere la positività attraverso l'amore e attraverso le nostre abilità musicali.
E per tutti quelli che non lo fanno, arriverà il tempo in cui dovranno mettersi da parte lasciando il passo a chi è interessato a ristabilire un rapporto con la nostra terra per ricostruire il mondo !!!

Hai scelto di intraprendere la carriera solista lasciando shockati i tuoi fan.
Cosa cambierà nella tua musica e nel tuo messaggio?
Io devo continuare a muovermi poiché sto crescendo e maturando.
Non sono la stessa Shunda K di Yo! Majesty che ero lo scorso anno e gli anni precedenti.
Sto crescendo in conoscenza, consapevolezza e comprensione perché questo è il volere di Dio per la mia vita e poiché o sono una messaggera creata pacificamente per sostenere la gente attraverso il rap ed essere la testimonianza del sacrificio umano quotidiano perché propongo la fede.
Questa è la via che il Signore mi sta indicando in questo momento della mia vita.
Yo Majesty non e' ciò che era quando l' ho creato nel 1998 come progetto solista.
Adesso con il conflitto tra me e Jwl (L'altra rapper di Yo! Majesty N.d.t.), Yo Majesty è divisa ed entrambe sappiamo che una casa divisa non può stare in piedi.
Si va oltre i problemi personali. Si parla di problemi spirituali e io sono stanca del dramma e delle false rappresentazioni che lei produce attraverso le sue azioni.
Ora sembra di stare in tour con un circo e io non posso essere associata a gente che non e' veramente sincera e che dice una cosa e ne fa un'altra.
Io ho una responsabilità anche rispetto a Yo Majesty che mi appartiene. Non la sto abbandonando ma credo che Dio mi abbia dato l'autorità di riunirla per progetti futuri.
Quindi i miei piani futuri con Yo Majesty saranno quelli di usarla come una piattaforma per promuovere artisti che hanno bisogno di essere ascoltati in tutto il mondo.
Per adesso e' solo un’ idea . Vedremo !!!
Nel frattempo io mi devo tenere in movimento perchè la gente ha bisogno di sapere la verità e come puoi veder e e sentire, io non ho paura di dirla !!!
Pace e amore vero - CRAK!

"Interview with Shunda K of Yo! Majesty!"

I met Shunda K. of YO Majesty about half a year ago when she performed at BackBooth with Rosetta Stoned. The show was great and full of energy. After the show, Shunda K. came up to me and thanked me and everyone around for coming and supporting. Now I’ve seen a handful of shows, but not once has anyone came up to me and thanked me personally. Ever since then, I knew Shunda K. always kept it real, and boy does she prove so with this interview. She’s smart and funny and best of all she knows what she wants and gets it. We at SMILE wish her the best on her solo career. GO check her out TOMORROW NIGHT @ PULP and get on the GUESTLIST!

SMILE: So Shunda, how are things in Tampa? Are you excited for Friday night?

Shunda K: Hell yea I’m excited bout da show in Tampa! Dis da most legit show I ever did in Tampa, as I’m gettin’ paid, it was promoted properly, I got merch for sale (both Yo Majesty products and Shunda K. products), I’m wit da love of my life, God got my bac, and y’all giving me dis opportunity to appeal to ya peoples…Dat’s wassup!!!

I don’t live in Tampa anymore. I’m in Plant City, FL, bout 20 minutes from Tampa, eastbound.

SMILE: Last time I saw you perform was about half a year ago and Jwl.B couldn’t make it, is she better now and will she be with you Friday at Pulp?

Shunda K: This show is to promote my solo stuff ( Jwl and I really don’t communicate other than Yo Majesty business, so I’m not sure how shes doin’!!!

SMILE: You told me before this interview that you were in Australia for New Years. What was it like “down under” and what were you doing there?

Shunda K: Yes, I was in Australia for a week. I jus got bac Monday night. The trip was great. I met some fantastic peoples man and am looking forward to going back there soon on some Shunda K. shit!!! I was there touring wit’ Yo Majesty.

It was summer time there and you know da weather was beautiful. They had the best McDonald’s I’ve ever eaten in my life, straight up and I don’t even eat it like dat. But I couldn’t resist!!!

SMILE: I know for sure that you love to party and you are always looking for a dope place to throw an after party to expand your solo career, hows that going for you?

Shunda K: Its been tough as you know I’m tryin’ to set up Shunda K. after party’s after each Yo Majesty show worldwide from now on. I do have some key shows already set up though. Jan 19th here in Tampa at LimeLight wit da Floacist of Floetry and Shunda K.

Then, March 20th wit’ da Basement Jaxx in London at the Legion after YM (Yo Majesty) plays Club NME!!!

So, I’m keepin’ it movin’. I’m still looking for any and all help I can get to set up these after party’s, so if anyone is interested in helping they can check out all da dates to date at and email me at wit leads!!!

SMILE: Are you going to still be signed with (UK) Domino records if you go solo?

Shunda K: I’m tryin’ to get out of da contract wit Domino Records as I was never supposed to be signed to them as a solo artist, jus’ Yo Majesty. My attorney lied to me, as a matter of fact all 3 of us, (as Yo Majesty was a 3 piece before we got signed) he told us dat we were free to do what we liked as solo artists. Now, the situation is different and they’re tellin’ me they own me too. Dat’s not wassup!!!

So what I’m planning to do is launch a protest through my merch dat says “Free Shunda K” on da bac of t-shirts wit’ various encouraging phrases on da front of them. They will be available at all the upcoming dates, both Yo Majesty & Shunda K…so make sure you grab ya’self one.

Dis industry shit isn’t what its all cracked up to be and I refuse to be a victim. Hell, life is whachu make it!!!

SMILE: Tell me what it was like to tour with CSS and The Gossip? I’m sure things go pretty crazy at times. What’s your best story?

Shunda K: The show wit’ The Gossip & CSS was a blessing, but I really didn’t get a chance to get to know them as I was dealing wit’ the dramas of my career, being a novice to da game, well so they thought, and dealing wit’ demons dat desired to sniff me out. Ive had to fire 4 managers, 2 booking agents, and have ridded myself of so many people since entering dis industry in ’07.

The drama still hasn’t stopped, but what Ive decided to do is take charge of the situation. I’m not a slave to no one. I will not be controlled anymore by these people who call themselves professionals. They don’t even know how to spell da word professional but have the nerve to try and tell me whats best for me…please!!!

Ya’ll jus’ don’t even know the things Ive been through in these past couple years at the hand of the industry and its professionals. Dis year is gonna be exposing time to da 11th power though…Shunda K. said dat!!! And I will be free of Domino Records and everybody else who really don’t mean me good at all…they jus’ want a piece of my pocket book.

SMILE: Here is a short questionnaire:

Best memory of 2008? My best memory of 2008 is my relationship wit my wife Tedra. I went on a 3 month fast from sex in Oct. ’07 as a sacrifice to God in return for Him blessing me wit’ my wife. I prayed and asked Him in great detail for her and He sent her to me. Dat’s wassup!!!

Who framed Roger Rabbit? The government!!! They scandalous…I’m praying Barak (O’bama) stay strong and not go in da same direction as previous Presidents have!!!

Best place to catch food in Tampa, Fl? Not Tampa, but Shunda K’s kitchen wit’ Tedra cooking it up for all us…lets eat!!!

Best food to catch on the road? If you don’t have peoples to stay wit’, get chu a room wit a kitchen; they pretty cheap. Cook ya own damn food and stop being so lazy!!! (YEAH! quit bein’ so lazy peoples!)

Best part of being on tour? The best part of being on tour is coming in contact wit’ the people waiting to see me do my thang; in turn seeing and hearing how their life has been changed forever!!!

HOW BADASS ARE YOU!? Dont lie! haha. I put da BADASS in BADASS (haha, my wife told me to say dat).

But, on da real, “Im Da Most Wanted…Cause So Many Niggas Fronted, the Best To Eva Came, Grande Dame, SHUNDA K!” Dats Me!!!

SMILE: Anything else you’d like to say to the people in “itty bitty” plant city, Florida, USA!?

Shunda K: I love my city and all my peoples all over the world, Itty Bitty Plant City!

Shots out to da Country Click and them country Chicks in Bealsville, FL.

Holla bac Tampa Bay!!!

Wassup World???

Peace & Real Love,

Shunda K - Smile For Camera

"Exclusive Blog Report from Khalil Amani with Shunda K of Yo Majesty"

I’ve just spent a wonderful twenty-four hours with Shunda K of Yo! Majesty and her crew of dancers, DJ, and significant other! (As gracious as Shunda K & Company were to my family, I feel as though I should be thanking them for blessing my home with their presence!) Being from Florida myself, it was a breath of fresh air listening to Shunda K’s “country grammar.” Four words come to mind about Shunda K.—Salt of the Earth!

Dread-locked, tatted up, country slang, ride or die chick with a quiet disposition—Shunda K has a confidence and spirituality unparalleled in this hip-hop game. She knows what she wants and she’s hell-bent on following her calling—most likely without Yo! Majesty!

Sometimes shyt just doesn’t work!

We chopped it up about her life, gay hip-hop and her career and I think the general public is being misled about those things pertaining to Yo! Majesty—but I’ll let her tell it in her own words, in her own time. But I will say this! She is the “Michael Jackson” of her crew and Shunda K is a real MC with real mic skills!

I had the chance to catch the Denver leg of her tour and she ripped it! “Kryptonite Pussy”—she killed it! This sista isn’t letting the woes of Yo! Majesty stop her! And quite frankly, she is solo material! With her back-up dancers, Apollo and Shiva, their stage presence exudes sensuality and sexuality—heat and passion that is intense and gratifying to the senses. Couple that with raw lyricism and in-your-face feminism, homegirl is “’bout it, ‘bout it!”

Forget what you heard! Shunda K is the ish!

Now this rift between Shunda K and band mate Jwl B.—having read Jwl B’s publicist’s criticism of Shunda and having sat down with Shunda K, I can say that Yo! Majesty seems to be a done deal. If Jwl B’s publicist is telling the world that Shunda K is speaking “false allegations” towards Jwl B, please tell us what they are! What purpose does it serve for Shunda K to say it’s God’s “divine intervention” that her rapping cohort is in jail? Surely, the half has not been told!

It’s no secret that these two ladies do separate interviews and photos. (That, in and of itself, says that there is some bullshit brewing!) That definitely speaks to the fact that there is a huge problem within the group. And so, Shunda K has made her views public. Now we wait for Jwl’s comments—not her “publicist’s!”

Historically, “publicists” are sycophants (brown-nosers) that are paid to clean up the image and reputation of their client, whom, in many cases, are just that—guilty of some bullshit that is as true as the day is long! (Let us hear the “truth” from the horse’s mouth!)

All we know, for sure, is that Jwl B is dealing with some criminality that she may or may not be guilty of. It is not Shunda K’s “credibility” that is in question (as Jwl B’s publicist tries to make). She is not being investigated by law enforcement! She is not sitting in jail thinking about how her life has turned out! She is touring—doing the damned thang! As a matter of credibility, the onus, is on Jwl B, not Shunda K, because at this point, it is Jwl B who ”appears” to have run afoul of the law. Shunda K simply stated how she feels about the situation within the group! Should we discount her story behind the words of a third-party source—a goddamned “publicist”—who doesn’t deal with the group on a daily basis and probably has not witnessed firsthand the problems between these two artists? “False allegation?” Fuck outta here!

I am privy to information, which leads me to believe that there is irreparable damage done and that it is only wishful thinking that these two sistas will reconcile their differences. At the very least, I hope that they can each continue rapping and pursue their artistic goals.

On another (beefing) note—as much as we want and need unity in this Out hip-hop scene, sometimes we gotta go at another rapper—not for B/S “promotion,” but for real disrespect! Legitimate beef! The kind of beef that stems from one (older) rapper expecting a (younger) rapper to automatically bow down to his rapping achievements. The younger cats respect the older cats who lead by example—not boasting, not arrogant, not resting on their laurels, not acting as though their shyt don’t stink!

They say, “You’ve got to give respect to get respect!” I say, “We should respect everybody from the jump—until they act otherwise!”

That is what all of our religions teach us—“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The Golden Rule. -

"Shunda K on The New Gay"

2. Shunda K, Yo! Majesty:

If you’re into compelling backstories, you might want to put on your pajamas and get some popcorn before reading about Dance-hopper Shunda K. Without getting into too many of the details, she came out to to her family at the age of 18, but couldn’t take the pressures of being out and married a christian preacher in 2003. She soon dumped him and, after too many dalliances with “Straight up hos,” made a vow to god that she would remain celebate until Jan. 1st, 2006, unless she met her dream girl beforehand. Oddly enough, she did and has been with the woman since. Hallmark stories aside, Shunda also has been blessed with lighting fast rhyming skills and a gift for giggle-inspiring song titles like “Kryptonite Pussy.” - The New Gay

"Interview With Yo Majesty's Shunda K"

It's no wonder that Tampa-based hip-hop sensation Yo Majesty is known as a bit of a party band. Song titles such as "Get Down on the Floor," "Grindin' and Shakin'" and "Party Hardy" — not to mention band member Jwl B's penchant for going shirtless at live shows — certainly further that idea. As do lyrics such as "Bootylicious, very yummy, in my dictionary, honey" (from "Booty Clap").

But that doesn't mean people don't take Yo Majesty's music seriously. The group won early acclaim with their 2006 debut EP, featuring tracks such as "Kryptonite P----" and "Club Action," even if unenlightened DJs commented that the group was "too gay." The band also garnered a cult following.

Yo Majesty's new record, Futuristically Speaking … Never Be Afraid, will be released in the U.K. later this month and worldwide in September. The band just performed at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival on Aug. 8, and in the fall these frequent globetrotters head to Brazil.

Shunda K, who turned 28 at the beginning of August, is perhaps the more serious of the band's members. She's hoping to resume graduate study (in business with an emphasis on e-commerce) as soon as her busy schedule of performing, recording and producing/managing other acts lets up. And at the beginning of next year, she's moving one state over to Georgia, where she said she's "looking forward to taking over the ATL, 'cause that's the hip-hop capital."

In the meantime, she spoke with about her band, her music, her fiancée and God.

It's no wonder that Tampa-based hip-hop sensation Yo Majesty is known as a bit of a party band. Song titles such as "Get Down on the Floor," "Grindin' and Shakin'" and "Party Hardy" — not to mention band member Jwl B's penchant for going shirtless at live shows — certainly further that idea. As do lyrics such as "Bootylicious, very yummy, in my dictionary, honey" (from "Booty Clap").

But that doesn't mean people don't take Yo Majesty's music seriously. The group won early acclaim with their 2006 debut EP, featuring tracks such as "Kryptonite P----" and "Club Action," even if unenlightened DJs commented that the group was "too gay." The band also garnered a cult following.

Yo Majesty's new record, Futuristically Speaking … Never Be Afraid, will be released in the U.K. later this month and worldwide in September. The band just performed at the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival on Aug. 8, and in the fall these frequent globetrotters head to Brazil.

Shunda K, who turned 28 at the beginning of August, is perhaps the more serious of the band's members. She's hoping to resume graduate study (in business with an emphasis on e-commerce) as soon as her busy schedule of performing, recording and producing/managing other acts lets up. And at the beginning of next year, she's moving one state over to Georgia, where she said she's "looking forward to taking over the ATL, 'cause that's the hip-hop capital."

In the meantime, she spoke with about her band, her music, her fiancée and God. Maybe you can clear up some confusion for me: I've seen you listed as a duo and as a trio.
Shunda K: We were a trio, but Shon B is no longer with the band. It's just me and Jwl since last August. It's been about a year, but they just be getting the stories mixed up all the time and slipping our lives around. They write about us with one name but with somebody else's story. It's crazy.

AE: Is there anything you want to set the record straight on?
SK: Yeah. The song that I did with Peaches is not called "Raspberry Cocaine." Raspberry Cocaine is another artist that I'm working with on a project. But I did a song with Peaches called "Buck You Like a Billionaire," so I want to clear that up. That's pretty much it for right now. There's some other stuff, but it's not even worth going all the way back.

AE: It seems like you guys play at a lot of music festivals.
SK: Yeah, we do play a lot of them. I like it. It's the opportunity to appeal to the masses. And the more people we can appeal to at one time, the better.

AE: Do you find new audiences that way?
SK: Yeah, we do. Being able to just go all over the world — this is a global vision. It's not just meant for Tampa or the United States; this is for the whole wide world, this message.

AE: I know you guys will be at the Michigan [Womyn's Music] Festival. Have you been there before?
SK: No, I've never been to Michigan before, so I'm looking forward to, you know, scoutin' out the land. [laughs] We're hoping to gain some new fans and just deliver the message — penetrate the hearts of the people with the truth and what's real. I'm trying to be more proactive now. The world is f---ed up, and everybody's just sitting on their ass, waiting on somebody else to do something. It's time to take responsibility, man — even if it ain't your responsibility. But it is if you live here on this earth. We should all want a better place to live.

AE: Does music give you an opportunity to further that?
SK: Hell yeah. I'm working on a song right now where I'm talking about how there's nothing wrong with a black president, and I'm just getting deep. Like telling the radio stations how you know damn well ain't three and a half minutes enough time for anybody to tell a message. By the time I'm done with it, it's gonna be five minutes long and I need some air play on it.

AE: Have people had issues with "Kryptonite P----" or other songs?
SK: When they released the EP online, they sent it to all the DJs, and some of the comments were that it was too gay. … But it's not the typical gay track, if that's what you want to label it. When I listen to the EP or album, it don't sound like a gay EP or a gay album to me.

I just want people to be open-minded to it. You might as well get on the bandwagon, because you're gonna be one of the ones that now you don't like it but just because everyone else do, now all the sudden you like it. I don't want to deal with your fake ass. Keep it real, you know? We've had shows where we get there and the people treat us like s---, and then after we kill it on stage, man, they're kissin' our ass. After we show and prove, it's like: Oh, how may I serve Yo Majesty? [laughs]

AE: Your live shows sound like they get pretty crazy.
SK: Well, they have. Honestly, on the last tour I had the opportunity to finish the tour on my own, which meant that I was able to get more into my Shunda K mode. Just be myself and not feel any pressure. I did that and people responded well. I even invited a few other artists that I know, and I know to hold it down live, to come and finish the tour with me.

My whole set every night — I'd just tell the promoter I need two hours to do my thing. Josh Bloom opened up the show, and he's an indie rock artist in Manhattan. After him I had Supahero GoGo Star go up, and they're two gay guys, six feet tall, black, dark and handsome, both of them. They're into some electronic, techno, Sylvester-type — that's one of their role models. He was this gay singer back in the days when being openly gay was like: Oh hell no, are you for real? He was open with his s--- and had a lot of respect for the people.

From there, Rosetta Stoned would come up. I don't even know what kind of style you would call that. It's some other kind of hip-hop. And then I would close the show out with some Yo Majesty tracks. Then I got a chance to do some solo stuff. It went real good. It really moved the people, that variety of music. They were full when they left the place.

AE: What did you mean when you said you felt "less pressure"?
SK: Well, keeping it real, there's some tension between the Majesties. So, sometimes I have to cut myself short because of just trying to keep the peace. I'm dealing with a situation where — I don't know how deep I should get because your ass is probably going to write up everything I tell you. [laughs] Just know that there's tension. And all the team is trying to do what they can to save Yo Majesty as we all know it. And I hope that happens.

What I am looking for is Domino renegotiating this contract that Yo Majesty signed and releasing me as solo artist to do what the hell I want to do. And then, not only that, but giving me an imprint so that I can release albums next year. I'm more than just an artist. I'm more than just a black chick from the 'hood. I have an education. The most important thing is I'm on a mission and I have a heart. And what I'm trying to do is the best for the whole wide land.

AE: So, if you had your way, would you see yourself in the near future just doing solo work, or would you like it to be some solo work, working with new artists, and also working with Yo Majesty?
SK: Yeah, I'm going to be doing all of that, everything you just mentioned. I'm already doing it. I'm already working with my own artists, getting their albums recorded, featuring on their albums, and doing all kinds of collaborations all over the world. … When I'm home, I'm working. When I'm on the road, I'm working. All around the clock, never stop.

I'm doing it all. I've got a production company and a management company. The way my attorney explained it to me, a production company is the same as a record company, just without the distribution. So I'm just seeking physical distribution, because I can release the albums worldwide digitally. I just need physical distribution and a booking agent and I will be unstoppable. For real, for real. [laughs]

But I feel good. I just had to get proactive on their ass. I did this song with Rosetta Stoned called "Stand" and I say: "I had to get proactive on their ass. Now they're glad to do anything I ask. Me letting the motherf---ers try me is in the past. And last not least, I wanna encourage everybody in the streets to stand. Rosetta Stoned, Shunda K got you, man."

Straight up. Don't let the bully beat you up no more. Take a stand for what you know is right, what you deserve. I'm gonna get everything I deserve and I'm having to take it by force. I'm just taking what's rightfully mine.

AE: Do you do most of the songwriting or do you guys collaborate?
SK: We go back and forth. We have a song called "Blame It on the Change" and we both wrote the hook for that. And Jwl wrote the hook on "Kryptonite" and "Monkey." I'm not trying to say she's not serious, but I concentrate on more serious stuff, like "Never Be Afraid" and "Break Bread."

AE: Are you pretty political?
SK: Oh, hell yeah. But all the way around; I can party too. But everyone can do that. That's what Yo Majesty do. … But I want to use my solo career as a platform to speak out on behalf of people.

And then I have another artist name that I go by, DAT GIRL. It's an acronym for "divinely attributed to God in real life." With that, it's just me and God, whatever He put in my spirit to say.

Right now I'm engaged, and I just revamped a song that I did a few years ago that's called "First Encounter." So, this is the first time that Dat Girl is gonna get off on love stuff. It's dealing with love and my relationship, and even talking about the problems, but just in a different way. I guess, in a way of what would Jesus do?

AE: Do you feel any kind of conflict between being gay and being religious?
SK: I'm not religious. No, I don't feel a conflict with being gay and loving the Lord. What fueled that is I was doing a celibacy thing, and I prayed and asked God to bless me with my wife. And I was so nervous and couldn't believe I was talking to God. … And I had some different requests as far as what I wanted this woman to possess, and by January she was in my life and we've been together ever since. God answered my prayer. …

I don't have time to worry about what I've been taught — all the scary stuff, that you're gonna burn and all that. I don't want to burn! That's why I got married [to a man, from 2003 to 2005], 'cause I didn't want to go to hell. And that didn't even work. I tried to do what I was supposed to do according to tradition and religion, and it still didn't work. So don't stress me out about that s---! [laughs] - AfterEllen

"Shunda K makes the NME's "Cool" list."

41. Shunda K, Yo Majesty
One half of Florida's most potty-mouthed lesbian hip-hop duo, Shunda K is typical of the hard-partying, needle-in-the-red spirit that re-energised hip-hop in 2008. - NME Magaine

"Yo! Majesty Press"

Press Quotes!:

"...their groove theory sounds mad, bad and dangerous." - Black Book

"In a sea of bands trying to be different, Yo Majesty couldn't blend in if they tried. Futuristically Speaking has been a long time coming, and is full of electro-rap gems" - NYLON

"...imagine Salt-N-Pepa as lesbians from Tampa rapping at the speed of light" - Elle

"(Yo! Majesty) make hip-hop fun again without compromising substance or a distinctive identity. Think Fannypack with soul. A Fergie-esque sound that's not annoying. Gnarles Barkley showmanship, rooted in feminist ideologies." - GO!

"Imagine a J.J. Fad gone bad or Kathleen Hanna as a strip-club evangelist, and you've begun to approximate Yo! Majesty's sexually empowered sound." - SPIN

"Quite simply saved the festival's last day. The two lesbos from Tampa got onstage and tore a giant vagina into the Norweigian landscape." - BPM

"Yo Majesty came out and embraced the crowd with the kind of glowing appreciation you cannot fake." - BPM

"Yo! Majesty is poised to take over the world, one dance floor at a time." - UR Chicago

"I've seen the future of leftfield hip-hop and its name is Yo! Majesty." - XLR8R

"The Tampa Twosome mix crunk with electro, Miami bass and a heavy dose of unabashed lesbian sexuality on one of the years' standout releases." - Big Shot

"While so many rappers grope vainly for realness, Yo Majesty brashly flash their freakiness in your face." - SPIN

"[Yo Majesty's] sound bumps like nuclear crunk." - SPIN

"...A debut that's fresh on originality and and raw enough to make Uncle Luke and Joan Rivers blush." - Big Shot

"Florida's awesome-as awesome as anyone might expect from any act with a song called 'Kryptonite Pussy' - Yo Majesty doesn't traffic in nostalgia. It's music is very much of the here and now, especially the way it subtly blurs the distinctions between then and now." - Time Out Chicago

"Sexual, Spiritual and buoyantly unrestrained." - Reax

"...The music's positvie, live-and-love-your-own-way message rings through in any context for those willing to listen." - Reax

"Yo Majesty wears the crown as the only lesbian rap group that spits the word of god, and even non -believers are listening." - Bust

"Absolutely timeless... they sound like Gangsta Boo over JJ Fad tracks... Brilliant. You need this." - Vice Magazine

"First amazing surprise of SXSW07: The glorious electro-rap of Yo Majesty, three party ladies from Florida... Think ESG meets The Geto Boys. Or something. Beautiful." - The Onion AV Club

"Our current get-up-and-go-out soundtrack. 'Fuck that shit' is as much as we can memorize on our favorite cut 'Club Action,' but we're alright with that. Your DJ nights need this track: - Stereogum

"Yo Majesty take their cue from ESG and bang out hip hop infused new wave disco jams." - DJ Magazine

"At last punk-funk-crunk rap!" - Mixmag

"They've coined a female equivalent of macho that is far removed from the hypersexualized come 'n' get it attitude." - Time Out London

"Regular rhythmic shifts, an abundance of pop smarts and a soulful aggro." - Plan B Magazine

"'Daaaamn!' That's all we can say when we listen to the rap riot that is Yo Majesty, three freaky Florida femmes with rhymes spicier than Salt -N-Pepa and bombastic beats that'd make J.J. Fad proud (eat your humps out, Fergie). This old-school girl trio may be naughty — check out the choppy synth bobs and bossy braggadocio of "Kryptonite Pussy" and "Hustle Mode" — but the fierce delivery makes it come off fresh, never forced." - LA Weekly - WORLDWIDE


2006 ~ YO! EP (Out There Recordings)

2008 ~ Kryptonite Pussy EP (Domino Records)

2008 ~ Futuristically Speaking...Never Be Afraid (Domino Records)

2010 ~ The Most Wanted (Fanatic Records)



Shunda K reunites with Yo! Majesty’s Shon B on “I’m Da Best” single out October 25th.

Maxi-single is second track from Shunda K’s upcoming solo album debut, “The Most Wanted”.

Shunda K has reunited with former Yo! Majesty band mate Shon B on the second single from Shunda K’s upcoming solo debut album, The Most Wanted. The song, “I’m Da Best” marks the first time that the two ladies have appeared on record together since the legendary track “Club Action” that started the Yo! Majesty phenomenon in the first place. Shunda explains, “I created da name and vision of Yo! Majesty in January, 1998. I made it a group when I met Shon B in 2000.” A decade later, the pair and is back and the message is intact. According to Shunda K, “I’m Da Best” is “…dedicated to all my ladies out there dat felt you had to sacrifice your bodies for a place in dis world.”

The track will be officially released on October 25th, 2010 as part of a nearly hour-long maxi-single featuring the album version along with remixes by a host of up and coming producers including The Superions, Pumpsta, The Surecut Kids, ConeyGurl and others. The Les Gourmets remix of the track features the French rap group laying it down in their native language and the Koax The Droid remix made the cut as the winner of a contest held as an effort to introduce yet another talented producer to the world.

Recently, the UK’s legendary music paper, NME, named Shunda K’s “Here I Am To Save The World” single as one of its “10 Tracks You Need To Hear This Week” at #2 right behind Kanye West.

The maxi-single for “Here I Am To Save The World,” a collaboration with Cindy Wonderful of Scream Club was released worldwide on July 27th, 2010. The single is Shunda K’s first release as part of her new partnership with Fanatic Records to be followed by “I’m Da Best” on October 25th, 2010 and Shunda K’s solo debut album The Most Wanted on January 11th, 2011.