The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
While we have no original music out, we have been included in a book, several mentions and pictures in BETTER TO REIGN IN HELL: Life Inside The Raiders Nation. We played 15x over 6 seasons for the Black Hole Tailgate,have played in front of over 50 Motorcycle clubs in Ca and NV, 2x nominated for a MAMA Award and are the '04,07'08 ModestoBee ReadersChoice winner for Favorite Local Band

We are all Raiders fans. We all love Alice In Chains. We've been together as a band for over 11yrs, 7 with our current line-up. Consistency is what sets us apart. Our conviction to play more difficult music then our contemporaries, both musically and vocally. Not falling into the latest trends or following the pack. Others try to do like us, not us like them. The wise man learns more from the fool than the fool form the wise man. The eagle doesn't hunt flies.