Stefan Kristinkov
New York City, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 1993 | INDIE
The best kept secret in music
When you can draw me in within a few got me!! I love it!!
- Christine McHoes - RN
Exquisite, beautifully performed music. "Smooth Ride" is just brilliant, but as a composition it's "Summer Forest" that excites me.. love the more free-form structure and tone to it.. a few more melodic climbs too..
- Mike White - RN
.....excellent clarinet playing....I love to hear a clarinet well played, a la Eddie Daniels, Buddy De Franco, or Tony Coe... - Broadjam
I like hearing music from composers who are "unafraid". The music actually goes somewhere... Good playing... Ahh Clarinet! - Broadjam
Feeling a bit camera shy
Stefan Kristinkov (Stefan K) is an eclectic concert, popular and film music composer and a clarinetist with an extensive performing background.
Stefan's compositional work has been greatly influenced by his extensive knowledge of classical music, ethnomusicology, jazz, as well as Eastern-European minimalism and postmodernism. His music is characterized by fluid architectural design, focused motivic textures, stylistically eclectic compositional techniques, a highly expressive melodic, rhythmic and dynamic language, as well as imaginative developmental strategies. His advanced orchestration skills and diverse musical structuring coupled with his inventive fusion of various, often, unexpected elements and techniques, allow him to create memorable underscores that are often praised at film festivals. Regardless of being an accomplished musician, music producer and an ambitious composer with years of professional experience, Stefan retains his profound curiosity allowing him to consistently explore new ideas and pursue unique creative solutions.