For a band that has been around as long as Suckerpunch has, it would seem like these guys should have moved away by now and started making regular appearances on Fuse or other media outlets where their particular brand of ska/punk would be appreciated on a national scale. However, they have managed to stick it out int the suburban wastelands of Orlando and keep upping the ante when it comes to new recordings and live shows. I for one find that Suckerpunch is the perfect antidote for an often stale and dated punk scene in Central Florida, and with the addition of a full brass section, they should be challenging the new guard very soon in the ways of attracting a crowd. Suckerpunch started out in 2000 when Jeff added bass player Yellow and a drummer to his ska/reggae acoustic performances. In 2001 JT joined the band replacing their first drummer and the band started writing and releasing music at a rapid fire pace for three years. They built up a considerable fan base, played some amazing shows, however with trouble brewing behind the scenes the band took a two year hiatus from Dec 2004 until Dec 2006. With their problems fading into the past, the band reunited and immediately went on tour to release their album “Panic at Nabizco” which had originally been scheduled to come out in January 2005. Since then the band has continued writing new songs, playing as many shows as possible, promoting themselves via the internet, and recording and releasing EPs in order to get new material into the hands of the people. Their drummer and tour manager, JT, made it clear to us how coming back and developing a following again has made it fun to be chasing this dream into his early 30's, “For the first time in years I feel like we’re relevant musically and recognizably to this state and this scene again.” Be sure to catch Suckerpunch as they will most certainly be playing a venue near you, anywhere in Florida, and be sure to keep an eye on any release dates as their latest offerings have been worth the wait.
-Billy Myers - Connections Magazine
Department of the Inferior (2008)
Lost and Found (radio)
Fat People are Harder 2 Kidnap (radio)

Suckerpunch started out as a three piece punk band in 1999, at first it was Jeff, Yellow and a seemingly endless string of unmotivated or shady characters behind the drums. In 2001, JT joined the band and things started to get pretty serious. They picked up a sax and trumpet on the way, and next thing you know they're playing every major venue in the state, opening up for national and regional bands, getting spots on Warped Tour, and everything was going swimmingly. That is until they played their best show ever, at House of Blues in Orlando on December 22, 2004. That show was great, guys dressed like Santa tossing over 100 individually wrapped xmas gifts into the crowd, kids going absolutely nuts for the music, we just had a blast. However, the next day our dear friend Jeff decided to leave the band and move to New Mexico for two years in order to clean himself up. Well, not wanting to accept the fact his band might be done for, JT started actively promoting the band online and even took the initiative to finish the last studio project they had been working on, and in December of 2006, brought Jeff home and took Suckerpunch on the road in support of Dan Potthast. The tour was mainly around FL and we were on the road with Dan Potthast of Mu330 fame, and the time apart really made us appreciate just being able to play together again. Since Jeff's return, we have stabilized our horn section with three great, talented and hard working guys, we are in the middle of recording our next CD which we think is going to be the single greatest CD of all time... ok, that might be going a bit far, but its turning out pretty darn good if we must say so. Plus, we're making tons of friends, and to be perfectly honest, we're some pretty damn nice guys who try to help out anyone we can. We're just hoping to very soon be on the receiving end of a little help for our own someday, but in the meantime, we'll continue to write, record and play for anyone who wants to hear or see us, and that pretty much sums up the Suckerpunch: behind the music script. Most recently Suckerpunch has finished recording their newest release, Department of the Inferior, which was set for release on Halloween night 2008.