The Asteroid Shop
Gig Seeker Pro

The Asteroid Shop

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | INDIE

Los Angeles, California, United States | INDIE
Established on Jan, 2010
Band Alternative Shoegaze




"The Asteroid Shop - She Moves" - Indie Buddie

"The Asteroid Shop - Vanished -- Song Premiere" - Obscure Sound

"Top 30 Pop Criterion Songs of 2012"

Our song 'Destroyer' at No. 14 in a cool list with bands such as The XX, Grimes, Beach House, Dirty Projectors, and more! -

"The Asteroid Shop - She Moves" - Reverb is For Lovers

"Amor Louco Review"

Referências: Banda americana de Austin, Texas. Indie-rock, shoegaze, alternativo. Ouvir o som desta banda foi uma grata surpresa. Um belo vocal e boas melodias para curtir em qualquer momento. Dá uma escutada em “Destroyer” e “Pure Things”, entre outras. Formda por Eric Brendo (guitarra e vocal), Michael Kester (teclados), Todd Pruner (guitarra), Jonathan Konya (bateria) e Mick Southerland (baixo), eis uma grande estréia. Já estão com um ep na praça. Não percam!!! - Amor Louco Blog

"Mention on MOG Blog!"

The Asteroid Shop – Distant Luxury – These spacey alternative rockers keep their shoegazey edge on this accessible new 4-track EP. - MOG

"Distant Luxury EP Review - HVTBM"

Oh Austin, TX… Let me count the ways I love thee. Not only does Austin have dry desert heat, great food and great beer. Austin obviously has great music festivals. Like the well known SXSW and the not so hyped, but equally amazing, ACL festival. There is also, more than a healthy serving of fantastically, wonderful bands that have been coming out of the Austin area for a while now. For instance, Ghostland Observatory and Spoon.

Enough about Austin and onto The Asteroid Shop! The band recorded their “Self-Titled” debut album and their upcoming EP “Distant Luxury“, at Austin’s Cacophony Recorders, with the assistance of Producer/Engineer Erik Wofford. Wofford has also worked with one of my favorite Austin-based bands, Black Angels. Along with acts like, Grupo Fantasma and Explosions In The Sky.

The Asteroid Shop has a somewhat wall-of-sound aesthetic, but not to the point where certain melodies are so obscured that they are almost subliminal, à la, My Bloody Valentine’s album “Loveless”. The drums on the “Distant Luxury” EP are big and take up a lot of space, sonically speaking. The mixed timbres of acoustic guitars and ethereal synths, add fantastic dynamics.

The straight-ahead qualities of “Hazy Love” and the title track, “Distant Luxury” are a complimentary, counterpoint to the dreamier pieces on the EP. The latter song, “Distant Luxury” has a wonderfully explosive and expansive song structure. The half-time section of what I believe to be the Bridge of the tune, takes the listener on a musical journey. The song “Alone“, has a early ’90s vibe and brings to mind the British Shoegaze band, Chapterhouse.

After listening to The Asteroid Shop’s upcoming EP, “Distant Luxury“. My summation is The Asteroid Shop never leans musically too much to one side, not too dreamy, not to straight-ahead. In an era of looking back and re-hashing past decades, I feel that this Austin, TX band is musically looking forward. - Harnessing Viruses to Build Machines

"Ovrld Review of Distant Luxury EP"

The Asteroid Shop, has recently released Distant Luxury, an EP follow-up to their debut full-length which came out last year. The now 5-member group reached the national spotlight with their first release and has now added some interesting elements to their second outing. On Distant Luxury, The Asteroid Shop has incorporated more elements into their typical wall-of-sound / ambient sound. You’ll still hear their My Bloody Valentine and Spiritualized influences, but you’ll also hear sonic elements not typical of these outfits. On “Hazy Love” and “Burn Out” female backing vocals (courtesy of Olivia Vale), fill out the sound and, throughout a few songs on the EP, synthy chords and melody lines bring a poppier feel to the record.

My favorite track off the EP is “Hazy Love.” With powerful drumming, a growling bass guitar part and a cacophonous crescendo, “Hazy Love” is a dramatic and a striking way to end the EP. On this track, The Asteroid Shop have teamed up with members of The Ghost Wolves. Carley Wolf, in a guest appearance, plays bass on this tune while Jonathan Konya aka Jonathan Wolf takes his normal seat at the drums. Jonathan seems to have been playing for The Asteroid Shop since close to its inception. With this project, he’s definitely brought a different style to his percussion than in The Ghost Wolves. In The Asteroid Shop, Jonathan fills up the sound with bombastic and dramatic drum parts while in The Ghost Wolves, Jonathan’s drumming is almost melodic or lyrical, frequent drum fills or solos pick up where vocals leave off and carry the songs.

The Asteroid Shop has paired up again with Erik Wofford producer/engineer who has recorded the likes of Explosions in the Sky and Grupo Fantasma. His experience seems to be a great match for The Asteroid Shop who combine ambient/post rock sonic elements with pieces from more traditional rock outfits. Eric Brendo, the leading force of The Asteroid Shop, has surrounded himself with very talented people that have allowed his songwriting to shimmer. We’re excited to hear what’s next from Eric and crew but for now we can enjoy “Hazy Love” and the rest of the Distant Luxury EP. - Ovrld Music Blog

"Big Takeover Review"

With a singer, Eric Brendo (ex-Downtown), who sounds like a dead ringer for Steve Kilbey of The Church, this Austin band proudly straddles the line between dreampop and shoegaze, but with the pedal steel guitar and sense of vast expanses so often appear wielded by Americans occupying that territory. "Ashes" even sounds like a spacey sort of country-rock. It's easy to think that all this stuff sounds the same, but actually, once past the obvious similarities, almost every such band puts its own spin on the general sound, and Asteroid Shop is more distinctive than many. ( - The Big Takeover Magazine

"Marco Stecz Review"

Americanos de Austin, Texas, este grupo conta com ótimos músicos e está lançando este ótimo trabalho com uma sonoridade que remete ao Esplosion in the Sky, Spiritualized e bandas similares, apesar de novos na cena alternativa musical seus músicos são respeitados com apresentações ao vivo convincentes e suas viagens que remetem ao space rock e guitar sounds característicos dos anos 90, evidentemente percebe-se uma certa fluência rock´n roll com suas instrumentações sem firúlas de estúdio para disfarçar imperfeições sonoras. Belo trabalho. - The Sound & the Fury

"The POP! Stereo Review"

Somewhere between a broken heart and a nervous breakdown The Asteroid Shop is hurtling towards shuffling off it's mortal coil. Downtrodden, downbeat, and lingering somewhere between garage rock, shoegazing, and sad core, the band have released a document of their emotional trauma that goes by the name of Asteroid Shop. Believe it or not, this record is rather stunning and beautiful despite sounding like it was recorded completely on Ambien.

If you can imagine a more drugged out Spacemen 3 or a hyper Low, you can kind of picture where The Asteroid Shop is hurtling from. With what seems like banks of echo chambers, pedals, effects, and a heavy heart the band constructs its unearthly songs as if their lives depended on it. The album is absolutely massive and rockets toward the outer galaxies with its reverby, echoy riffs and vocals. Had this record been released in 1993 they could have challenged someone like Medicine or even Spiritualized for drug induced space jam of the year.

Asteroid Shop is an amazing record that's from another time and another place. It's a spiritual, dreamy, hazy, and ethereal while finding melodies and emotions in the strangest places. The Asteroid Shop has created a fantastic post-shoegazing album of sad core delights. Psychedelic and slightly destitute Asteroid Shop is one amazing record worth seeing a psychiatrist about. - The POP! Stereo music blog

"Austinist Show Preview"

A lot of Texas bands sing about our state’s wide-open spaces and natural beauty, but the Asteroid Shop use all this terrain as a springboard for something a bit more extra-terrestrial. After touring the country during the last half of 2011, the group is coming home to the Mohawk tonight to celebrate an auspicious start.

After months of work, the local five-piece released their self-titled debut last October. They recorded the album with producer extraordinaire Erik Wofford, who’s had a hand in albums by the Black Angels, Explosions In The Sky, Voxtrot, and many, many more. He’s a perfect fit for the Asteroid Shop—their music is big, bathed in guitar textures and keyboard effects, but Wofford was able to capture that feel and bring it to a more personal level. The band’s spacey post-rock is easy to get lost in, especially on more melodic tracks like “Dandelion” and “Destroyer.” - Austinist

"PopMatters Review"

The Asteroid Shop is a gauzy, hazy slab of pop-rock goodness that roars—dreamily—out of your speakers in a way that’s almost comforting. There isn’t much about the band that’s especially new, but sometimes familiarity breeds not contempt, but appreciation. That’s certainly the case here.

Opening track “Destroyer” is among the album’s most raucous, built up from layers of guitar distortion, while “Planetary” takes an initially more placid turn before erupting into an unexpected but welcome crescendo. Other tunes follow the pattern of being either mainly-acoustic introspections or quiet shoegaze meltdowns. A few tracks stand out, namely “Dandelion”, with its shimmering layers of synth and guitar, and album closer “Sinner’s Life” which trades in both jangly reverb and a gentle, affecting melody. Songs tend to be well-written and tightly performed. It’s a pity then that the weakest link is arguably singer Eric Brendo, whose vocals tend to be thin and rather forgettable. The Asteroid Shop isn’t going to rewrite the rock songbook and isn’t trying to, but for fans of dreamy noise, they’re worth a listen. - PopMatters

"Stagedive Malta - Dandelion Review"

Listening to The Asteroid Shop’s ‘Dandelion’ is not dissimilar to flying a spaceship into the unknown areas of the cosmos. There’s this sort of spacey beginning, but well into the song everything materialises and all this panoramic beauty envelopes you. As you speed by, lots of things go flying past your window: asteroids, comets, constellations, supernovas, the whole lot. ‘Dandelions’ then bursts into a volley of la la la’s. At that point (as we are continuing with our song/space metaphor) your spaceship bursts through some solar barrier and disintegrates. The track ends like space debris floating aimlessly.

If this sounds to vague … it’s really just my way of saying that I like this song – especially the la la la bit. Those always rule.

You can now go to infinity and beyond as we’re offering the song as a download: - Stagedive Malta

"MVRemix Review"

The Asteroid Shop’s self titled debut is going to make a lot of people really happy. Fronted by a relatively unknown, yet impressively credentialed Eric Brendo, Asteroid lays on the indie sound pretty thick, and tempers it expertly with clean electric guitars and Jonathan Koya’s crisp drumming approach.

The band hails from Austin, TX, and the proof is in the eclectic stream of cult influences found in their product. Every moment is like turning a page in the who’s who of underground rock of the past decade, including but not limited to, Explosions in the Sky, The Dismemberment Plan and just the faintest whisper of Connor Oberst’s latest projects.

Bright Eyes references tend to automatically turn some of the more soulless music fans running in the opposite direction, but just a whiff is present in the tremulous vocals on “Silver Lane” and “Sinner’s Life” and in the overall feeling of wanting to hang your head with your bangs in your face as you listen. Think of it as the pinch of cinnamon in your grandmother’s homemade pancakes. You can’t even really taste it, but it’s the unsung element that makes them taste better than everyone else’s.

Asteroid Shop has cultivated their sound with an invigorating yet soothing quality, leaking morose undertones. There’s a despair that’s not overt, just unapologetically present the band’s pared down nature of doing just enough. Each track says what needs to be said and then ends with a finality forgotten in the first second of the following song. Only to end again. As philosopher Cher Horowitz once affirmed, “They’re way existential.”

This is what The Smashing Pumpkins would sound like if they were still a band. Well, if they continued being a band instead of hastily disbanding and then irrelevantly getting back together for an ill-fated second try out of greed and boredom.

This is what classic rock will sound like to our kids. It’s an album with staying power, if only enough people decide to get up and get on it.

This is what success looks like, Austin style. - MVRemix

"Allmusic Review"

From the big upward-charging chords of "Destroyer" forward, it's pretty clear that Asteroid Shop bandleader Eric Brendo obviously loves his shoegaze-with-an-epic-bent, whether it was via early Verve, his fellow countrymen SIANspheric, or somewhere else entirely. It's a bit of an overdone field at this point, of course -- any worries that the future would somehow forget shoegaze have long been settled -- but if no boundaries are pushed, then the group's self-titled effort is still a bit of catnip for those so inclined. Brendo's voice, while typical of the withdrawn-into-the-mix approach, sometimes has a coolly powerful lift to it, able to make the anthems actually come across as anthems, at least on the chorus. A song like "Dandelion" especially nails it; if the swathed echo suggests the line of descent from acts like the Jesus and Mary Chain, there's also a sense of trying to reach out further instead of hiding away, a bit of 1980s post-punk epicness at play. In combination with some tight, punchy moments throughout, the result's a gentle but enjoyable tension between tripping out and getting some kicks, sometimes right down to a classic rock build and release moment like the not-far-from-Crazy Horse end of "Cold Blue Sea." Organ breaks and general wigginess interrupt the chilled flow, the sweet balladic heft of "Silver Lane" hides happily under the overall trappings -- and then there's "Ashes," which full-on ditches those trappings for a country-rock flow that's more than a little Mojave 3 instead of Slowdive. - Allmusic

"The Asteroid Shop - Vanished" - Barry Gruff


The Asteroid Shop - The Asteroid Shop ---full length LP
The Asteroid Shop - Distant Luxury EP
The Asteroid Shop - On The Rise - single
The Asteroid Shop - She Moves - single
The Asteroid Shop - Vanished - single



Meet The Asteroid Shop; the brainchild of Eric Brendo. Brendo is known
in music circles as the co-founder of Downtown, produced in London by
Flood and Alan Moulder (My Bloody Valentine, The Killers, U2, Smashing
Pumpkins). He also received rave reviews for his 2010 7"
release, Over The Dunes and Into The Cave. The Asteroid Shop 
self-titled debut and ' Distant Luxury' were recorded in Austin, TX @ Cacophony Recorders
with acclaimed Producer/Engineer Erik Wofford (The Black Angels, Grupo
Fantasma, Explosions in the Sky) and features John and Carley (The Ghost Wolves) and Todd Pruner (English Teeth, Kodachrome)

Brendo takes The Asteroid Shop into a world full of elegance & pain,
of ease and tension all at once. This is especially evident on
spotlight tracks like Dandelion, Destroyer and Ashes. The band
skims through the same vast sea as contemporaries Richard Hawley,
Spiritualized and Richard Ashcroft and channeling, at once, the likes
of Mazzy Star, early Pink Floyd, The Secret Machines & My Bloody
Valentine. The Asteroid Shop is a rare treat for folks who still look
for craft in their songs.

Following the self-titled debut the band did several U.S. tour dates
and received respectable radio play as well as reviews in The Big
Takeover, Pop Matters, All Music, and more.

Currently located in Los Angeles, Brendo has joined forces with Ben Hilzinger - Drums (Fitness, Party Nails), Phil Cobb - Guitar (Neo Globs, Mooncult), Chanell O' Farill - Backing Vocals, Brandon Graham - Bass (Levitation Room, Dream Phases) and have released 3 new singles and is recording new material for another single release 8/8/19.

The Asteroid Shop has recently played shows with : The Black Lips, Moaning, Jesika Von Rabbit, Dream Phases, Blackbird Days, The No. 44, and Spirit Mother. 

Band Members