The Bourgeois
Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
To get things going, we have a premiere from Tulsa punks The Bourgeois. Below, you can check out the video for the rockin’ song, “Be Careful With That Sound, It’s Antique.” The song hits hard and is filled with bitter angst, which is perfectly mirrored in the story of the video. When you think of punk rock, when you think of hardcore, you undoubtably think of fashion commentary, right? Sure, some bands tackle the government, others battle with authority forces like religion or the police. The Bourgeois take things a step further and turn their attacks to the horror known as cargo shorts. Dark stuff.
The band told us, “‘Be Careful With That Sound, It’s an Antique’ is about our band trying to cut through the noise in a world full of constant stimulation. We wanted the video to be a metaphor for that futility, and we figured that getting people to accept the awfulness of cargo shorts was commensurate with our struggle.” That’s deep. This video is just one more reason to love this band, so check it out and The Bourgeois as your new hard rock overlords. You’ll dig their sound, we promise. - Nerdist
"Sweet 'n' snotty vocalist/guitarist Zach Mobley knows when to ramp up the swagger to either sex up your honey (and his/her friends) or when some drunk guy needs his clock cleaned with the business end of a guitar. Their stripped-down rock has more heft than a Muay Thai punching bag. Music for people who like to decorate their leather jackets with blood. Nightly." - Alternative Press (issue #339)
“Oklahoma’s The Bourgeois tackle the discreet millennial charm of the new ruling class of weirdos on the single “Designer Genes” that takes the piss out of whatever it takes to succeed in this current climate with a “no future” kinda heaviness that greets futile ambitions with a shrug.” - Impose Magazine
“On the track, The Bourgeois come swinging straight out of the gate with incendiary guitar work and Zach Mobley’s dynamic lead vocal working from punk rock sneer to Black Francis-esque yelps.” - Speak Into My Good Eye
Growing up in rural Oklahoma, Zach Mobley and Ty Clark dealt with their country living by engulfing themselves in punk rock. Despite Clark falling victim to an opioid addiction and eventually prison, he met Mobley and they were off to the races. Upon adding Vance Young, the now-trio became hard charging rockers The Bourgeois. We're excited to premiere the band's new song "Designer Genes." The ferocious guitars allow Mobley's snarl to stand out as their debut EP of the same is a sign of big things to come.
"'Designer Genes,' produced by Trent Bell (The Flaming Lips), is a sardonic look at the future that greets millennials as they graduate college and take their first futile stab at achieving the American Dream," the trio says.
The Bourgeois' Designer Genes EP is out soon. - Purevolume
Ladies and gents, the weekend calls for us to stick two fingers up to the 9-5 and shout “HELL YEAH!” in the direction of a filthy all night party. And even if that doesn’t sound like your cuppa tea, something a little heavier for the weekend just might.
Introducing The Bourgeois, a band from rural Oklahoma who are doing their bit to quash the bible-bet cliche. Merging flecks of Royal Blood, with the likes of Rage Against The Machine and the punk attitude of The Pixies. Comprised of Zach (guitar), Vance (bass) and Ty (drums), this trio are set to make waves in the pond of alternative rock.
Now we’ve sung their praises from the bloody rooftops, it’s time to check out the boys latest offering “Designer Genes“, a track that caught our attention with it’s rip-rawing guitars, heavy basslines and enough punch to give you a black eye. - One Stop Record Shop
The Bourgeois’ “Summer of George” rocks like it’s 2007, their form of alt-metal ticking all the boxes which made bands like Evans Blue and Mudvayne so good. Drop-tuned guitars noodle, drums skitter forward, and lead singer Zach Mobley drawls seethingly over it all. It’s an immersive song, bass and guitar enveloping in the verse and overpowering in the chorus. It’s a time-tested style, and if “Summer of George” is any indication, it’ll continue testing well for a while.
“Summer of George is a dark look at how the hope and optimism that accompany summer can quickly be replaced by laziness and apathy,” says the band.
Designer Genes releases today, July 29. - Pop Matters
If you're a fan of '90s sitcom Seinfeld, then The Bourgeois have the perfect video for you. The visual for their song, "Summer of George," pays homage to none other than George Costanza. Set to rumbling guitars, Zach Mobley lays down the lyrics to roaring guitars as clips of George appear on the screen.
"We can really relate to the 'Summer of George' episode of Seinfeld," the band tells Myspace. "As a band, we've definitely made some grandiose plans only to watch them fall through because we've had to replace a band member or couldn't get the necessary funds together."
Despite their obstacles, the band dropped The Bourgeois dropped their latest, Designer Genes EP, earlier this year and feel at the top of their games.
"Our band lineup has solidified," they said, "and we feel like with the release of the Designer Genes EP, we've finally created something that lives up to our lofty explanations."
Watch the video for "Summer of George" below. - My Space
The Bourgeois has become a Kings favorite. Check out the video for the song American Dream. The most recent 3 song EP was produced by Steven Haigler who has worked with The Pixies, Brand New, and Local H. This 3 piece alt rock band falls between Cage The Elephant and Social Distortion. The band has 2 upcoming performances including June 22nd at the IDL Ballroom in Tulsa as part of their annual NewVo (new voices) show as well as The Eclipse in Tulsa with Hit The Lights on June 19th. - Kings of A&R
Tulsa alternative punk band The Bourgeois — singer/guitarist Zach Mobley, drummer Ty Clark and bassist Shawn Kintz — is celebrating the release of a re-release. Its first full-length album, “We’re Still in the Gutter, but Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars,” combines a previous EP and single with a handful of B-sides.
Mobley and Clark admit this is purposeful: The band, after this year’s addition of Kintz, is locking into place, finding its sound and ready to move forward.
Q: Tell me about the decision to update your last EP and release it as a full-length with new tracks.
Zach Mobley: Last year, we put out an EP, and we didn’t know who we were then. We put it out and didn’t really have things together well enough to tour and that kind of stuff. So we’re releasing that same EP with a different track list, some new songs. It’s a better representation of who we are now, and we’re excited because we really have things figured out a little more now, and we can tour.
Q: How has the rotation of members changed this band’s creative process or its sound?
Ty Clark: Shawn has brought in a lot of the harder-edged punk rock flavor, but every time the lineup changed, the flavor kind of, the band kind of changed. We’ve been through so many changes that the band is constantly evolving in some way or another.
Q: What kinds of bands did you cut your teeth on? What turned you on to playing music?
Mobley: A lot of punk rock and then the alternative grunge things. Bands like Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins were huge for me, and a lot of punk bands. Our music is sort of a combination of all that.
Clark: We’re all Nirvana babies in some way or another. We love The Melvins and that whole modern punk rock stuff. I was never into typical punk rock, but when things hit the ’90s ... I grew up in that era.
Q: You just released a video for your track “Smoke and Mirrors,” and it looks like you guys have done a lot of video work for the band. What value or creative release do you guys get out of producing music videos? There are a ton of Oklahoma bands who never touch the medium.
Mobley: It kind of goes back to when we grew up. It was just so important to know when you liked a band what they looked like or what they did. You wanted to know more about them. I feel like you get more of a sense of personality of a band when you have a visual. It seemed like a natural avenue.
Clark: In a strange way, I feel like the music video has been devalued. We watched “120 Minutes” and all those Spike Jonze videos ... Weezer’s “Buddy Holly,” all that stuff. Now that it’s so accessible, the music video has almost lost its power in a way. All the videos we’ve done have been DIY. We sort of just hashed them out. We have some bigger music video stuff coming out in the future.
Q: Once the record is out, what are your plans for it?
Mobley: We’re excited because we can start touring. It’s a strong representation of the band, but we’re already actively working on our next full-length. We have that about halfway done. We’re going to tour behind this really heavily while we finish that other album. We’ll put that out next year, and it’ll be entirely new songs.
Clark: I felt re-releasing our EP this way was a clever move. It was Zach’s idea. Reissuing that with a few different things was a way to keep putting stuff out. We’re throwing a couple parties for it, see what we can get from it, but of course I can’t say we haven’t been thinking about the next release.
Q: What’s something you definitely want people to know about The Bourgeois? About this record and these upcoming shows?
Mobley: I’d encourage people to give it a shot. Our big thing is that we’re trying to write good songs that we like. We’re doing music we like, not what’s trendy or anything like that. We write for us, and I think people will appreciate that. - NewsOK
The Bourgeois like to keep their rock ’n’ roll simple.
It’s loud and energetic like one would expect from an alt-rock group teetering on punk, but the sound comes from just three guys on guitar, bass and drums.
“Being a three-piece, it sculpts a certain sound,” said Shawn Kintz, the band’s bass player and newest member. “It makes each member important.”
The Bourgeois like to rock hard but still keep it classy as their name suggests.
They’re bringing that rock to the Center of the Universe Festival this weekend, playing Friday at Club Majestic.
On a rainy day last week, their normally rocking sound — one that closed out Rocklahoma the past two years — was unplugged for the latest installment for the Tulsa World’s Backyard Music Series. It was a totally different take for the band, but they like a good challenge.
“To me, it’s way more challenging on guitar,” said lead guitarist and vocalist Zach Mobley. “I can’t just play chords. I have to do both things. As a guitarist, it’s way more challenging to me to be rhythmic and also play leads at the same time. I really like that part of it.”
Playing the stripped-down version for the Backyard Music Series was a different take. Sitting under Christmas lights with rain falling on the roof, drinking whiskey and smoking cigarettes, the stripped-down version was even more bare as an acoustic set.
But another challenge has just been getting their band together.
Mobley formed The Bourgeois in about 2012. He was between bands, and it was really just him recording a few songs with friends who rotated on the recordings.
Ty Clark would come on to play drums soon after, which helped to solidify the band and push it forward.
Kintz came on board about a month ago. But the current iteration has been dynamic as the group finds its just-right sound.
“We all grew up with that Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins sound,” Mobley said. “From there, a lot of us bring our own stuff. We all have our own thing we bring to the table.”
Kintz has known the band members and been a fan for a while. Being the newest member, it’s been exciting to play a style so deeply rooted in his experience, he said.
“There’s a nostalgia to it,” Kintz said. “It’s just a lot of fun for me. When you play these songs, there’s so much energy in it. I couldn’t get the same satisfaction if I was playing anything else.”
That energy has helped to grow the band’s following beyond Tulsa. Mobley said that was a major goal this year: to tour more regionally and expand the band’s influence.
“We’ll do punk stuff, but we’re not afraid to do a big, catchy chorus, too,” Mobley said. “If you’re bored, you can guarantee the crowd’s going to be bored. So you have to play stuff that’s fun.”
To do that, however, they have to have fun themselves.
“We can play crappy show after crappy show and the next day, we’re in the garage practicing for the next one,” Clark said. “It’s not, ‘We had a bad show, we must suck.’ It’s not like that. We know what we’re doing, we like what we’re doing, and we’re just trying to perfect our art, perfect our craft.”
Jerry Wofford 918-581-8346
jerry.wofford@tulsaworld.com - The Tulsa World
The Bourgeois are rolling in from Tulsa to rock the Jackpot on Friday night and they're not even slightly as stuffy as their name might suggest! They have a new EP called "We're All in the Gutter but Some of Us are Looking at the Stars" which you can download free from their official website here or stream via Bandcamp here .
Singer/guitarist Zach stopped by to chat with us about cheap booze, Ernest films, and clique-y music scenes. Catch them with Monster and Night Flights at the Jackpot on Friday (it should start soon after the Cowboy Indian Bear show at LAC ends) and enjoy our interview.
Chip: Tell us about the origin of the band’s name. To be frank, based on the name alone, I’m a little worried that you’re all very sophisticated types who may look down on me and my simple PBR-drinking scenester brethren? Also, you should totally pose for a group photo at the Bourgeois Pig while you’re in town!
Zach: I think "The Bourgeois" was the only band name I came up with that wasn't an unforgivably bad pun, offensive to most, or both (The name "Velveteen Faggots" is still up for grabs, folks.) We have terrible senses of humor, but we're not necessarily terrible people. You can drink mouthwash at the show for all we care. Cheap alcohol beats no alcohol every time.
Richard: With song titles like “Perverting the American Dream,” “Be Your Own Machine,” and “Opium for the Masses,” it sounds like you gents may have some heady ideas on your mind in addition to (we assume) the usual sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Tell us what you see as the themes of the EP. And do you have a personal favorite lyric from one of the songs?
Zach: "Perverting The American Dream" and "Be Your Own Machine" are both about possession-driven-self-imposed slavery or some hippie shit like that. "Opium for the Masses" is about technology addiction and the need to share every intimate detail of one's life via social media. All of the lyrics are amazing, so it would be impossible to choose just one.
Chip: I love the title “Walk on the Oscar Wilde Side.” Are you all Oscar Wilde fans? And would it be possible for you to maybe perform a few scenes from The Importance of Being Earnest between songs at the Jackpot. Because that shit is funny!
Zach: No, but we'll be performing Ernest Goes To Camp in it's entirety.
Chip: Oh, that's even funnier!
Richard: What’s the Tulsa music scene like? Because I’m gonna level with you here: the Lawrence scene can be pretty incestuous at times and it’s often damn hard to get people out to the Jackpot to see a band they don’t know on a Friday night.
Zach: Some of the venues are cool here. Some of them make you fill out a clique application form before they book you. Tulsa can be cool, but the Americana/Red Dirt and the Ambient/Artsy stuff make me want to die.
Chip: Leave us with a few sentences to convince our readers that they absolutely MUST take a chance and witness the Bourgeois in action this Friday! (hint: mentioning PBR is probably a good idea here).
Zach: Shit, this is on Friday? I don't know if I can make it. - Larryville Chronicles
When I was 14, my mom destroyed my Nirvana CDs. She felt like the band was to blame for my moodiness, and she didn’t want me to end up on drugs. My mom never seemed to understand that the true cause of my adolescent angst was simply my adolescence. I was an awkward teen from a broken home. When Kurt sang, “I’m not the only one,” I felt like I had finally found someone I could relate to.
A common misconception is that most artists spend as much time partying as they do creating. While you can definitely find artists who subscribe to the “sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll” philosophy, some of us have come to realize how unsustainable that lifestyle is. It takes a substantial amount of energy and focus to find inspiration, create, and perform.
Unfortunately, much like Kurt, I’ve experienced my own trials and tribulations with drugs, and I found these to be some of the least creative moments of my life. I’ve come to realize for every Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, and Janis Joplin, there are thousands of unsuccessful artists who bought into the lie and have nothing but grief and addiction to show for it. While a few artists have managed to balance their lives of excess with actual success, not many of them have enjoyed long-lasting or meaningful careers. Unless you’re Keith Richards, the benefits of a rock n’ roll lifestyle probably aren’t going to outweigh the hassle.
Artists make a living expressing their emotions through their work. When sex, drugs, and rock n’ roll leave you too numb to feel anything, mustering creativity is nearly impossible. Those who try and fake it are ridiculed and mocked. True art has the power to resonate with people. It can make them feel like they are a part of something. After all, no matter how different we are, our battles are often the same.
When the need for substance outweighs the need to create, an artist will inevitably succumb to self-destruction, addiction, or depression. Sometimes an artist can find inspiration in those things, but eventually an artist has to learn to exercise control in order to exorcise their demons. An artist who no longer creates struggles to find value in living, and as a result, will often cease to.
So keep creating.
Not to be seen. Not to gain notoriety. Not to get laid.
To survive.
Ty Clark is the current drummer of the alternative rock band The Bourgeois. - No Cover Tulsa
Sounds like "...a grunge-pop Bob Dylan." - Ultimate-Guitar.com
The Bourgeois still strikes me as Tulsa's curios band with the most potential at this point as Zach Mobely continues to develop as a songwriter. His single, "Perverting the American Dream" was standout on the latest Homegroan compilation CD and he's recently reformed his live band as The Bourgeois, incorporating drummer Jason Largent and bassist Jeremy Quaid from Popular Culture with guitarist Dustin Howard (My Solstice, King Cobra), giving the group a new chemistry.
When discussing the lineup and new songs with Mobely, he shared that Popular Culture broke up for a short period, at which point he went to New York and recorded the aforementioned track, as well as "Opium for the Masses" and "Mi Amour" with Stephen Haigler, who has previously engineered the past three albums for The Pixies. Upon returning, he reformed with his old Popular Culture band mates and added Howard to the fold on guitar.
- Urban Tulsa
Ever get the feeling that you've been lied to? In their newest single, Smoke And Mirrors, The Bourgeois tackle the topic at length. The frenetic rocker clocks in at just over two minutes and evokes the attitude and energy of The Dead Kennedys.
Smoke and Mirrors is the leadoff track to the band's newest album, We're Still In The Gutter, But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars. The album features four brand new songs from the self-proclaimed brat-rock pioneers, as well as highlights from the band's first EP and first single.
The Smoke And Mirrors video will be released on October 28th, and the new album We're Still In The Gutter, But Some Of Us Are Looking At The Stars will be available on November 11th. The band will celebrate the release at Opolis in Norman, Oklahoma on November 14th and in Tulsa, Oklahoma on November 15th at Club Majestic.
For press inquiries, contact zach@thebourgeoisband.com. - The Bourgeois
The new release from Tulsa alt-rockers The Bourgeois is a reissue of its debut EP, “We’re All in the Gutter, But Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars.” The re-release not only includes the band’s favorite selections from the original EP, but also highlights from its “Whenever I’m with You” single and three new tracks, including a cover of Lorde’s hit song “Royals.”
The trio, comprised of Zach Mobley on guitar and vocals, Ty Clark on drums and Shawn Kintz on bass, kicks off the record with a hard-hitting new track, “Smoke and Mirrors.”
The song is a raw, rough-and-tumble punk rocker that feels a little less polished than some of their earlier work, and that’s a compliment. It’s the sound of a band finding its own voice and making music that represents what it’s truly about. It shows the players don’t mind getting their hands dirty and venturing into uncharted territory.
The other two new tracks, “No Remorse” and “Electric Shock Value,” have a little more production sheen, but the sound is still distinctly The Bourgeois’.
Ultimately, the new album serves as a fitting introduction to the band by showcasing where it came from with Smashing Pumpkins-inspired songs like “Be Your Own Machine” and “Mi Amor.” It presents The Bourgeois’ musical transformation into a self-realized unit with a unique vision. - Tulsa People
We’re Still In The Gutter gushes forth from The Bourgeois, showcasing the trio at their best on “Perverting the American Dream”, “Smoke and Mirrors” and “Mi Amor”, all of which clock in at four minutes or less (such is the case in punk rock – grab it, play it fast, kick them in the teeth, enjoy). - The Current
You know how punk bands are meant to be provocative with their names? There is, perhaps, nothing more bizarrely opposite but also the same as calling yourself The Bourgeois, as this Tulsa three piece have done. We’ve got Smoke and Mirrors from their ‘we're still in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars’ LP, and it’s a brilliant two minutes of snarling drums and frustrated vocals. The LP is out now. - SupaJam
What was once the rumbling juggernaut on wheels that we called rock and roll is pretty much gone these days. Thanks to the internet and the ever shifting paradigm that is music marketing and distribution, the genre has been splintered into hundreds (thousands?) of sub-genres and niches with bands that spend as much time competing for You Tube views as they do making music.
We have gone from one era, pre-internet, when there were a handful of 'super-star' status bands to a new era, where a band such as Arcade Fire can be incredibly popular for eight months and then disposed of for the next big thing.
The internet makes it incredibly easy to find new music that becomes the flavor of the week before being replaced by 'the next big thing'.
Believe me, I follow the trends and know what I'm talking about. I scour the internet on a regular basis, seeking out songs that actually belong on Egg Radio and there are weeks when I just hang my head in despair over the fact that there isn't ANYTHING that grabs my attention... and then something happens to renew my faith in the music that I love.
A few days ago, I was introduced to the music of a band called 'The Bourgeois' who just happen to hail from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I've mentioned before that my adopted hometown has never ceased to amaze me in terms of sheer volume of talent... every other day there's a great young band to hear at one of the many live music venues in Tulsa.
Sometimes, though... sometimes you hear the first track from a band and it just blows you back against the wall in terms of performance, power, production values, lyricism and melody. It restores your faith in the promise of rock and roll. As I listened to the track 'Perverting The American Dream', I knew that this was going to be different from most of the music in the Tulsa scene. Sounding like no one else, they craft tunes with great guitar interplay, a rock solid rhythm section, wonderfully cynical lyrics, solid hooks and great vocals. I can't say what they sound like live, though I'm looking forward to the shows and based on the recorded output, it should be great. You can hear the influences (traces of Cheap Trick and other power-pop outfits with, however, a decidedly harder edge) but it is all original, powerful and ought to wind up on a lot of Year-End Top Ten Lists.
I'll keep you posted on the LP release date but, if you want to hear their music now just go to their website and download the previously mentioned 'Perverting The American Dream', the lovely 'Mi Amor' and the bitingly cynical 'Opium for the Masses'. You'll be glad you did.
New songs continue to roll into the Egg Radio library, so keep listening, be faithful and continue to Respect The Cock! - Egg Radio
Tulsa rock trio The Bourgeois tends to look at the world from a middle-class point of view, and its music takes aim on subjects affecting American society.
“A lot of the songs you listen to on the radio tend to be songs about girls and more songs about girls, and that’s not anything really interesting to write about,” said Zach Mobley, singer-guitarist and principal lyricist. “There are more interesting topics. We have songs dealing with how income inequality affects America. Different things like that.”
The band is influenced by late ’70s punk and ’90s indie and alternative rock, but it does not rely solely on those sounds. Here and there, an awkwardness resembling Talking Heads can be heard, but it all lies underneath The Bourgeois’ own style.
“When I hear ‘rock music,’ I think of something really bland and corporate-sounding. We’re more edgy than most of what you hear on the radio,” Mobley said.
The group’s first LP, We’re Still in the Gutter, But Some of Us Are Looking at the Stars, is a power chord- and unison bend-heavy album. Mobley’s vocal styling is reminiscent of John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) and Lou Reed, and the album also includes a cover of Lorde’s “Royals.”
The group formed two years ago with Mobley and drummer Ty Clark. Early on, the pair played with a string of bassists who left for various reasons. Vance Young recently filled the spot full-time.
The Bourgeois is partially a product of Clark’s new direction in life following a year and a half in prison. Clark started playing drums in bands at 12 years old and once opened for Papa Roach. In the early 2000s, he was injured on the job in a machine shop. His treatment included painkillers and led to drug addiction.
“I stopped playing music because all I cared about was how I felt,” he said.
For the next six years, drugs were his life. In 2009, he found himself behind bars. The prison where Clark did time included a band room with a drum set, and he delved back into music there.
“That’s when I decided I’m better than this, I have more to offer,” he said.
Upon his release in 2011, he quickly procured a drum set and began looking for a band. He found a Craigslist post by Mobley and heard samples of his work.
“I thought to myself, ‘I like that band. That guy has something in his voice that is very unique,’” Clark said.
He reached out to Mobley, and the two soon became friends and bandmates.
Their first album featured multiple bassists and a couple of songs Mobley recorded with studio musicians. However, their upcoming release, From the Darkest Corners of the Brightest Room, primarily features only Mobley, Clark and Young.
Check out The Bourgeois with Freak the Mighty 9 p.m. Friday at Blue Note Lounge, 2408 N. Robinson Ave. - Oklahoma Gazette
Ever get the feeling you’ve been lied to?
Zach Mobley and Ty Clark grew up in the bowels of rural Oklahoma. They coped with the oppression of the Bible-Belt in different ways. Zach (guitar/vocals) spent most of his adolescence holed up listening to punk rock and plotting his escape. Ty (drums) also took solace in music but fell victim to the opioid epidemic that plagued his community.
After a stint in one of the state’s many overcrowded and underfunded prisons, Ty reclaimed control of his life and responded to an ad placed by Zach. The two quickly realized they shared similar tastes in music and a similar distaste for the hypocrisy surrounding them. Another small town pariah, Vance Young (bass), was added later to complete the lineup.
The Bourgeois (pronounced booj-wah) are an alternative rock band from Tulsa, OK. Musically, the band draws inspiration from a wide variety of artists; the sonic rush of Nirvana and Smashing Pumpkins, the disenfranchised melodicism of indie rock stalwarts like The Smiths and Violent Femmes, and a dash of aural post-punk weirdness, a la The Talking Heads and The Pixies, are all keys to the band’s signature sound. The band prides themselves on their ability to channel their influences without sounding antiquated or derivative.
The group hit the ground running with their first single, Perverting the American Dream, which was accompanied by a video produced by Delo Creative (The Flaming Lips, Miley Cyrus, Broncho). Perverting the American Dream has since racked up over 300,000 plays on music streaming service Jamendo.
They followed with the Steve Haigler (The Pixies, Brand New) produced album, We're Still in the Gutter, But Some of Us Are Looking At the Stars, and steadily built a following through their energetic live performances, creative music videos, and sardonic sense of humor.
In 2016, the band played shows with Eagles of Death Metal and Electric Six to promote the release of the Designer Genes EP, produced by Trent Bell (Flaming Lips), Rob Schnapf (Beck, Kurt Vile, FIDLAR), and Brad Wood (Smashing Pumpkins, Placebo, mewithoutYou). It was downloaded over 1,000 times within it's first week of release at NoiseTrade and was also featured in Alternative Press. A video for the track Summer of George was retweeted by Jason Alexander (George Costanza) himself. - The Bourgeois
Still working on that hot first release.

In the summer of 2016, The Bourgeois released the Designer Genes EP on NoiseTrade where it was promptly downloaded over 1000 times in it's first week. The band followed up by supporting bands like Eagles of Death Metal and Electric Six on their respective tours and landing enthusiastic features in Alternative Press, Nerdist, and PopMatters among others.
The Bourgeois have exploded on European music-streaming service Jamendo where the song Perverting the American Dream has racked up over 300,000 plays and 170,000 downloads alone. The rest of the world (and the rest of the cast of Seinfeld) can't be far behind.
"Sweet 'n' snotty vocalist/guitarist Zach Mobley knows when to ramp up the swagger to either sex up your honey (and his/her friends) or when some drunk guy needs his clock cleaned with the business end of a guitar. Their stripped-down rock has more heft than a Muay Thai punching bag." - Alternative Press
"The song hits hard and is filled with bitter angst, which is perfectly mirrored in the story of the video. This video is just one more reason to love this band, so check it out and The Bourgeois as your new hard rock overlords. You’ll dig their sound, we promise." - Nerdist.
“With an absolutely smashing rock sound, The Bourgeois are becoming one of the best hidden treasures of alternative rock from the United States.” – Jamendo
“On the track, The Bourgeois come swinging straight out of the gate with incendiary guitar work and Zach Mobley’s dynamic lead vocal working from punk rock sneer to Black Francis-esque yelps.” - Speak Into My Good Eye
“Oklahoma’s The Bourgeois tackle the discreet millennial charm of the new ruling class of weirdos on the single “Designer Genes” that takes the piss out of whatever it takes to succeed in this current climate with a “no future” kinda heaviness that greets futile ambitions with a shrug.” - Impose Magazine
"The Bourgeois come at you like The Hulk, destroying apathy all around them. This is a band that was tired of the “toothless state” of alt rock and decided to spice things up, bring back the danger, that same danger Nirvana, Iggy Pop, MC5’s, Joy Division, the Bauhaus brought. This is not safe music; this is brave music.” - AudioFuzz
“The Bourgeois has become a Kings favorite. This alt rock band falls between Cage The Elephant and Social Distortion." - Kings of A&R
Band Members