The Degraders
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Part One:
Part Two:
- Rew & Who
The Degraders will be playing their first gig on January 22nd at The Rusty Nail in Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Show starts at 6:30pm. - The Degraders
Still working on that hot first release.

The Degraders are students, not deniers, of rock music history. They embrace the rock greats of the
'50s through the '90s with wild abandon. They write and play 'hard-as-rock' music that doesn't sacrifice melodies and hooks. 'Power and volume without a catchy song is useless, self-pleasing rubbish', as far as they are concerned.
With songs about imaginary girlfriends and run-ins with bus stop thugs to fake friends and party girls, there is no doubt these guys walk and talk the rock 'n roll life. But they see rock music facing what it did over 50 years ago when Elvis went into the Army, Chuck Berry went to jail, Little Richard went to church and Buddy Holly went to the afterlife all within 2 years of each other. 'Nobody can tell us that they truly enjoy the music that the industry is spoon-feeding us today more than the great pop and rock of the past.
The Degraders will tell you from first-hand experiences, 'Walk down the street while wearing a Ramones or Motorhead tshirt and you are guaranteed to get a hi-five from a long-haired 16yo kid and a 60yo biker dude, all in the same day. The Degraders are proof that hard rock 'n roll is here to stay!'
Band Members