The High Kings
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The High Kings

Band Rock Pop


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"Montreal's Chom 97.7FM"

Featured on Made in Canada in June 2008. Interviewed by Tootall - Chom

"Uncharted Sounds Online magazine review"

Issue July 2008 Page 27-28 -


Sun, Moon and Stars as Standard debut CD



Joe moved from Dublin to Montreal in June’06 and immediately set out to form a band that became The High Kings and resulted in the album 'Sun, Moon and Stars as Standard' He met drummer Nigel, who hails from Sussex, England, through the Montreal Music Scene website. Nigel had already had some success in Canada, being the drummer and co-writer of Montreals Hol'fader for the best part of the 90's, releasing 2 albums independently and winning Montreals Radio Station CHOM FM's L'Esprit Contest.
Rehersals for the co-production of their debut kicked off in Nov.‘06 and the first recording session (early March '07 in the basement of Nigels house) was the beginning of just over a years work, chipping away at the songs. When the album was finally finished in May’08 there was a big stretch in time to find the right players to get a show on the road. In September, bassist Mario De Fazio (also a former member of Hol’Fader) ended the long wait, quickly followed by Christian Lafleur on Guitar to complete the line up. Rehersals are now ongoing and The High Kings intend to play live extensively in 2009, starting January, in Montreal.