this is renaissance
Gig Seeker Pro

this is renaissance

Band Metal Alternative


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos


The best kept secret in music


This band has no press


"to live to crush to die to dream" (may 2005)


Feeling a bit camera shy


The word Renaissance is defined as "A rebirth or revival. A revival of intellectual or artistic achievement and vigor". The word evolution should also be taken into your thoughts as well. In 2002 a band was born and formed of a collapsed and failed endeavour of years previous. That band was called "redwinterdying". Over time things change, members come and go, but no matter what happens, once a spirit is born and it endures so much and grows to great proportions, it eventually cannot be stopped no matter what happens or what circumstances are placed in its way.

The same things can be said for the spirit of redwinterdying, taken way before its time, redwinterdying was over but the spirit could not be stopped. So from the ashes of a "red winter" THIS IS RENAISSANCE was born. The spirit and desires still remain the same, but with evolution comes change, and a new name was chosen. To better express the feelings and the ever growing level of determination of the band, and by the standard of there being only one member left from the original lineup of redwinterdying, it was time for a change. Adding a third guitar player has breathed an even newer life into an already blistering and emotional endeavour. Making music that is undefined by most and explained as being total chaos by others. THIS IS RENAISSANCE is best experienced first hand, not by word of mouth, by words or expressions or by audio alone, but it is something that is best experienced by all of the senses.

THIS IS RENAISSANCE is a beautifully destroyed vision of emotion, a perfect disaster and a horrifying romance all rolled into a relentless passion for perfection...