The best kept secret in music
"Turzi's music provokes first in the listener a crazy happiness, the vital need to hurt an innocent and the wild envy to marry a stranger in front of God" - Clovis Goux
"(...) Turzi ne laisse pas indifférent. On ne sort pas indemne de la performance, entre transe corporelle et claque intellectuelle." - Julie Gance
"Le futur de ce groupe forcément hanté par le passé promet beaucoup de surprises." - I.G
"(...)son martial Amadeus (...) fonce le nez dans le volant sur le même et glorieux Autobahn de Kraftwerk. On appelle ça du Krautrock mais ce bolide noir et hanté est loin de patiner dans la choucroute-ou le passéisme." - JDB
A - 1st album
Made Under Authority EP
Feeling a bit camera shy
His mother is from Versailles and his Italian father from Calabre. Romain Turzi now lives and works in Paris. Before TURZI, he was a member of several sulfurous named bands such as Made Under Authority, Talibans or Rock Action...For Romain, Turzi's sound has its origins more in German, Italian or East European rock than French music. On stage, he's surrounded by his band REICH IV, a sonic dream team who afford him to bring all his narcotic and cinematic pieces of music on stage for an audio journey you'll never forget.