Vanilla Sugar
Gig Seeker Pro

Vanilla Sugar

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | SELF

Los Angeles, California, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2017
Solo Alternative EDM



The best kept secret in music


"Interview with Vanilla Sugar"

How do you usually write the lyrics of your songs?

I usually think of a melody first and write lyrics to it after. When I’m finding the melody, I free style what I am singing; sometimes full lines make the cut, sometimes it’s just a phrase that turns the track into a completely different song.

In your opinion, what is the most important thing in songwriting?

I think the most important thing in songwriting is melody. The melody really makes the song.

Are you ever scared of revealing aspects of your personal life/experience to strangers through your music?

I am not afraid to reveal my personal experiences to others through music. The whole reason I started writing was because of music saving my life. I went through a lot growing up, and didn’t really know how to control how I felt. I was sad a lot. Lost. I discovered a band called, KoRn – and their lyrics just connected with me. It felt good to know that someone else had similar issues and I could relate to them. I want to be that person for other people. I want my listeners to know that someone else feels the same way they do.

What is the best lyric that you ever wrote (the most meaningful for you)?

The most meaningful lyric (to me) that I’ve written is from my song, “Key to the Lock”. “My mind is racing. Feels like I’m dead. We’re body to body, I didn’t want anybody else. I’ve been misled.”

What inspired “ThisDarkPlace,” part of your latest album/EP “TBD”?

First came the music, which evolved a lot. The first rendition of the track is completely different than the final. It’s very cool to watch a song grow up. Lyrically, the song is about me vs myself. I have two sides of me; one that is this depressed,paranoid, anxious, self loathing person, and one that keeps her cool, is happy, and knows everything is going to be fine! Sometimes one takes control over the other, and I express the roller coaster of it all in this song.

And “TBD”?

The entire album is very – in your face – lyrically. I have a lot of pent up aggression from life experiences and get to let it all out through music.

Do you remember the day you wrote “ThisDarkPlace”?

Yes! In the studio – it was a quick track towards the end of a session. The song evolved A LOT though over the span of a month or so.

Is there a link/a common theme among the songs of the new album?

Yes! All of the songs have an electronic synthy vibe, but are also pretty dark.

What is the best suggestion your producer gave you?

To try different vocalistic styles on this new track. I am so very happy we did it! Thanks, Jim!

What are your plans for 2019?

I am about to head to Houston, TX to shoot the music video for ThisDarkPlace. I am so very excited and can’t wait. The new album will be released towards this Fall, with a US tour planned for October.

To conclude the interview a short Q/A session, please answer the first thing that comes to your mind:

Define in one word your album “TBD”: Hypnotic.
The best show you ever played: Warped Tour in Anchorage, AK. Amazing crowd, and a 2 hour long merch line. - Rock Your Lyrics

"ITN Interview"

ITN Magazine: Let's talk a little about the history of your band. When did you originally form and is this the original line-up?

I created Vanilla Sugar in 2009. It is still the original lineup.

ITN Magazine: How would you categorize the style of the band?

Vanilla Sugar’s style is a mix of dark synth riffs, animated vocals, and crazy beats.

ITN Magazine: What image do you want your music to convey to your fans?

I want my fans to be able to make what they want of my songs. I write openly so they can apply the lyrics to their own personal experiences.

ITN Magazine: Who are your influences and how have they shaped your bands sound?

My musical influences are Mindless Self Indulgence, Sleigh Bells, Grimes, The Prodigy, and KoRn. KoRn & The Prodigy definitely influenced my darker/creepier side, along with Vanilla Sugar’s looped beats and metal undertones. Sleigh Bells & Grimes influenced the poppier side of the tracks, while the influence of Mindless Self Indulgence’s don’t give a care / in your face vocal style is evident in parts of the songs.

ITN Magazine: Let's talk a little about your latest album what are the listeners in store for with this release ?

I’m REALLY excited about this album. Listeners can expect an eclectic mix of many different genres. No song sounds the same.

ITN Magazine: Where did record your latest release at?

I am in the process of recording my album at Jim Finley Productions in Los Angeles, CA.

ITN Magazine: Producers are a very important factor in recording a good record. Who did you use to produce your record?

I worked with Jim Finley on producing the album.

ITN Magazine: Does the entire band contribute to the writing process?

I write the lyrics, usually by free styling over a track. Whatever is on my mind is what I talk about. When the first draft is complete, I will go back through it and make more sense of the lyrics, refining each step of the way, until the final draft is done!

ITN Magazine: How do you feel the band has evolved musically and personally over the last year?

Vanilla Sugar has evolved a lot over the last year. It’s been a whirlwind, really. I have become more confident as a performer, and singer. The music has grown tremendously. It feels much more put together, and I love to listen to it. It’s important to write music that makes you happy as the artist.

ITN Magazine: Where do you draw the inspiration for the songs you write?

I find inspiration in personal experiences, good or bad! I always know that if something terrible is happening to me, it’s going to end up in great song writing material. It’s best for me mentally to be optimistic with everything!

ITN Magazine: How important do you rate the lyrical side of your albums?

I believe lyrics are very important. They represent who you are as an artist.

ITN Magazine: What are your current tour plans, if any?

I plan to tour the United States later this year, as well as Europe towards November.

ITN Magazine: Describe your live performance for those who have never seen you live?

The live show is very fun! The stage is covered in lights and ice cream. It’s high energy and very heavy. Come out to one to get the full Vanilla experience.

ITN Magazine: What do you think of the music industry right now?

I think everything is turning into streaming and releasing singles. It’s pretty exciting in my opinion. I love that I can turn to a streaming app and be able to listen to whatever song I would like to listen to.

ITN Magazine: Did you find it hard to break into the business and what was the biggest obstacle you had to overcome?

I have been playing live shows with bands since I was 12. It was fun being so young, and being able to play in venues. I grew up in the music scene. It was a little hard to book shows at first being so new and underage, but as long as you’re bringing people to shows and are on time, the venue owners respect you. The biggest obstacle I had to overcome was realizing that not everyone is going to treat you kindly. A sound engineer in Amarillo, TX continuously talked down to me before a show; it was extremely rude & frustrating. After the show, he was very nice and never talked down to me again. He never apologized though! From that moment I knew that I couldn’t let those kind of things get to me. So now I just brush it off of my shoulder!

ITN Magazine: Tell us about your thoughts on your local music scene?

I love the local music scene. I live in Los Angeles; the bands here support each other. I love playing shows here because you perform for a different crowd of people every night. There are SO many venues in LA, and so many opportunities!

ITN Magazine: How has Social Networking (Facebook,Twitter, etc.) impacted your band?

Social Networking is such a great tool. It has impacted Vanilla Sugar’s marketing for sure! 10 years ago, I would be handing out printed flyers. Now, I can send a huge Facebook event invite from my couch at home. Booking tours are made easy with Facebook & Instagram. Venues are only a message away, instead of having to drive to one and talk to someone in person. I remember everyone freaking out when Facebook & Instagram went down recently. It truly impacts how people and businesses work now.

ITN Magazine: Where can our readers find you on the web?

I am all over the Internet, please connect with me!
Twitter: @vanillasugarhtx

ITN Magazine: What equipment is the band using and do you have any endorsements currently?

On stage, I use a Korg Keytar, Daisy Rock Guitar, Shure Wireless Headset Mic & Shure Wired Mic, and a MacBook Pro. I also love using a variety of Chauvet & ADJ products to light up my playground.
I am endorsed by Daisy Rock Guitars, ColdCock Whisky, & Punkstar Industries.

ITN Magazine: Thanks for answering these questions. Do you have any last comments for our readers?

Thank you for having me!! Thank you to everyone who reads this! Please join me on Facebook & Instagram Live every Thursday, 8pm PST. I love to get to know my fans. See you soon! - ITN Magazine

"An Interview with Vanilla Sugar"

Over the weekend, I had the chance to email with Vanilla Sugar. This band is primarily made of one artist, named Jessica Perry. She sings, plays the guitar, keyboard and synthesizer. Vanilla Sugar uses these instruments to blast “intense beats” and bring high energy to her live shows.

Vanilla Sugar has won local radio awards in Texas, as well as an MTV award for Best Keyboardist. She writes all of her own music and is not signed to a label. She is an independent musician. Our conversation reached many topics, including some of her non-musical influences and her future plans for the band.

You can find Vanilla Sugar on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @vanillasugarmusic

Her music can also be found on YouTube and Spotify.

• What are your biggest musical influences?

My biggest musical influences are Grimes, Sleigh Bells, Nero, and, Mindless Self Indulgence.

• Do you listen to any band or genre that would surprise your fans if they found out?

I listen to a large variety of music. One artist that may surprise fans would be Cardi B. She and her team write extremely catchy songs.

• What’s next for the band?

I am currently in the studio working on a new album. The single is almost finished, and I start working on the video soon! A US & European tour are being planned for later this year.

• How do you think streaming services like Spotify and Pandora have changed how bands release music? Has it made it easier or more difficult?

As a listener, I absolutely love platforms like Spotify and Pandora. I appreciate the fact that I have whatever song I want to listen to at my fingertips under one monthly streaming price. I feel that it is definitely easier to listen to new artists with these streaming services. Playlists that feature all types of musicians – some well known, some up and coming – are accessible to anyone. I can release a single via Spotify and once added to playlists, my song is now in so many more people’s hands than before the existence of Spotify / Pandora.

• Do you have any non-musical influences that show up in your music?

I am heavily influenced by cinematic soundscapes. I love that “doomsday” feel… like War of the Worlds. I am into epic sounding build ups and breakdowns.

• Can you describe your sound?

Vanilla Sugar is a blend of dark electronic melodies & in your face vocals, infused with a pop sensibility.

• What are you listening to lately? Anything you would recommend?

I have been listening to Billie Eilish, Nero, and KoRn. I would recommend listening to Nero’s album, Between II Worlds. It’s best for cruising at night.

• What made you decide to “get into” music and start a band?

My dad is a drummer, so I’ve always been around bands and live music. I started playing piano when I was 4, and guitar when I was 12, writing in my room by myself. I write a lot about personal experiences, and wanted to share it with others so they know they are not alone. Music saved me multiple times and I hope to do that for others by creating and performing.

• How does your writing process work, do you all collaborate on the lyrics or is that job reserved for just one person?

I write my own lyrics, but am always open to collaborating with others.

• If you had to pick just one, which album would be your favorite?

It’s hard to pick a favorite album because I love so many. If I had to choose one, it would be Follow The Leader by KoRn. It definitely got me through a lot of tough times while growing up.

• Are there any bands you would desperately love to tour with someday?

I would absolutely love to tour with Grimes, Mindless Self Indulgence, and Billie Eilish.

• What are your thoughts about bands releasing more singles, rather than following a traditional route and just releasing albums?

I honestly love the idea of bands releasing multiple singles instead of just releasing albums. I feel like it brings more hype up to the actual album release. For example, Muse recently released 3-4 singles over a year, each with a music video and single remixes. I looked forward to each single release. I think it works! I will be releasing my next single on Spotify with a video attached as well. I’m looking forward to it! - A Look Into Music

"Interview: Vanilla Sugar"

Based out of Los Angeles, California, Vanilla Sugar continuously pushes the envelope of unprecedented sound. The eclectic mix consists of Jessica Perry (JP Vanilla) on vocals, synthesizer, and guitars. Vanilla Sugar combines comprehensive alternative/electronic sample infused music with an electrifying stage performance to create an experience that is both refreshingly unexpected and addictive. We managed to catch up with Vanilla Sugar as he talked about her upcoming single and more!

So how much are you looking forward your upcoming single?

I am about to release “ThisDarkPlace”, the first single from my new album. I am so excited!!!! I’ve been chatting with my Sugarcubes about it – keeping them involved with the whole process. We are all hyped and look forward to the release!

Tell us something about the release no one knows?

We took a lot of Polaroid photos on set of the music video for “ThisDarkPlace”. Each download of the single on day of release will receive an email with digital copies of those Polaroids & storyboard sheets / set notes.

If you could work with any band on a new song, who would it be and why?

I would love the opportunity to work with Grimes. I love her style and feel like we would mesh well.

Can you tell us about the meaning behind the track?

The few that have heard the song so far love it! I plan to release it in July. We all have that darker side of us that tries to take over. The depressed / anxiety ridden/ paranoid part of us. We also have the happier, carefree part of us too. This song is about trying to overcome the darker side but having a hard time trying to win.

What tours do you have coming up, and what can you tell us about them?

The album tour will be happening in October. The first run will be the United States, starting in Texas.

What venue are you most looking forward to playing the most, and why?

I’m looking forward to each show! The tour kickoffs are pretty exciting. This one will start in my hometown of Houston, TX.

What else can we expect from in 2019? 2019

is exciting. New single, a new album, and a new tour!! I also host Facebook & Instagram Live every Thursday night at 8pm PST. Please drop in and say hi! - Original Rock

"Artist Interview: Vanilla Sugar"

1. How did you get started?
I find writing music to be therapeutic. It helps me get things and experiences out of my mind. I wanted to write music that I would enjoy listening to as well – I’m influenced by many genres. I started Vanilla Sugar in my previous apartment in Houston, Tx with a midi keyboard and GarageBand on an iMac.

2. How would you describe your sound?
Vanilla Sugar’s sound is a combination of all my favourite influences. You’ll hear dark, electric Pop music blended with a hint of Metal.

3. What bands/artists would you say have influenced your style of music?
A couple of my influences would be Grimes, Sleigh Bells, Mindless Self Indulgence, and KoRn.

Vanilla Sugar Pic 2
4. Has the rise of YouTube & music streaming helped or hindered you?
I feel that the rise of streaming & YouTube has helped me as a musician. My music & videos are able to reach a new audience by Internet. I recently noticed that fans from Brazil are watching my videos and commenting on my Facebook page. I would have never been able to reach Brazil without physically going there pre – YouTube. Streaming is amazing in general. How cool is it to have whatever song you want to listen to, whenever you want to listen to it – at your fingertips?

5. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not making music?
I enjoy watching Friends and eating Kettle Corn mixed with Tajin when I’m not making music. I also love shooting concerts around Los Angeles.

6. What are your future plans musically? Tours?
I will be releasing a new album in September, followed by a North American tour beginning in October. Next year, the plan is to tour the album internationally! Keep an eye out for my new single & video being released this Summer.

Find out more and keep up to date with news by going to Vanilla Sugar’s Facebook Page! - Games, Brrraaains & A Head- Banging LIfe

"Interview - Vanilla Sugar"

How would you describe your music?

I would describe my music as a blend of heavy electronic tones with a sprinkle of dark pop.

Tell us about how the history of the project?

I started Vanilla Sugar in my old apartment in Houston, Tx on a laptop and a midi keyboard. I originally released some older tracks online and was asked to perform live. I began touring after that, and I am now in the studio working on my new album, and planning a US tour / European tour.

What are you influences/ musical heroes?

My musical influences are Mindless Self Indulgence, Grimes, The Prodigy, and Korn.

What inspires you?

A lot of different things inspire me. I usually write from past experiences, but sometimes I can see a movie and write from that. Funny story, I once wrote a song based off of Star Wars Episode III. I also sometimes feel inspired by the weather, or other friend’s experiences.

Do you write on the road? or do you prefer to write in the studio?

I do write on the road, but definitely prefer to write in the studio. The things I compose on the road are usually for the live performance – covers, transitions, etc. I wrote the cover for “Thought Contagion”, by Muse, on a flight from Los Angeles to Houston.

What is your favourite song to perform live?

My favourite song to perform live is “So Pretty”, which will be featured on the upcoming album. It’s such a high energy piece, and it feels so good to get lost in the music on stage.

What would be your dream tour to be a part of?

I would love to be on tour with Grimes. I feel our music meshes well.

What are you current thoughts on the music industry?

I honestly love the shift in how music is experienced. Streaming is huge now, and as a listener – I appreciate that whatever song I would like to listen to is at my fingertips. I also love that when releasing a track, the song can be added to different playlists across Spotify, Apple Music, Soundcloud, etc. New listeners will experience your music, where they may have not discovered it without these streaming platforms.

What is the funniest/weirdest experience you have had on tour?

It’s funny looking back, but in the moment was super scary. We were travelling to Los Angeles from New Mexico. We were super low on gas, and driving through mountains, with no signal on the phone and the sun setting. I looked at Becca (merch manager / live sound) and was so worried. We couldn’t call for someone to bring us gas, so we decided to just coast as far as we could. We hit empty on our tank and, I’m really not sure how, but coasted to a small gas station at the bottom of a mountain. I was so relieved. It was crazy. We now make sure to fill up anytime we hit about half a tank.

What are your future plans?

I am currently working on a new album, and will be shooting the video for the first single soon. I am in the process of setting up a US tour for later this year, followed by a Europe run towards the end of the year. - Loud Stuff


Still working on that hot first release.



Based out of Los Angeles, California, Vanilla Sugar continuously pushes the envelope of unprecedented sound. The eclectic sound consists of Jessica Perry (JP Vanilla) on vocals, synthesizer, and guitars. Vanilla Sugar combines comprehensive alternative/electronic sample infused music with an electrifying stage performance to create an experience that is both refreshingly unexpected and addictive.

Band Members