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Band Alternative Rock


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The best kept secret in music



Everything about this band has success written all over them. Rock star good looks but more importantly, a plethora of talent in songs arranged to make you play them over and over until you are duly under their spell.

Utilizing rhythmic raptures combined with shrewd guitars and haunting lyrics take the listener through a myriad of mind-blowing emotion. My neighbor saw me rocking out. He is now a Venture fan too. How could he not be?

Watch for Venture people. These guys are already shining stars, label or not, it's only a matter of time.



"Silver Lining EP Review by Inside Connection Magazine"

As published in the February 2007 issue of The Inside Connection music magazine.


Silver Lining

Texas-grown Venture have been burning up the stage since their inception in early 2004. With the release of their EP, Silver Lining, in July 2006, their powerful lyrics and electrifying music are exciting DJs and music lovers on the World Wide Web, as well as a handful of commercial radio stations shrewd enough to have the backbone to broadcast unsigned artists.

Venture is certain to gain mass appeal solely on the merit of "Fallen Angel," one man's heartbreaking portrayal of the catastrophic existing state of our country. Forceful drumbeats, expressive guitar riffs and looming bass lines accentuate the contemporary lyrics, which reveal the tumultuous inner dialogue of a soldier deployed to a place so far from home.

However, this entire EP is full of appeal. Empathetic cries are translated brilliantly into intense music and compassionate lyrics that evoke a spectrum of emotions. Silver Lining's recurring voice may seem beaten down by the hurdles our present-day world dishes out, but don't be fooled. If you dive under the surface, you will discover it is quite optimistic. What better message is there? No matter what difficulties you experience, the human spirit is resilient and hopeful.

This little taste of Venture is sure to wet your appetite and leave you wanting more. The good news is they are currently recording more tracks with Dark new Day's Brett Hestla at the reins, so this next venture will undoubtedly catapult them into stardom. Visit

---by Colette Tedeschi
- Inside Connection Magazine


Hailing from Texas the adventure begins with the newer band on the scene that ventures forth into the unknown..
"Venture" .. a newer band plays like they have been creatively working together for more than a short time..

The definition of Venture put oneself out into the unknown, basically to take that chance..and hope for the best to come out of it..Blake Self , Vin Abadie , Michael Barnes and Nathan Hunstable , are...very willing to show the world their souls.. and to take that chance into the unknown and bring you with them on the journey... When you listen to the lyrics..on their EP Silver Lining you will see that..each song is unique.. each song conveys a message.. to the listener..

One tends to wonder without having yet listened to this band.. What is the appeal of this band? What makes it so different from others? Are they not just another "rock band".. ? The answer is no..They are unique in their own right.. a blend of.. a little of what some of their influences have been ..Creed (especially Tremonti), Staind, Breaking Benjamin, Metallica, 311, Pantera, and even a little Ritchie Valens and the Beatles to name a few...I think I even hear a little bit of Rush and Faktion (Faktion being newer band recently signed to a major label and friends of theirs) in there.. too..

Yes by far they have used in their sound their influences which plays a small role in what they are about.. They are "Venture".. their own unique sound.. but noted are some of the influences you hear here and there and what some of the band grew up listening to.

What I have liked about this group from the very start.. is the fact that they have a positive vibe..An example of this is their song "Give Me your Pain" They show that although there are obstacles in life.. they are willing to take on what you feel, what they feel.. what they think others might be going through and to lend a helping hand .

Quoted from Blake himself he has said "We all encounter problems in our life and all of us are faced to deal with horrible situations from time to time. In my songs, I try to bring those problems to light and then convey the message that everything is going to be alright when its over. Music has gotten me through EVERY dilemma in my life and I hope that myself and the rest of VENTURE can do the same for someone. " Blake has done alot of writing with these songs..

Aside from the good hearted - ness which is somewhat distinctly different than what some bands are putting out there these days.. what I was instantly attracted to was that the singer could indeed SING.. he rocks melodies.. and has a voice that is powerful and fine tuned.. not the usual raspy voices that some bands have from straining and yelling out lyrics..Blake Self has.. strong clear words , you can feel the emotion as he takes you from the very low to the very high and I don't hear any straining in there...He will then take you into harmonizing with backup vocalist Vin..who compliments him nicely...and also plays a rockin' guitar.

Blake can also work a mean guitar.. with great guitar skills and a background even in piano..There is talent here..Nathan Hunstable blends in with his Bass skills, a it and the drummer Michael Barnes is hitting em' loud and rockin it out! They compliment each other nicely.. to blend the sound which is truly all there own..This band truly can rock out .. You are guaranteed to have a good time rockin it out with them..!

Another favorite song that is a must listen is "Push"..Love the guitar work about 2 minutes and 40 seconds into this song especially...

Rounding things out are the songs Fallen Angel , My Own and Hold You Down which actually is a very popular amongst the fans they have already..With this CD I find that it's one you want to listen to .. to feel good about things...It doesn't bring you down! Each song is worth a listen.. I'll be looking forward to hearing some ballads from these guys in the future...
I wouldn't pass up this band. I see great things to come from them...

By Melanie - Melanie

"Review by Iceberg"

Recently opening for hometown hero's Faktion, VENTURE did their best to make it hard for the following bands (Overscene and Advent (who's got a pretty sweet cd out on their own right now I’ll be reviewing next!) to keep the energy alive before Faktion hit the stage. Recently VENTURE did add a 2nd guitar player in Vin Abadie and replacement bass player Nathan Hunstable fill out the band with original drummer Michael "I need a haircut" Barnes.

The additions are definite moves forward as I do believe I noticed Nathan catering to the
crowd a time or two and it won't be long before he's standing on the monitors demanding attention away from Blake, who will be hard to pull the spotlight off of. One of the best changes this and has made is the addition of Vin so he can open up his vocals and stage performance to the level we're seeing now.

While the opportunity to open for Faktion is usually enough reason to have a great time,
it also marked the availability of "SILVER LINING", the bands first EP. containing 5 of
their best songs that include Hold You Down, My Own, Give Me Your Pain (otherwise known as the song formerly known as Shattered), Fallen Angel and the last song, named by our favorite Canadian Mo, Push.

My own favorite for reasons that will become apparent soon enough is Fallen Angel
Lyrically the story writes itself and you can easily close your eyes and imagine it
unfold in front of you as it cries out for visual representation. There, that's actually
a clue and I fear I may have already said too much. Wow "I fear I’ve already said too
much..." sounds kind of cool if not forced. Oh well, enough self critique.
Give Me Your Pain is the re-titled Shattered that is possibly the bands trademark which also got a facelift In their recent in-studio recording at Gridlock Studios, in Orlando, Florida. If you only know VENTURE for 1 song, this would likely be the one and you need to get out more because this is just a teaser on what may come next from this talented band.

PUSH is the last of the bunch to see the light of day and rounds out this all too brief
EP. Like all venture songs, the vocals are strong as Blake continues to ask insightful
questions in his music (and yes, Blake is paying me $10 every time I focus on him) (no he isn't!!!) that we all ask find we ask ourselves in a timeless fashion, broadening the
appeal of the lyrics that blend so well into the music that as a whole make up this up and coming band
In all you can describe this EP as one of those "cliffhanger movies" from long ago where the ending would leave you anxiously waiting for the next movie to complete the story. In much of that same light, the EP, SILVER LINING, leaves you "anxiously awaiting" for their
next cd release. If the progress the band has made over the last 18 months continues and is reflected in their next effort, it will easily mark the arrival of one of the hottest
young bands in Dallas, VENTURE.
btw - VENTURE is one of the bands that has Marfa’s 'kick ass seal of approval. if you don't know who Marfa is - GET OUT MORE! Lord she's about at every local show imaginable!




Venture, composed of Blake Self, Michael Barnes, Vin Abadie and Nathan
Hunstable is a rock quartet hailing from Arlington, Texas. They recently went to
Gridlock Studios in Orlando, Florida to record with producer Justin Thomas
(Faktion, Dark new Day). They recently released their debut EP
"Silver Lining",
which contains five songs. Venture also boasts an incredible live show, that is
full of energy and drive.

The Music

"Silver Lining" contains songs that are both evocative and moving. The passion
driven "Fallen Angel" tells the story of a soldier who is going through an
internal struggle while serving away from home. "My Own" is a song that tells
the story of someone who is fighting to gain independence. Overall, the songs
show musical maturity and confidence, as they can easily be compared to many
songs being played on the radio today. One amazing thing about this band is
that even though the songs are extremely strong, it seems as if they
still have the
potential to continue to grow musically. The vocals shine throughout the
entire EP; the bass and drums are solid and prevalent in songs such as "Give Me
Your Pain" and "Hold You Down"; the guitar is strong and intricate in every
song, especially in "Push".


Venture is a band that is full of promise and potential, and this is
easily noticed
by the effort put forth in "Silver Lining". With the help of a record
label, there
is no doubt that this band could become a leader in the world of modern rock.
"Silver Lining" is an excellent EP and with time, this band will only
continue to
grow as musicians.

9/10 - SHD Music

"VENTURE REVIEW- Tunelab Music"

Tune Lab Music Review: Venture - 'Silver Lining'
Posted: 21 August 2006
Contributed By: Jay

Release Date: 8 July 2006
Venture is:
Blake Self (Vocals/Guitar)
Michael Barnes (Drums)
Vin Abadie (Guitar)
Nathan Hunstable (Bass)

Overview: Venture is a four-piece rock band hailing from Texas, and soon to be touring all over the country. Originally a three-piece, they added Vin Abadie to add more depth to their sound and free up vocalist Blake Self. Their EP 'Silver Lining' was recorded early this year at Gridlock Studios in Orlando, FL with Justin Thomas producing (Dark new Day, Faktion), and is now available exclusively through their myspace page (link above) or at one of their shows.
The Good: From the groove-laden beginning of the opening track "Hold You Down" to the thumping hard rock riffs of "Give Me Your Pain" to the raw emotion of "Fallen Angel", the album shows a good range of what this band has to offer. The closing track, "Push", really finishes of the EP nicely with a good example of their different styles all lumped into one great track. One of the highlights of the entire EP is the meaningful and identifiable lyrics throughout. "Hold You Down" sends a pessimistic message of doubt to those with clouded views of society. "My Own" is a triumphant song of independent achievement. "Fallen Angel" is almost chilling in the way it allows you to visualize its story of a deployed service member in a hostile land. Really each song in its own way allows anyone to interpret the lyrics and apply them in some way or another to their current lives. Add to these lyrics catchy guitar work, some great guitar solos, a relentless bass line, and the perfect compliment of drum work, and you have this impressive EP.

The Bad: There's really not too much bad you can say about this EP. Of course it is only five tracks representing the band's best efforts, so it's expected that not many flaws would be found. In a few tracks you can hear what sounds like almost the same guitar effect, but that could be easily a fault that lies in production. Overall the sound could be a little more powerful, but again when (not if) this band is on a major label, it will instantly be remedied with more attention in the mixing stage.

Bottomline: Venture is poised to make a big impact on the rock music scene. With their energetic and powerful live shows and this solid EP to throw in the face of major labels, you can expect a full-length album and national tours very soon. No need to take my word for it, you'll see soon enough.
- Tune Lab Music


Track By Track Breakdown
1. The Prisoner - Even though this song is called The Prisoner it certainly doesn't take any (prisoners that is) as right from the opening note this relatively unknown band from Dallas/Fort Worth Texas unleashes their first full length album on the hard rock world. Throughout the entire track this group keeps the intensity on high as they manage to incorporate driving vocals with some elaborate songwriting. Everything about this song is what encompasses the best values in modern rock but Venture also remember to make sure to hold true to what makes hard rock such an emotional genre. Vocalist Blake Self is without a doubt a voice who can hold his own when it comes to belting out power choruses and with this being the lead off track he doesn't waste much time giving listeners an earful. The singer's job is one of the hardest as not only does he have to match the rest of the band in their delivery but he has to be able to move the song forward and keep the listeners in the palm of his hand. One song into this album and already I can tell that Blake is up to the challenge and more importantly is willing to prove himself by going past his own limits and I think The Prisoner definitely shows the potential he has and now comes the time to impress others.
2. All That I Need - Has more of an alternative influence behind the opening guitars so it takes a little while before things begin to fall into place on this song. The main chorus is a little more difficult to find however once it does take form listeners get a well structured piece of songwriting that leaves a more profound effect. All That I Need is able to combine a mid-tempo structure with an intricate build up and I think even though this song isn't as driven in terms of it's arrangement the song manages to have tremendous staying power well after it's over with. The band is able to turn the tables here and work more with structure that fits well into the alternative/modern rock scene. Granted when it comes to this specific sub-genre of rock you're limited to what you can do yet with Venture they feel like one of the up and coming groups that have the opportunity to provide fans with material that is able to stand on its own. With a song like All That I Need Venture unquestionably has the talent to take them places if their willing to work hard and give the ultimate sacrifice for their art form.
3. My Own - The band turns the intensity back around returning to driving modern rock riffs as My Own dives into a heavy/raw sound. Blake is able to channel his voice into another stellar performance continuing to impress me with every vocal he lays down. Once more Venture returns to the power chorus formula managing to put all their emotion into it and once again it ends up paying off since All That I Need was more laid back this is more of a return to form for the band. For a first full length album these guys have managed to pay attention to every little detail on this release thus far. To hear a group the likes of this be able to harness all the key elements into one driving sound shows that they have a great chemistry together which in turn down the road will take them places. So far it looks as if Venture are compiling a collection of solid rock songs that as their careers continue to evolve will being up a great foundation that they can build from even further.
4. Fallen Angel - A huge upbeat riff comes exploding out of the speakers before the song drops down in tone to combine another epic hard rock anthem with an emotional build up. One would think that Venture would trip up sooner or later but Fallen Angel sees them yet again put forth another solid piece of songwriting that focuses on the massive harmonies brought forth from Blake's impressive range. While it is somewhat limited he is able to differentiate between the soothing delivery that evolves into the main chorus by still retaining all the essential qualities to be a dynamic rock singer. The rest of the band is very much still in the zone as they are given some breathing room on this song while still being able to match Blake in nearly every transition that he goes through.
5. Impossible - Has a more darker feel in the opening notes but quickly develops into yet another energetic rock anthem and it actually leaves me in awe how this group has been able to keep the passion of this album in check with each song that has been unleashed thus far. What is even more impressive is a band the likes of Venture are obviously getting the formula down right, knowing how to build up tracks in all the proper methods, and most importantly aren't slowing down that much to show off their variety. I mean sure you need variety in order to keep things sounding fresh but in terms of a modern rock band having the freedom to give listeners songs that incorporate the best of current traits without over doing it. Impossible pretty much trumps all the previous material featured by giving ev - Shipwreck Island Studios


NU Jams!
with the 3D flare

Review on Venture- The Prisoneer
September 13th, 2007

I got Venture’s new CD in the mail today. So now your gonna hear my opinion. First of all, it is independently released by the band with the help of Brett Hestla and Justin Thomas. I have to say for an independent release the sound quality is great. I tested it on 10 and wishing my system had an 11! Complements to the Chef! Very well produced and mixed.
A little about the band. They are a quartet out of the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. With the melodic but powerful vocals of Blake Self. Vin provides great riffs and guitar mastery. Chris Gentry keeps the floor pounding with his incredible bass lines. And the percussions by Michael Barnes are intense that keeps your head banging! They have made a couple of line-up changes from their first EP’s release. I must say, the growth of the band fits them well. They seem to be influenced by the greats of the 80’s and 90’s. Vin’s guitar work is greatly appreciated by this old man! Guitar solo’s has been lost art form in the last 10 years. It’s about time a young band integrates them back in.
They start off the album with the title track. A melodic song with a powerful chorus line. Shows a little of each of the bands many styles. Following by “All that I Need”, probably the most commercial song on the album. A bit slower than their norm, but with the Venture riff’s. For all the faithful Venture fans of old, they incorporated their older songs in with a few extra touches. Like “My Own” , “Hold You Down” and “Give me your Pain”. If your new to Venture, put your seat belts on, your in for a wild ride! Songs Like “Impossible” , “Without a Doubt” and “Goodbye” will be quickly put into Venture’s greats. By the time you get to the albums finale “Push” you’ll be reaching for volume button looking to turn it up, only to find out your systems doesn’t have an 11!
Overall rating on Venture’s “The Prisoner” on scale from 1 to 10 is an 11! Get this CD, highly recommended from the NU Jams! staff. Thanks guys we really enjoyed cranking it up today! For $7.49 it’s a steal! Get it today!
On a side note. I did get a chance to see Venture last time I was in Dallas. If you get a chance to see them live, do it! They are great live! NU Jams! has no affiliation with Venture or any other artist. All opinions are of my own and are not influenced in any way.(even though my opinion is what matters!)
NU Jams!

- NU Jams


THE PRISONER- 12 song cd -Release Date 09-12-07

1. Goodbye
2. On My Way
3. Remember You

1. Hold You Down
2. My Own
3. Give Me Your Pain
4. Fallen Angel
5. Push

SHATTERED EP- Released 11-05-04 SOLD OUT!
1. Shattered
2. Mirror
3. Hide



An undertaking that is dangerous, daring, or of uncertain outcome.
A business enterprise involving some risk in expectation of gain

Like a shot fired from the depths of Hell, VENTURE has exploded onto the music scene with their debut CD, THE PRISONER. Their music has already caught the attention of many, and now their live performances are creating quite a stir in the music industry.

What ingredients are necessary for a band to leave the dingy bar scene and go to the "BIG STAGE?" VENTURE worked hard to make that happen on July 18th, 2007. VENTURE opened for GODSMACK in Dallas TX, and they were received by over 4000 enthusiastic fans!

Blake Self, Michael Barnes, Chris Gentry, and Vin Abadie have formed a powerful alliance, and are poised to take their music to the next level. “It’s been a long journey so far, and we have so many hurdles to overcome,” says lead singer/guitar player Blake Self. Formed in early 2004, VENTURE has been playing the club circuit regionally. “We hope to travel more this year, and bring our show to more friends and fans nationwide,” says drummer Michael Barnes.
After initially recording a 3 song EP titled “SHATTERED” the band began to write and compose more songs. Six more demo songs were recorded in 2005, and two new songs were written for the new SILVER LINING EP. After saving their pennies earned at shows, the band pooled their resources for an all or nothing recording session at Gridlock Studios in Orlando Florida. Justin Thomas was chosen to record and produce the new music, and his genius is evident on the SILVER LINING disc. “We all were impressed with Justin’s work with bands like Faktion and Dark New Day, so it was really an honor to work with him,” says Blake. The session produced five of their best songs, and SILVER LINING is now being enjoyed by fans all around the world.
On March 24th, 2007 VENTURE released their 3rd EP at The Curtain Club in Dallas TX. Brett Hestla ( Creed, Dark New Day) was chosen to produce their project, and it too has been met with eager anticipation and received instant recognition.

UPDATE: VENTURE has 4 new songs which will be incorporated into their first official full length cd. The band reunited with producer Brett Hestla, and was fortunate to work with Beau Hill (Ratt, Warrant, Winger) on additional production and final mix. These 4 songs have a huge amount of potential to attract an even wider audience. "Brett has been instrumental in shaping our sound, and his ideas and suggestions always have a huge impact on our overall sound...he really is an amazing guy!" says Vin.

VENTURE has written 28 songs as of September '07.

THE PRISONER, Venture's fist full length cd officially releases on September 12th, 2007..... Get's coming at ya HARD & FAST!!!!

Check out and purchase their music online by visiting their websites: or
Music distributed by CD Baby and iTunes