Gig Seeker Pro


Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden | INDIE

Göteborg, Västra Götaland, Sweden | INDIE
Band Pop Jazz


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This band has not uploaded any videos



"”Peaceplay” är en lekfull och annorlunda platta av hög klass.""

Peaceplay” är en lekfull och annorlunda platta av hög klass. Vidya, bosatt i Sverige men med ursprung i Indien, har med sin första soloskiva skapat en originell samling låtar av popjazzig karaktär. Lekfullheten i den starka rösten påminner mycket och Kate Bush och Vidya själv säger sig influeras av bland annat Joni Mitchell.

Vidya blandar med stor konstnärlig finess olika genrer som jazz, ska och pop. Utan att det blir krystat mixar hon engelska och svenska, distad bas och blås. I låten Planeter närmar hon sig sångkvalitémässigt Regina Spektor, men utan att någonsin kopiera. Vidya kör sin egen grej och hon gör det bra. I outrot av spåret On My Way, när låten kommer igång och Vidya lekfullt sjunger ikapp med fiolerna, har hon stora likheter med Imogen Heap. - joyzine


Vidya: ”Peaceplay” betyg 4/5

Det är inte varje dag man snavar över en svensk indisk debutant som är meditationscoach och citerar Joni Mitchell och Trazan och Banarne som influenser. Men i Göteborg kan det mesta hända. Vidya blandar engelska och svenska lika vigt som hon leker med rösten och slår säkert upp sitt tält mellan Imogen Heap, Regina Spektor och Jenny Wilson. När man minst anar det utbrister hon dessutom i Di Leva-klingande utrop som ”Vem ska du älska?” – hon är ju ändå uppvuxen i Gävle. I övrigt känns skivan snarare skriven i ett Manhattancafé efter stängningsdags. Jazzpoppig, lekfull och genomarbetad. Absolut bäst är ”Hoping for love” med en Ani DiFranco-explosiv refräng som skoningslöst borrar sig in i hjärnan. Men minst lika rolig att sjunga med i är den vårsprittande ”On my way”. 2011-04-13 06:00:00


the song i wanna know is on the radio p4 in gothenburg and some songs are staring to be played elswhere also.



Vidya was born in India but grew up as a baby in Sweden. Her father is a musican and she has been singing and playing since the very very beginnng, having her goal set to be a performing artist.

As a child she felt a STRONG urge to express her truth through music and she has expeimented ALOT with her voice and expression to always go this road of full precens and truth!!

She studied at several brilliant schools and now has a degree in performimgarts from music unicersity in Gothenburg. There she started playing with the musicians she has sticked with for 10 years.
Vidya has also worked with musicans, artists, dancers, spokenwordist and frome all over the world in different projects!

She has been mainly into pop, childrens songs, freejazz, soul and contemporary music. Her guru was Michael jackson for sooo many years and still are.
She also find great inspiration through other bodyish experiences like yoga and climbing.
She has come to the conlusion that a free mind frees the music !! And when you are free from llimitations of the mind, LOVE appears:)
Therefore the freedom in her music has been a specific ingridient.

Vidya had some difficult years during her studies dealing with deppression, but found her way out of it after 3 years, through her music!

She has worked her way past every angle of the mind to gain her self asteem and MOORE!! And also now is working with helping others find them selves. She does this with her own company, going out to schools as well as major company (telia being one) sharing her experiences and thoughts about how to live a life in complete FLOW and LOVE.

in 2008 Vidya started the thought about doing an album and she went to La Gomera in Teneriffe with her recording instruments and recorded. She had strated the process of making a CD.

But it took 1 year till she recorded PEACEPLAY. She has litterly worked with everyting on this album , but ofcourse with help from others. Peaceplay was released in march 2011 and has gotten really grate reviews in several big swedish magazins, as well as radio and on the internet.
She had her release tour in cities such as Stockholm, Gävle, Göteborg, Dresden, Leipzig and Berlin.

Vidyas band are quite new since the last one resolved. After playing in 10 years
They all felt they wanted different things an a natural ending happened:)
A new fase started and now with this new splendid band (wiht some of the finest muscians living in Gothenburg) , she has new inspiration to realeasing dreams come true!
The dream for Vidya is to reach out to as many people as possible with this message that ALL individuals are born free, loved and full of potantial!