Walking Relic
Norman, Oklahoma, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2009 | SELF
Name: Walking Relic
Hailing from: Noble, Oklahoma
Genre: Electronic rock/Synthpop
Influences: The Beatles, The Killers, M83, Florence and The Machine, The National, Arcade Fire, Switchfoot, Murray Gold/Ben Foster, Coldplay, Beach House, Franz Ferdinand, Vampire Weekend – at least music-wise.
Contact: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Soundcloud | Email
Upcoming shows: Saturday June 14th at Hi-Lo Club, Oklahoma City.
How would you describe your sound?
For the most part, we are high-velocity, eclectic, synth-rock/pop. The sound on our EP, Sojourn, embodies this in the fullest way while maintaining a certain wave of pure rock ‘n’ roll.
Do you play live? What are your shows like?
Yes, we play live and adore it! Our shows are always high energy while at the same time intimate. I think we really invite the listeners to experience our songs and feel what they are. A live concert is an art form in itself; it’s not, at least for us, just a way to get publicity or more ‘likes’ or sell albums.
What’s the name of your latest release? Why should we listen?
The name of our latest release is Sojourn. You should listen to it not only because it is truly some of the best music out there right now (not to be too proud, as I think it takes humility to admit when your work is truly good), but it is a small piece of the puzzle that forms our album, which is coming out in the fall. It’s going to be an album unlike any other; we are very proud of it and truly believe in its innovation, not only in sound but also in story.
Is there anything that sets you apart from your contemporaries?
On a certain level, yes. There are a lot of people doing synth rock/pop right now. The difference, though, is that we are not a one-act show, so to speak; our pop is infused with basic rock ‘n’ roll and every song has been carefully crafted to tell the story of the album. Since the majority of people will not buy an album anymore – and only buy a band’s single – the album we are putting out is for those people who want to know what we have to say and will take the time to really dive into our music. This is going to be a concept album unlike any that has been made in the past. I truly believe we are in a different ballpark to that of our ‘contemporaries’. No one is doing, or has done, what we are doing with this album.
What is it that keeps you going? Fame? Future record deal?
Simply the fact that we have stories to tell, and we have something to say and we believe that people ought to hear it. What we are doing is for true fans of music, though a record label would be a great platform to unveil our beliefs and passions – and fame would be the megaphone. Still, we are doing this – and will hopefully be able to continue doing this – because we have something of worth to say among piles of worthless hype that seems to thrive in today’s music industry.
Artist: Walking Relic - Kemptation Magazine
Oklahoma-based Rock band Walking Relic recently spoke with Spark Afternoons’ Jack White about their new single ‘Every Little Thing’.
The track, which is out now as part of the ‘Sojourn’ EP, is the group’s first UK single. The EP also features tracks ‘Burn’ and ‘Galaxy Quest’.
Although group member Derek wasn’t able to make the interview, frontwoman Jessie and guitarist Chris put the band’s ethos across just fine! The group discussed touring and songwriting before tackling some of Jack’s fun quickfire questions about who would play them in a movie of their lives and if they could, which Doctor Who villain they would choose to collaborate with the band.
Did we mention they love Doctor Who?!
To hear the group talk music and The Doctor, check out the interview below. - Jack White
Chris Schat from the electronic rock band Walking Relic, sent over his band’s new EP Sojourn. When music comes directly from the band…let’s just say its a lot more hit and miss than belting one out of the park. But in Walking Relic’s case it is definitely the latter. The EP has a huge progressive rock feel to it, though it escapes a lot of comparisons because of Jessie Jennings’ vocals. Despite being from the US (Oklahoma), the band is currently making a lot more noise in England as lead single “Every Little Thing” is currently being played on 16 radio stations. What’s up US? Let’s get on board now before it is too late. in the UK. I’m giving you a double shot here. Along with “Every Little Thing” is “Galaxy Quest”: - Tender Branson
alking Relic, a pop/rock band from Noble, Oklahoma, was formed in early 2009 by Noble Graduates Jessie Jennings, 2008, Chris Schat, 2007, and Derek Mehl, married to Pioneer Counselor Tenille Mehl.
Their style is a unique blend of pop/rock synthyness. Being female fronted, they have put their mark on the local scene.
They have kept busy playing numerous places with numerous bands, and have released one E.P. produced by Trent Bell called 5:17. And will soon release another E.P produced by Trent as well. They have also produced two home recorded cd's "Bloom" and "Hearts of Amen" Walking Relic has played with such bands as: Electric Valentine, Wavorly, Watchout! There's Ghosts, Fair to Midland, and The Prids.
In the summer of 2012 the band went on tour and played in Georgia, Florida and Arizona.
Find more info for the band here: http://Walkingrelic.com And Like their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/walkingrelic - Noble Public Schools 50/50 Campaign
Hailing from Noble and Norman, OK Walking Relic recently released the EP Sojourn (Official, BandCamp, Amazon, iTunes, CD Baby).
This interview was conducted via email January 7 – February 12, 2014.
For more information on Walking Relic check out their official website, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, BandCamp, SoundCloud, PureVolume, ReverbNation, MySpace, and Last.fm pages.
Dave: How did the band get together?
Chris Schat: It started out in High School when one of my friends, Ben Lewis, and I (Chris, Walking Relic's guitarist) started doing some experimental electronic techno music, and we knew Jessie Jennings (Walking Relic's lead singer now) from school and knew she could sing really well. She sang a part of the chorus and bridge on a song called "Winter's Drive." Long story short, Ben Lewis and I sort of stopped experimenting with music, while Jessie and I, a year or so later, started dating.
Jessie and I would show each other our songs that we had written, and did some home recordings of the music. We both decided to take this a little further and started writing for song competitions. We didn't ever win one, but we dragged my brother-in-law in to drum for the songs we were sending to the competitions. In late 2008, we stopped writing for competitions and in early 2009 we became the band known today as Walking Relic, with Jessie Jennings at lead vocals, Derek Mehl playing drums, and I (Chris Schat) playing guitar.
Dave: What’s the story behind the name Walking Relic?
Chris: The name came about when Jessie Jennings was in English class at ECU, the professor wrote the word "Rhetoric" on the board then in a separate sentence wrote the word "Walking." Therefore Jessie thought it would be a cool band name to add the two together as "Walking Rhetoric." she came to my house with the name but accidently said "Walking Relic" I loved that name way more than "Walking Rhetoric" and we both agreed that it made more sense to us and had deeper meaning that applied to our lives.
The meaning of the name Walking Relic is simple. "Relic" means an item that has survived a time or era that is no more, we are simply "Walking Relics" each one of us in the band, and most other people as well, have lived through an era in their lives that they are not proud of and would like to move on from. We, the individuals in the band, had gone through certain eras like that but we have survived it and have decided to keep moving forward, not ignoring the past but also not allowing the past to drag us down.
Dave: For those who have never heard the band, how do you describe your music?
Chris: Our music is probably best described as, in the simplest terms, electronic rock. We all love many different bands and types of music, one being The Killers, so those influences are unavoidable, and usually subconscious. But at the same time I do not think that harper on trying to sound like a certain band. Our music is simply eclectic electronic rock.
Dave: You recently self-released the EP Sojourn. What’s the story behind the record? What made you decide to go the self-release route instead of working with a traditional record label?
Chris: The story behind Sojourn is that it is simply made up of the songs that we thought people would like most off of our upcoming album. The name of the EP though was going to be different. Derek was jogging one day and thought of it, I had already name the EP pretty much our album name with "EP" tagged at the end. He thought Sojourn was a better name for the EP, and I honestly agreed. The reason Sojourn is better is because it means "A temporary visit, or stay." That is perfect for a preview of an album that is essentially a concept work about three characters (us) going on a symbolic journey following a mysterious flash of light. It sounds kind of crazy I know, but when it is done it really is going to be cool!
Dave: Do you have any plans for a full-length release?
Chris: Yes we do as seen in the above answer. We are very excited. The album will also be preceded by short stories so to speak from the perspective of the characters as they go on the journey. These stories will line up with the songs on the album.
Dave: Do you have any specific type of songwriting process?
Chris: Yeah. the process is for the most part Jessie and I write separately and then bring the songs to each other and make tweaks and have suggestions before then taking the song to Derek for practice and having him give his opinion. With my songs I will tell Derek the general idea I am going for and have him create a beat during practice, we all have to like the drum beat in order to proceed. With Jessie's songs she will sometimes already have a beat planned and try to describe it to Derek, a lot of her songs pop in her head already complete. I will then try to match the feel that Jessie wants for guitar. With my songs I do all the music and have Jessie and Derek give me suggestions, usually for me I will teach Jessie the melody after working with Derek and having the music planned out.
Dave: What are your thoughts on the music scene in Oklahoma?
Chris: I think that the bands that have found their niche here have it made because once Oklahomans become fans of a band they will stick with them. We haven't found our home in the Oklahoma music scene quite yet, but I have noticed a lot of support for those bands who have which is great! I think that there is a certain bias here though (at least in the metro area) because great bands (such as The Flaming Lips) have forged a path and left remnants of their sound in the atmosphere and so a lot of bands form around this type of sound, -which is awesome because I love that kind of music- but it is not so cool when it comes to my band and our non-psychedelic synth rock. It would be nice to find a place in Oklahoma where our music is appreciated a little more.
Dave: This is a High Fidelity inspired question. What are your top five favorite bands, albums, movies, television programs, books/authors?
Jessie Jennings: Bands- 1) Arcade Fire 2) Enya 3) Florence and The Machine 4) Lana Del Rey 5) The National
TV Shows-Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Firefly, Call The Midwife
Movies- Gladiator, Braveheart, Hook, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Life Aquatic
Books/Authors- 1) Harry Potter Series 2) 1984 3) Grendel 4) C.S. Lewis 5) The Book of Matthew
Chris: Bands- 1) The Beatles 2) The Killers 3) Arcade Fire 4) M83 5) Vampire Weekend
Albums 1) Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band 2) The Suburbs- Arcade Fire 3) Sam's Town- The Killers 4) Hurry Up, We're Dreaming-M83 5) Hello, Hurricane- Switchfoot
TV Shows- Doctor Who, Sherlock, Top Gear, Downton Abbey, Saturday Night Live
Movies- Inception, Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless Mind, The Life Aquatic,
Books/Authors- Ernest Hemingway, Homer, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Beautiful Ruins By Jess Walter, Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Derek Mehl: Bands- Switchfoot, The Killers, Jimmy Eat World, Coldplay, Snow Patrol
Albums-Satellite- P.O.D, Battle Born- The Killers, The Beautiful Letdown- Switchfoot, Eyes Open- Snow Patrol, Mylo Xyloto- Coldplay
TV Shows- The Office, Community, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn 99,Cutthroat Kitchen
Movies- Lord Of The Rings, Anchorman, Zoolander, The Dark Knight, Hoosiers
Books/Authors- Dante's The Inferno, The Bible, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, Jon Foreman
Dave: What’s next for the band?
Chris: We are promoting our E.P. in the UK with different radio stations and hopefully our single "Every Little Thing" will catch on, if it does we are looking at a UK tour very soon! As all of this is going on we are still working on our album and our music video for our single "Every Little Thing" is coming out soon! The album has a tentative release date for late summer/early fall 2014.
Dave: Any final thoughts?
Chris: We hope everyone reading will keep in contact with us, being this is probably our busiest year thus far as a band and it has only just begun! There will be many updates so if you would like to keep in contact, you can at facebook.com/walkingrelic or our twitter account, twitter.com/walkingrelic. Thank you! - Oklahoma Lefty- Dave
Me (Jessie) and Chris were in a band in high school, but it didn’t work out, so we started playing with his brother-in-law (Derek) and it just sort of happened!
You’ve been likened to acts such as ‘The Killers’; do you think this is accurate?
Yes definitely! They’re one of our major influences!
Other than ‘The Killers’ then, who would you say have been your musical influences, as on your website, you talk about how your EP ‘Sojourn’ has been influenced by various artists.
Yea, definitely… well like we said ‘The Killers’, definitely a bit of ‘Muse’, ‘Florence and the Machine’, and we’d probably say ‘Tegan and Sara’ too.
Your website also claims that your EP is a different take on synth rock music… what do you think it is that makes you guys different, and what were you aiming to achieve with this EP?
I don’t think we were intentionally setting out to be different, it just sort of happened… I think a lot of it is the actual music. We tend to go a bit over bored with the music, so I guess the sound is pretty layered. I think sometimes bands today don’t have many layers to their music, so I guess this makes us sound a bit different. To be honest, we’re just trying to get ourselves out there and hopefully branch out to the UK.
How have you found your music received in the UK compared to the US?
I think it’s a bit difficult to say at the moment, because we haven’t yet been out there and seen the influence our music is having over there yet. There is such a different kind of music scene in the UK that we really want to be a part of. We’re from Oklahoma, and our music is very different from the usually Oklahoma scene. We’re hoping our work will be more accepted in the UK.
I personally find it really cool that you guys are female fronted. What affect has this had on your career as a band, and do you think it has benefitted you?
Yea, I’d definitely say it’s been a benefit. It’s very uncommon within the Oklahoma music scene so it definitely makes us stand out. Plus, there’s been a massive uprising of female artists, such as ‘Haim’, ‘Chvrches’, etc., so this has helped, and it’s really cool to be a part of that.
Finally, you’ve done several EPs now… what are we to expect next from you?
Yes, our first EP was definitely a learning experience. We mainly just wanted something people could listen to! And this one (‘Sojourn’) is us trying to really get ourselves out there and to spread the word of what we’re about. But we have a full album coming out around the end of Summer/ early Fall which we’re currently recording and are very excited about.
~ Emily Edwards - Insanity Radio- Emily Edwards
“Thanks for sending this over; it's a fantastic track, love it! Definitely going to be putting this on the playlist. From a first couple of listens the vibe the band is going for sounds like a cross between Blondie and Metric, with a little bit of The Birthday Massacre thrown in - it works really well!” - Insanity Radio (UK)
Oklahoman female-fronted pop rockers Walking Relic are a family affair comprising brothers-in-law Chris Schat and Derek Mehl, with Chris’ fiance Jessie Jennings heading up the group. Their sound is clearly imbued with the influences they cite: from the subtle Florence and the Machine tones to the more obvious upbeat synth vibes of The Killers and melodic bass notes of Muse. It’s the kind of driven, accessible, infectious indie stuff that’s seen so much success in recent years and is bound to see more. - Cracked Wax
The acts that bands and artists list as influences can make for interesting and sometimes puzzling reading. Amongst the big yet credible bands that Oklahoma trio Walking Relic cite (The Beatles, The National, Santigold) are a few bland mainstream indie acts (Athlete, Snow Patrol, The Killers), plus the odd surprise like Enya. What's more surprising is that this combination accurately paints a picture of their own music on new EP 'Sojourn', and what's most surprising of all is that the combination works. They have the big pop hooks of bands like The Killers, they have the indie sound that many of those bands suggest, yet they also show an experimental streak that may be inspired by Santigold and even Enya (they're female-fronted which helps this comparison), and they show an alt-rock credibility with it, one that The National and their like share.
On the evidence of these three tracks, Walking Relic do have a more commercial sound than some alternative music fans may be looking for, but they're not exactly mainstream. Crossover potential exists here, but it'll take a little work before those platinum discs start appearing. Not through lack of good songs, but through their style being just too left-field for the charts; the way they need to work it is to slowly build a fanbase rather than dive straight in at the deep end, but they have the ingredients to make it happen. Essentially this is a fairly familiar blend of indie-rock and electro-pop, so not exactly revolutionary, but they have the songs to carry it off. Plus, the belting vocals of 'Every Little Thing' and 'Galaxy Quest' don't pull any punches (it's perhaps telling that another influence is Florence and the Machine, although we'd add Beth Ditto to that list too). Sandwiched between these two songs is 'Burn', a tune made from the same building blocks and completing an EP that could easily have been split apart and released as three singles. - The Sound Of Confusion
A powerful firmament of female voice, stellar emotions and burning melodies.They employ a curious but majestic combination of rhythmic energy, atmospheres and voices - Inanna Naked
This is a band with an unlikely sound in an unlikely place. Walking Relic are a pop/rock group hailing from Noble, Oklahoma. They are also female-fronted, which is a nice change of pace for a group like this. They really remind me bands like The Sounds or Shiny Toy Guns that have a fine balance between when the keyboards lead and when the guitars lead the song.
The band just released a three song EP entitled “Sojurn” that I think is absolutely great. It’s very fast paced and sure to put some extra pep in your step. The EP kicks off with “Every Little Thing: which builds on a synth riff and explodes into anthemic chorus that can’t help but sing out loud. Next is “Burn”, another anthem, this time guitar driven but the keys sit beautifully in the mix. The EP concludes with “Galaxy Quest;” a driving song that also spaces out musically.
The band have released several other EP’s in the past, but I want to hear a full album. I’ve enjoyed every song and want a full album to properly showcase these songs because they need to be heard. They’ve also toured extensively around the nation so pay attention to when they come around to your area because you do not want to miss them.
This is a great band for any fan of The Killers, M83, and the National. You can find their music on their sound cloud page here: https://soundcloud.com/walkingrelic
Luke Helker - Hear Me Out
This is a band with an unlikely sound in an unlikely place. Walking Relic are a pop/rock group hailing from Noble, Oklahoma. They are also female-fronted, which is a nice change of pace for a group like this. They really remind me bands like The Sounds or Shiny Toy Guns that have a fine balance between when the keyboards lead and when the guitars lead the song.
The band just released a three song EP entitled “Sojurn” that I think is absolutely great. It’s very fast paced and sure to put some extra pep in your step. The EP kicks off with “Every Little Thing: which builds on a synth riff and explodes into anthemic chorus that can’t help but sing out loud. Next is “Burn”, another anthem, this time guitar driven but the keys sit beautifully in the mix. The EP concludes with “Galaxy Quest;” a driving song that also spaces out musically.
The band have released several other EP’s in the past, but I want to hear a full album. I’ve enjoyed every song and want a full album to properly showcase these songs because they need to be heard. They’ve also toured extensively around the nation so pay attention to when they come around to your area because you do not want to miss them.
This is a great band for any fan of The Killers, M83, and the National. You can find their music on their sound cloud page here: https://soundcloud.com/walkingrelic
Luke Helker - Hear Me Out
Walking Relic released a full-length album, Times and Tides, on March 27th.
The twelve-song collection is based on a short story. Drawing from classic novels in which the stories are told by letters or diaries and Greek theatre, the band composed songs telling a story of three strangers navigating an unknown place. Upon being transported to this unfamiliar land, the three discover they are compelled to follow a mysterious light – and this light ignites something deep within themselves.
The album is split into to parts. The first six tracks are considered the “Times” section; the next five created the “Tides” section. The final song, “Lighthouse,” ties the whole album together as the epilogue.
“Times and Tides” begins the story. The otherworldly melody sets the background, calling for the characters to give into the tide. Despite its intense sound, the track seems to give off a carefree vibe; it’s the kind of vibe that is generally associated with frothing white waves and running through the sand against the wind.
The following tracks continue with the same theme, intensely confusing and calling forth feelings of fighting against the current. “Hope” breaks the trend with a softer, dreamy sound. This begins the “Tides” sequence, shifting to a more melancholic style, hope clinging desperately.
“Lighthouse” ends the album on an intense note. The song starts like a score to a battle; heavy and building, it seems to empowers its characters to keep going. Halfway through, a lull gives the song a moment to catch its breath. Then, it’s back to a heavy intensity that brings the characters home.
Each song is captivating in its own way. Hopeful and spiritual, the concept of the album seems to be that of a journey to self-discovery. The music awakens emotions deep inside, calling to the listener and bringing images of spinning in the wind and fighting the current. - Starcatcher Magazine
Walking Relic "5:17" E.P.-Tracks are streaming on The Underdog Show
Walking Relic "Sojourn" E.P.-Released September 18, 2013
Walking Relic "Every Little Thing" -Single- To be played on BBC 6 in January/February 2014
Walking Relic "Times and Tides" Album- released March 27, 2020

Walking Relic is a pop/rock band from Norman, Oklahoma. Their style lies somewhere between Florence and The Machine and The Killers. Being female fronted, they have put their mark on the local scene playing places such as: The Hi-Lo Club, 51st Street Speakeasy, Belle Isle, The 89th Street Collective, Bricktown! live, The Oklahoma State Fair, Enerje Event Center and The Oklahoma Arts Festival.
In the summer of 2015, the group recorded a song for the award winning movie "Electric Nostalgia," which released the next year at DeadCenter Film Festival.
In a way the band is a sort of "family band" consisting of brothers- in- law Chris Schat and Derek Mehl and Chris' wife Jessie Allison Schat. It is easy to see, then, how Walking Relic has stayed together all these years.The project started originally just as recording sessions for talent competitions and soon bloomed into a full on creative force.
The band has also been on a month long tour consisting of the east coast and the mid west, playing Georgia and Florida then taking an immediate turn to Arizona. The band has also had the chance to play in Nashville for record executives. In 2014 our single "Every Little Thing" was being played on 16 radio stations in the UK and had the opportunity to have radio interviews with Spark FM (UK), Insanity Radio (UK), Mersey Radio (UK), and Nevis Radio (UK).
Walking Relic is influenced by many artists such as: The Beatles, The Killers, M83, Vampire Weekend, Arcade Fire, Tegan and Sara, Enya, Florence and The Machine, Switchfoot, Snow Patrol, The National, Sigur Ros, and composers Murray Gold, Hans Zimmerman, and Olafur Arnalds, along with many many other great and talented artists.
What sets Walking Relic apart from other bands is their knack to keep the music going regardless of circumstances, as well as staying true to their eclectic style of rock. The other difference between Walking Relic and other bands is their unwavering commitment to make an album more than just a collection of songs, but an immensely detailed and thought-provoking story that allows listeners and readers (the album comes complete with a first person "recount" of the journey the protagonists take in the story) to experience the whole of the album, and make intimate observations about their place in the human condition and what part they play.
Band Members