W. C. Lindsay
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Sometimes technology fails us. That was the case when we didn’t receive W.C. Lindsay’s email with interview answers for when they won our Featured Artist(s) Poll a while back. Well, since they’ll be celebrating the release of their new EP Hard Youth, Hardly You tomorrow night at The Treehouse with Cold Fronts, Lucy Stone, and Tongue Sculptors, we thought that it would be a good time as any to post it. Check out our interview with William Charles Lindsay about his band W.C. Lindsay below.
- The Deli Philly
W. C. Lindsay is not what I was expecting when I started to listen to their album Hard Youth, Hardly You, released earlier this year. I guess my idea of electro-pop was off a smidge. But halfway through the first track 'Folklore and Tall Tales' I found myself bopping along and eventually dancing like a nerd in my seat. Thank God no one was around to see. - Audio Arsenal Magazine
The search for your perfect summer record is over Ladies and Gentleman. I have jammed this record since the days became significantly warmer this year and let me tell you I wanted to be on a beach and I hate the beach. It has perfect cross genrazation to ensure maximum enjoyment from all sectors of the music scene. Seriously though I was playing it while driving around with some friends and as anyone who has ever been in my car will know that metal is my typical MO for driving. As I was beginning to alienate my friends the breakdown in Just Keep Moving hit us all full throttle and at the point the enjoyment level of the car radically changed. - Underground Alliance
Born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, Drexel student William C. Lindsay (better known as W.C. Lindsay) is slowly but surely taking the world by storm.
Lindsay describes his music as “The Beastie Boys watching ‘The Breakfast Club’ at Warped Tour.” On the outside, his songs are fun and easy to sing along to, but if you take a closer look at the lyrics, you can see the depth and messages lying beyond the surface. - The Triangle
Still working on that hot first release.

This account is no longer operated by W. C. Lindsay. Please ignore all content. This account will no longer be visible on December 18th, 2013 and will not be updated before it is deleted.
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Head over to http://wclindsay.bandcamp.com. Bandcamp rules.