Gig Seeker Pro



Band Rock Alternative


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Self Titled debut disc
released Jan/2010




Wentworth has been through many member changes in the last 5 years. We feel we truly formed 2 years ago with the addition of drummer Enrique Enchangaqui. Our music started off essentially as hard rock, but as we progress so does our style and we have developed a style completely our own. With an onslaught of dreamy verses infused with 3 part harmonies and addictive choruses. Melodic drums and true story telling lyrics. In the short of it, we are 4 guys who love playing and have a passion for writing music that leaves the listener thinking we are not just another band. We have developed a stage pressence that has been recognized and talked about by club owners. Based out of Hamilton we are still able to draw crowds to Toronto, Kitchener and even as far as Ottawa. We feel we haven't even come close to hitting our Zenith and with our 2nd cd released December 2011 and a 3rd written and ready to lay down, we are ever improving and building a fan base and name that we are very proud of. In closing, we know that when we leave a gig, people will be talking about that band Wentworth and that they want to hear us again.