Yellow No. 5
Gig Seeker Pro

Yellow No. 5

Band Alternative Punk


This band has not uploaded any videos
This band has not uploaded any videos


The best kept secret in music


"Music Review Quote"

"Your contagious energy really imbeds the performance into my memory banks."
  - TAXI (Independent A&R Company)

"Music Review Quote"

"It's hard not to like the down to earth guys in Yellow No. 5" - Cleveland Scene Magazine

"Random Quote"

"I have over 160 CDs in my office from bands wanting in, yours is at home in my stereo" --S. Sherman, Hard Rock Cafe Talent Buyer - Hard Rock Cafe

"Music Review Quote"

"Yellow No. 5 proves that they have what it takes to rise to the occasion and be counted as a true rock band." - Village Buzz Magazine

"Music Review Quote"

"Yellow No. 5 solves the riddle of how to write a hit song." - Ohio Musician Magazine

"Random Quote"

"You guys rocked and you helped to make our prom a success. At school today everyone was still talking about how much they liked you guys!"

- K. Nickles - Northwest High Planning Committee

"Quote from Record Label"

"Well done, be aggressive." - A. Gould - Epic Records

"Quote from Record Label"

"Great market for this" - "I love the riff on Everyday is Different."
- G. Soffer - Atlantic Records


Ready to Roll/EP - 1998 Sold Out
Self Titled/LP - 2000/BMI Sold Out
Everyday is Different/LP - 2003/BMI Available Now


Feeling a bit camera shy


Yellow No. 5 are currently a self managed, 3 piece, Pop/Punk original act on their own label, Spin World Records. Yellow No. 5’s songs have huge chorus lines and the guitar/drum hooks will stick with you like a banana split. The lyrics are cunning since they disquise many emotions that are sucked out of real life experiences into a power-pop sound. Although the band members come from the back roads of central Ohio they have been culture schooled in many prominent venues throughout the USA and Canada. With all of the energy that goes into their live show, it's no surprise that the band's music is also featured on extreme sports videos. They are currently booking performances in even more reputable clubs & campuses across the US. The band owns a late model Van, CDs, Merchandise & the Pro Stage Gear to put the show on the road. The next mission for Yellow No. 5 is to gain enough exposure to secure a supporting slot on tour with a national act. Then the band will continue their grassroots hard work ethic across the rest of America. They are currently seeking Pro Management, a Pro Booking Agency and a Pro Label.