Yoda Remote
Kópavogur, Capital Region, Iceland | SELF
The night kicked off with Yoda Remote. A pair of lads young enough to make Surkin and Lo-Fi-Fnk look like wizened elders. Dresscode obviously influenced by FM Belfast, with the bowties and seemingly mandatory sweater vests. They immediately served up a screaming hatful of 8-bit mayhem fused with kitschy Euro-techno. But even when deep in Day-Glo Marioland the music seems haunted by the melancholy we’ve come to expect from Scandinavian electro (Knife, Röyksopp, etc.). And an extra special kudos must be given for bringing back the samples of Star Wars dialogue, it’s been a good 15 years and missed it we have.
Yoda Remote largely an unknown band and I don’t envy them opening up the Wednesday Weirdcore night but they worked those synths within an inch of their meagre existence. As much of the night to come, it wasn’t quite danceable but it was winkingly retro, intelligent and fun as hell. - Grapevine
Skywatchers EP
(Self Disturbuted - 2010)
Rocketship (Yoda Remote Remix) - Sykur
/(Official - Free Download)
Acid Hverfisgata (Yoda Remote's Dance Remix) - Futuregrapher
/(Appeared on Futuregrapher's "Acid Hverfisgata EP" 2010)
Rude Boy (Yoda Remote's Filthy Remix) - Rihanna
/(Unofficial - Free Download)
Area 51 (Yoda Remote's Dreamland Remix) - Weapons
Lager (Yoda Remote Remix)
The Suffering appeared on Weirdcore 2 compilation album.
/(Free download)

The band Yoda Remote was formed in the fall of 2008 when Bragi and Emil met in school. That fall both Bragi and Emil had a huge interest in electronic music. They had both been involved somehow in music, playing various instruments in various bands and solo projects. They also had some experience of electronic music, but had never gone further than just writing music in their macbooks. No live performances what so ever. They taught each other what they had learned by themselves and there was no turning back, Yoda Remote was born.
When the guys decided to form an electronic band, they had no idea of where they were heading. In other words, they had no specific genre in mind, they just wanted to make electronic music. After writing a couple of songs that turned out to be really jolly and happy, with influences from 8-bit music and bands like Slagsmålsklubben, they decided that this was a great genre to proceed within. Lately they have been writing music from a wider selection of electronic genres but the jolly 8-bit influence is always present.
Early 2010 Yoda Remote released their debut EP, Skywatchers. The album is home made, and Yoda Remote did the recordings, mixings and masterings all by themselves. Since then, they have been playing concerts all over Iceland and remixing songs for various Icelandic artists.