mySpoonful (Apr-Jul '12)

Posted by:  The Rights Workshop


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mySpoonful delivers free new music to busy people. Three times a week, on the web and in an email newsletter, they tell fans about a single new independent music artist people need to know about and include a free MP3 to stream or download. Their team of expert music writers do all the work, sifting through new music and recommending only the best, up-and-coming artists. Selected artists will be given a mySpoonful feature, individually highlighting that band to dedicated and influential music fans.

Just like the dude at the record store you used to go to, mySpoonful know what to listen to outside of the mainstream. A spoonful of new music is just the right amount. Let’s face it, there’s too much music and information out there for fans to keep up with, which is why we’ve kept things very simple. mySpoonful doles out just the right amount of new music and info – a spoonful – for each artist they feature.

Each spoonful profiles a single new independent music artist, and contains a free MP3 song download, an artist photo, and a bio from their team of expert writers. Love the artist and want more? Drill down and get a video, info on other bands you may like, links to buy more music, and more.

Check out these Sonicbids bands recently featured on mySpoonful: