On That Note Entertainment

Posted by:  On That Note Entertainment


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On That Note Entertainment is a full-service booking agency located in New Jersey and is dedicated to furthering the music careers of our artists. Our experience in the industry puts us on par with the larger, more established booking agencies, while our small size, dedication, and genuine care for our artists is what sets us apart.

We are looking for national or local artists in all genres to add to our close-knit booking agency. We will consider bands as candidates to add to our agency roster, or simply to book for select local, national, or college shows. On That Note currently has 5-10 full-time artists and more than 10 college bands on our roster.

Our philosophies aren't new, but they are all too often forgotten in the music industry. We pride ourselves on working hard in the industry we love, with the music we love. Working closely with our artists on a daily basis gives us insight into the wants, needs and dreams of each band. It also goes hand in hand with our effort to maintain that "family feeling" in our agency. We strive to be an integral part of each band's support team, and we maintain both a personal and professional interest in every artist we work with. At the same time, however, we never forget that the bands are our clients, and making them happy and successful is our top priority.

In choosing the artists that we work with, we trust our instincts, and work with great musicians who make great music. Great music lasts, while the flavor of this month is usually gone next month. We don't make a distinction between being a band's agent and being their fan. We will continue to maintain a small roster of clients that we believe in, and concentrate on doing the best possible job for them. By dedicating ourselves fully to these bands, and not over-extending our resources by attempting to sign too many acts, we feel we can offer the attention that artists properly need.