Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal E-zine (Mar-Jun '11)

Posted by:  Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal - E-Zine


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Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal ezine is an up-and-coming internet publication. Since its conception in 1997, the publication has grown in both content and popularity. They regularly feature reviews and a “Best Bands Around the World” section. A selected artist will be chosen per month for a review on the publication./n/nProgressive Rock & Progressive Metal ezine is an up-and-coming internet publication. Since its conception in 1997, the publication has grown in both content and popularity. They regularly feature reviews and a "Best Bands Around the World" section.

Progressive Rock & Progressive Metal ezine are now accepting submissions from Sonicbids artists. The artist will be chosen per month for a review on the publication. This is a great outlet for publicity for any progressive rock or metal band. Desired genres are as follows: progressive rock, progressive metal, hard rock, melodic metal and melodic hard rock.