GuitarTam Music: Women's Sports Music Licensing

Posted by:  GuitarTam Music


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This Gig Listing has been re-opened for submissions. All previous submitters are still in contention to be selected, and do not need to submit again.

GuitarTam Music is looking for high-energy songs from female artists for placement with ESPN and Network Ad Campaigns. Accepted genres include rock, alternative, experimental, acid, 80s, pop and punk. Artists will be paid through their Performing Rights Organization.

They are looking for female singers that sound like Excene Cervenka, Lena Lovitch, B52s, Bjork, Imogen Heap, Siouxie Sioux, Joan Jett or any women with an interesting texture in their voice. Songs must have high energy and a message about girl empowerment. This is a great opportunity to have your music licensed.