Raleigh, North Carolina, USA

Record Label

Bands we've booked

HASS Music LLC has not booked a Sonicbids band yet.


HASS Music, LLC is a record label which encompasses all aspects by which an artist can receive major attention within the industry and among the music listening public. Simply having the necessary tools is merely a small portion and HASS Music has them. It is the utilization of those tools in a structural and strategic manner that creates the momentum required to position the artist appropriately. It is the position of HASS Music LLC to layout the marketing and promotional strategies, as well as proper positioning of the tools required to achieve optimal artist placement.
HASS Music LLC has acquired the services of industry recognized, either Grammy Award winning and nominated producers to compose and provide beats (music compositions; the basis of the music used by many artists today). These beats are selected in conjunction with the label and artist to fit the lyrics or vibe of the future recording. Once this composition has been selected, it is then delivered electronically to 3RD Level Music Group for p