Poppy Roscoe
Gig Seeker Pro

Poppy Roscoe

Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2023 | INDIE

Los Angeles, California, United States | INDIE
Established on Jan, 2023
Band Rock Indie




"Manzanita Album Review (7/10)"

After originally breaking through with their much-loved debut LP 'One More For Safety' in 2019, LA's Poppy Roscoe were one of many outfits to have their output and live shows disrupted because of the pandemic. But then they suddenly reappeared with their eagerly-awaited sophomore offering 'Poppy Roscoe In: Sea Fortune And The Desert Rats' last year, a record that saw them rekindle all of that same magic they first arrived with. Not looking to let this comeback lie anytime soon, they are now back to their vibrant best once again with their third studio album 'Manzanita', a release that builds upon that dynamic tenure of late.

Moving through those 60s psych-rock-inspired textures once again, 'Manzanita' sees them returning to the fold with some of their most impactful efforts to date. With a production that allows them to explore a multitude of different angles in order to keep the pace and energy as high as possible, the band's latest work proves they are still very much on top of their creative game here. With tracks like 'Backdoorman' heightening their already infectious sound, they continue to shine as one of the more exciting names working the US scene right now.

While their career has certainly had its ups and downs already, 'Manzanita' almost feels like a fresh start for them as they look to unearth some truly enjoyable grooves from beginning to end. Poppy Roscoe have always had something admirable about their direction, but this new offering sees them pushing those immersive aesthetics as far as they will go. - Mystic Sons

"Poppy Roscoe Ressuscite Le Rock Psychédélique Avec ‘Manzanita’ (French)"

Poppy Roscoe, passionnée par le son classique du garage rock psychédélique des années 60, nous offre une véritable plongée dans cette époque avec l’album “Manzanita”. Ce dernier opus témoigne de son amour pour ce genre musical intemporel tout en y ajoutant une touche moderne et rafraîchissante. “Manzanita” explore les confins du garage rock vintage avec une maîtrise impressionnante. Les chansons de l’album sont imprégnées d’une énergie brute et d’une authenticité qui captivent dès la première écoute. Les instrumentaux sont impeccables, mêlant guitares distordues et rythmes effervescents qui rappellent les grandes heures du rock des sixties. Les voix, à la fois puissantes et mélodieuses, s’harmonise parfaitement avec les arrangements sonores, créant une expérience auditive riche et immersive.

Cet album est une véritable pépite pour les amateurs de rock psychédélique, confirmant une fois de plus le talent exceptionnel de Poppy Roscoe. - InfoMusic (French)

"POPPY ROSCOE – Manzanita (Spanish)"

¡Para alucinar!, en esta ocasión hemos caído bajo los encantos de “POPPY ROSCOE”, una banda que se caracteriza por ser amante de los sonidos del Garage Rock psicodélico, esta vez nos muestran que poseen una gran habilidad para transmitir ideas emocionantes y una actitud eufórica. Algo que también le ha dado un toque de autenticidad…

¡Para alucinar!, en esta ocasión hemos caído bajo los encantos de “POPPY ROSCOE”, una banda que se caracteriza por ser amante de los sonidos del Garage Rock psicodélico, esta vez nos muestran que poseen una gran habilidad para transmitir ideas emocionantes y una actitud eufórica. Algo que también le ha dado un toque de autenticidad a su destreza es que logran preservar una fabulosa esencia retro, así es, esta agrupación es entusiasta de los sonidos clásicos y en su nuevo repertorio nos regalan joyas que nos harán recordar la década de los 60´s, ¡es increíble como ellos logran plasmar una energía delirante, por todo eso sabemos que amarás su nuevo lanzamiento!

“Love Upon The Hill” es la primera canción de este fenomenal lanzamiento, cuenta con una vibra juvenil y desde el principio nos muestra un colorido paisaje que va en aumento, su intensidad es perfecta para sacudir el cuerpo y las letras seguramente te contagiarán de vehemencia y osadía, no cabe duda de que este proyecto es demasiado adictivo, ofrece riffs pegajosos y claramente cuenta con cantos que nos llevarán a experimentar una agradable catarsis.

Otro gran título de este álbum es “Backdoorman”, este tema toma una tonalidad distinta en el que la tenacidad abunda, es menos colorido, pero mucho más penetrante, las voces son intrigantes y provocan que el oyente se sienta con ganas de expresar su sentir, un ritmo lento y una melodía suave nos darán una aventura imaginativa bastante relajante.

“Manzanita” cuenta con 8 temas, todos destacan por sus impresionantes riffs, ingeniosos arreglos y por sus vibras tan especiales, sentirás un vinculo que te hará sacar una faceta renovada de ti mismo, este novedoso álbum debe formar parte de tus listas musicales, especialmente si te agradan las obras de Rock que te hagan sentir eufórico como en la vieja escuela del género.

El tercer tema que nos hizo sentir atrapados fue “Let the Skies Fall”, nos gustó que esta canción tiene un tempo más liviano, su melodía es ligera y con ello hace que cada palabra se adentre en la mente del espectador, causa revuelo y además te hará sentir un poco nostálgico su magistral instrumental.

El tema “Hula Helen” toma un camino más jocoso, es demasiado entretenido y nos hace sentir emoción con un tema para vacacionar, un estilo hawaiano es palpable y la verdad es que te pondrá bastante alegre, esta pieza es atemporal y ofrece cambios rítmicos que nos harán sentir un sube y baja de emociones reconfortantes.

Por todo esto no debes perderte este grandioso proyecto de Rock, ¡seguro refrescará tus listas musicales! - End Sessions

"‘Manzanita’ Review: A Captivating Psychedelic Journey With Dynamic Art-Rock Crafted By Poppy Roscoe"

Poppy Roscoe is an innovative art-rock group from Los Angeles, famous for their distinctive multimedia music video performances. The band was brought back to life in 2023, drawing inspiration from the dry Sonoran deserts. Guided by Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe strives to bring back the idea that music has the power to tell intricate, significant tales. With a loyal fan base, they are devoted to crafting artwork that deeply connects with their viewers.

Poppy Roscoe’s newest album, “Manzanita,” was released on May 17th, 2024, highlighting their passion for the vintage psychedelic garage-rock style of the 1960s. This record dives deep into classic garage rock, but with a contemporary edge that gives it a fresh and thrilling vibe. “Manzanita” is comprised of eight mesmerizing songs, with each showcasing the band’s skill in combining instrumental arrangements with powerful singing. The album contains powerful tracks that establish the mood for the whole collection, enveloping listeners in a diverse range of sounds. The guitars have a rough and unrefined sound, the drums are powerful and persistent, and the vocals are eerie yet stirring.

Love Upon The Hill:
“Love Upon The Hill” is the first song on Poppy Roscoe’s album “Manzanita,” establishing an engaging atmosphere for the rest of the album. The song starts with a drum beat that captures the listener’s interest right away. This steady beat brings in a complex instrumental piece that highlights the band’s expert arrangement and paves the way for the remainder of the album. The strong beat of the drums sets a firm base for the track, propelling it forward with energy and accuracy, leaving a lasting impact.
The vocal in “Love Upon The Hill” are powerful and intense, conveying the lyrics with a feeling of immediacy and sentiment. Not only is the vocal performance powerful, but it is also perfectly complemented by the engaging instrumental accompaniment. The vocals’ intensity adds a level of complexity to the song, transforming it from merely a sound-based encounter to a visceral one. The collaboration between the vocals and instruments showcases Poppy Roscoe’s talent for crafting music that is powerful and unforgettable.
In terms of instrumentation, “Love Upon The Hill” exudes a lively and contagious energy that spreads positive vibes. The combination of guitars, bass, and drums forms a complex and layered sonic environment that is engaging and captivating. The lively energy of the music captivates the listener throughout, making it a great selection to kick off the album. In general, this song establishes a high standard for the rest of the album “Manzanita,” delivering a thrilling and captivating opening that leaves listeners eager for more.

Let The Skies Fall:
The start of ‘Let The Skies Fall‘ features a calm sound that gradually develops, establishing a peaceful ambiance that softly captivates the audience. The calm beginning doesn’t last long, because the music changes to a catchy and engaging composition at the 18-second mark. This change brings in a catchy rhythm, but is paired with a disturbing sound in the background, creating a sense of tension and fascination for the listener. This difference prepares for the exciting adventure that the music track guarantees.
At 38 seconds, the vocal come in with a laid-back tone, mixing smoothly with the softly pulsing rhythm. The soothing vocal delivery contrasts sharply with the unsettling sound, yet remains compelling. The interaction of these components showcases Poppy Roscoe’s skill in creating complex songs that captivate the audience in various ways. The musical elements in “Let The Skies Fall” are especially compelling, featuring mesmerizing guitar riffs that capture the attention of listeners. The constantly changing instrumental soundscape of the track captivates and engages listeners with its seamless transitions in rhythm and flow. This continuous variation prevents the track from getting boring, consistently providing fresh elements to uncover. The changing instrumentation in “Let The Skies Fall” sets it apart on “Manzanita,” demonstrating Poppy Roscoe’s ability to craft music that is complex yet easy to enjoy.

Plastic Sun:
“Plastic Sun” shines as a standout song on Poppy Roscoe’s album “Manzanita,” immediately grabbing listeners’ attention with its captivating sounds and compelling vocals. Once the music starts playing, it captivates the listeners and holds onto their attention without letting go. The beginning sets the stage for what is to come, assuring an exciting musical experience with enthusiasm and emotion. This song showcases Poppy Roscoe’s skill in creating captivating and lively music that makes a lasting impact. The musical instruments rise with lively pulsating beats, forming an engaging and immersive auditory journey.
Every sound layer adds to the previous one, forming a complex soundscape that surrounds the listener with a powerful wave of sound. Every aspect of “Plastic Sun,” from the rhythmic drums to the powerful guitars, blend seamlessly together to form a song that is both mesmerizing and exciting. As the song progresses, it becomes evident that “Plastic Sun” is not simply a song but rather a voyage. The unstoppable passion and contagious excitement found in each musical note and lyric captivate the listener, encouraging them to immerse themselves in the music. This song demonstrates Poppy Roscoe’s skill in making music that both entertains and deeply connects with listeners. The band demonstrates their mastery of music with “Plastic Sun,” delivering a memorable and exhilarating track.

Not Gonna Stay:
Serving as the last song on Poppy Roscoe’s album “Manzanita,” “Not Gonna Stay” provides a strong and appropriate ending to the musical experience the album presents. As soon as the music starts playing, it captivates the audience with its lively and exciting sounds. The dynamic and memorable listening experience is enhanced by the driving rhythm and pulsating beats, ensuring the album finishes strong. A notable aspect of “Not Gonna Stay” is its strong vocal tone, contributing an increased level of intensity and emotion to the song. The powerful vocals and lively instrumentation work together to evoke a feeling of urgency and determination, making “Not Gonna Stay” a standout track that leaves a lasting impression.
The last song on the album, “Not Gonna Stay,” completes the musical journey of “Manzanita,” ending the sonic experience on a satisfying note. The captivating music and intense singing leave listeners craving more, making it a suitable finale for the album. With her lively energy and enthusiastic performance, “Not Gonna Stay” confirms Poppy Roscoe’s position as a band skilled in creating engaging and unforgettable music.

Each track on the album reveals intricate musical arrangements that unveil new details with each listen as the album continues. The band combines 60’s garage rock nostalgia with modern elements to produce a distinctive sound that is both traditional and original. The album displays the band’s range of abilities, featuring songs that vary from energetic anthems to softer melodies. Every song is carefully constructed, featuring multiple layers of instruments that develop and transform, resulting in a deep and captivating experience. The album is notable for its changing dynamics and impactful build-ups, culminating in a conclusion that unites the entire album.

In general, Poppy Roscoe’s “Manzanita” is a remarkable accomplishment. It is a daring, ambitious record that honors the past while exploring new possibilities for contemporary garage rock music. The band’s commitment to their art is clear in every note, making “Manzanita” an essential listen for both fans of the genre and newcomers. - Dulaxi

""Freaky People" Music video from Poppy Roscoe"

Poppy Roscoe is a Los Angeles-based art rock outfit that rises from the arid Sonoran Wastelands with a mission to create a multimedia musical experience that captivates its devoted cult following. Led by frontman Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe embodies the belief that music possesses the power to convey intricate and meaningful stories, showcased through their penchant for crafting immersive story-driven concept albums.

The band formed in 2015 and 3 years later they introduced their studio music to the world with the release of their debut album, Poppy Roscoe in the Devilish Dance. The following year, they followed up with One More for Safety. This year, Poppy Roscoe reunited to craft a new record and unveiled Poppy Roscoe in: Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats, an 18-track album.

Their latest LP, a narrative-driven exploration recounting the adventures of three rats from the desert, marks just one step on the path to Poppy Roscoe’s future musical endeavors. Their grand vision culminates in the upcoming full-length release of A Grand-Semiseria Opera.

Lifted from their new record, they share the lead single titled “Freaky People” and offer the perfect taste of the latest chapter of their highly original and story-rich sonic vision. “Freaky People” opens with a grooving riff of gritty guitars, over crunching drums, crafting a fuzzy scene tinged with psychedelic vibes. Izzy Fortune’s swaggering vocals deliver punchy leads as the instrumentation stomps below.

Cut with slick guitar leads and tones wrapped in effects, the band crafts an energising rock and roll experience filtered through their own unique sonic lens and injected with their vivid storytelling. Halfway through however, the track performs a sonic u-turn and switches up to an instrumental style where intricate acoustic guitar flutters ride of the splash of drums before the full force of the distorted electric guitar lays down a raucous solo, setting up a rousing finale to the song.

The single is paired with a music video to deliver the full experience of the Poppy Roscoe world. The video sees the band perform the track in various animation-backed scenes before taking to the stage to play the role of the Desert Rats in a talent show competition.

Watch the music video for Freaky People below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqQIeAXyhW8& - Plastic magazine

"Life & Work with Poppy Roscoe"

Today we’d like to introduce you to Poppy Roscoe. They and their team shared their story with us below:

Poppy Roscoe is a Los Angeles-based Art-Rock group dedicated to creating a multimedia musical-video experience for its dedicated cult following. Captained by founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe is bringing back the concept that music can tell a complex, meaningful story that’s really special. … … … also rats (and soon lyzards).

The band was originally formed in 2016 by two undergraduate students studying physics at Arizona State University. The band recorded a concept album in their one-bedroom apartment, then went dormant until 2022 with the release of the band’s sophomore album: “Poppy Roscoe in: Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats”.

Starting from the ground-up: Izzy Fortune rebuilt the band with new members, opened a small private recording studio, learned to animate, and (earlier this year) completed Desert Rats in the span of a few months. All of the music writing/recording, filming, editing, and even animation were done in-house. It’s now released and available on YouTube to the public here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v97QKLmY2bA

The band is currently working on an upcoming Grand-Semiseria Opera (with kabuki elements), as well as a short garage-rock EP and a collaborative metal-rock-opera with another local band.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
At the end of 2017, after the completion of the band’s first album, founding members and brothers Aydin Golabi and Izzy Fortune put the band on hiatus due to diverging life goals and ideas about the band. Though a brief demo tape was made by Izzy Fortune and younger brother Adam Pena, the hiatus lasted officially through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Faced with financial hardships and family health issues, Izzy Fortune continued to play music and be in local bands across the country in places like Nashville, San Francisco, Chicago, Colorado, and of course Arizona.

After five years of not speaking to one another, Izzy Fortune and Aydin Golabi began speaking again, opening the door for a reunion. In 2022, deciding it was finally time to revisit Poppy Roscoe, Izzy reformed the band with original drummer Jacob Smith and two original members of the band (Adam Pena and Max Meeder). Though invited to be a part of the band again, Aydin Golabi did not rejoin, having moved to Boston in 2021; his involvement in future projects is currently unknown.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Izzy Fortune is a multi-ethnic, part-Japanese American living in Los Angeles, California currently working as Chief Engineer and COO of a small systems-measurement company.

Izzy originally moved to Los Angeles to work with NASA at their JPL facility as a Thermal Validation Engineer but became disenchanted at the corporate bureaucracy and miserably stifling dress code.

In the past, Izzy has held positions as a Senior Audio Electrical Test/Design Engineer and Professional Audio Electronics/Data Technician, working with companies such as JL Audio and Fender and helping design synthesizers for Focusrite/Novation. He was also briefly employed by Google/Waymo as an Automotive Test Development Engineer, developing early prototypes for now modern self-driving cars.

Izzy currently holds a Master’s Degree in Electrical Engineering, an undergraduate Bachelor’s Degree in Physics, Math, and Music Performance, and an Associate’s Degree in Audio Engineering. Izzy also has two years of law school experience, has several years of PhD work, and owns a small production and electronics company he operates in his free time where he creates custom audio-visual equipment and repairs vintage audio-video equipment as a hobby.

What quality or characteristic do you feel is most important to your success?
It’s been said so many times, but it’s impossible to tackle the mountain of work it takes to manage an artsy band like this without help. It’s not just me contributing to the success of the band; it’s the combined efforts of everyone around us that make the magic happen.

You can’t slay a giant without a proper party of experienced adventurers.

Contact Info:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/poppyroscoe/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v97QKLmY2bA&t
Other: https://open.spotify.com/artist/73RSy65aClEQFNpuM9mZiv - VoyageLA

"Poppy Roscoe – ‘Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats’"

The sophomore album from Los Angeles-based band Poppy Roscoe succeeds in its concept-forward art-rock sound, bolstered by a creative video that spans across the full release. Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats tells the adventure of three rats from the desert, set amidst a dynamic rock production and captivating visual accompaniment. The band’s members make frequent appearances in the video, dancing in psychedelic environments, playing on a virtual stage, getting locked in some tiny prison, and well beyond. The visual splendor bolsters the compelling musical qualities with creative precision.

The album’s eclectic tonal range is aptly represented by the video’s wide array of tones and colors, from the colorful psychedelic skies within “Desert Rats (We’ll All Carry On)” to the nocturnal urbanity within “Traffic Lights.” The music itself is equally consuming. “Dawn Patrol” excels with its brisk, retro-feeling guitar work and sporadic celebratory-feeling vocal impact, while “Highway Blur” enthralls in its twangy guitars and delectably dazed vocals. Melody and atmosphere impress throughout.

The album represents another creative entry from the project, eventually culminating in the release of their “magnum opus,” — A Grand-Semiseria Opera (with kabuki elements).

“Desert Rats” and other tracks featured this month can be streamed on the updating Obscure Sound’s ‘Best of 2023’ Spotify playlist. - Obscure Sounds

"Interview with Poppy Roscoe"

1. Congratulations on the reformation of Poppy Roscoe! What sparked the decision to come together again, and how has the band evolved since its earlier days?
The band originally formed between myself (Izzy Fortune) and my older brother (Aydin Golabi), but after the two of us went on separate life paths, I remained playing music around the Nashville and Memphis scenes, while he went off to Boston to pursue his day-career.
The goal was to always reform the band with the original drummer (Jake Smith) and guitarists (Adam Pena), but after five years of waiting, I decided to reform the band myself for this new project. Now we’re the same band with the same vision, sans one founding member.

2. The Sonoran Wastelands provides a unique backdrop for Poppy Roscoe's reimagined journey. How does the environment influence your creative process, both musically and visually?
All of the core members of the band grew up, (or spent a large amount of time), in the Sonoran Desert, specifically in Arizona. In the same way anyone’s upbringing will influence their outlook on life and creative process, so too did the arid wastes of Arizona give a unified theme for the band to coalesce around this project. The title “Desert Rats” didn’t come from nowhere, anyways.
In fact, my original idea for this concept album was a children’s story about a group of rats from the desert who form a band and take a tour across America, meeting new rats and experiencing new cultures, only to return home better for the experience. In essence it’s the same goal every adventurous kid with big dreams shares: to move as far away from where they grew up as possible.

3. Poppy Roscoe is known for creating a multimedia musical-video experience. How do you balance the storytelling elements in your music with the visual components, and what themes can fans expect in your upcoming releases?
I’ll be the first to admit: I’m by no means a master songwriter and am a mediocre animator/director at best. I consider “Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats” to be a creative proof-of-concept for future projects. I can’t do it alone, no one can. But slowly and methodically we’re gaining more members on the production team and more steam for bigger and bolder projects.
I might not have the cinematic touch, but Mr. Dane Delaney at Eye of Newt Productions has shown interest in the next projects.
I might not have the best musical ear, but we nabbed Mr. Michael Fong with Hella6s Productions for the next albums. It’s all about building the dream team, and I sincerely believe we’ve got a decent jump out of the gates with Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats.

4. The concept of creating a cult following is intriguing. How do you cultivate and engage with your dedicated fan base, and what role do they play in shaping the Poppy Roscoe experience?
Well… maybe cult is a strong word.
Most every band wants people to like their music— no one really gets up onstage hoping people will hate the work they’ve poured so much effort into practicing and creating. There’s a distinction, I think, in bands who are seeking attention and those that are seeking validation; I mean to say that not every band necessarily wants to be famous.
From the perspective of the fan, there’s a huge difference in saying “wow, I really liked this band” and “I go to every concert and read lore on everything this band has ever done”. While the latter may be in the minority, it’s that kind of dedication to the band’s vision that inspires me personally to write more.
I bake all sorts of lore and references into Poppy Roscoe specifically for the super-fan that’s pausing at every frame of the movie to look at the background. Recently, Jake Smith has reminded me that we do want other people to listen to us as well, and I’ve been trying to cater to that as well.

5. The mention of rats and soon lyzards adds an enigmatic touch to Poppy Roscoe's narrative. Can you share a bit more about these elements and how they contribute to the band's unique identity and storytelling?
You know, I’ve been asked why all the rats and the lizards and the Animalia fixation, and honestly it’s just a narrative device I use to give anchor to my stories.
I am not a lizard man from space, there is no secret moon-base, what illuminati?

6. Izzy Fortune and Jacob Smith serve as the captain and drummer of Poppy Roscoe, respectively. How does this dynamic duo collaborate in steering the creative ship, and what strengths does each member bring to the table?
Jake Smith is, without a doubt, the best drummer I’ve ever played with. Bar none. Jake Smith is also, without a doubt, the only person I’d trust with both my life and half our band. He’s my best friend at the end of the day, and one hell of a music partner. He’s been with the band since the beginning, and honestly it’s difficult to imagine the group without him.
I don’t touch the percussive world without Jake’s help since he’s such a master of the craft. I just write and animate poorly.

7. The Sonoran Wastelands are known for their arid and challenging conditions. How does the environment reflect in the sound and mood of Poppy Roscoe's music, and how do you use these challenges to your advantage in the creative process?
It’s challenge to work in the Sonoran not because of the weather, but because of the culture. Phoenix is a great city to live (or was depending on who you ask), but it’s not exactly a vibrant cultural hotbed of new ideas and music. It’s a great place to die but not a great place to live, if that makes sense.
Our sound is then influenced not by the dry environment, but the longing to escape to greener pastures. The album starts with such a high energy desire to break free from the shackles of the desert and shed the burdens that life is crushing you. A Summer day in Arizona would show you that.
The poetic twist made clear in the last songs of the album, where a slow calm that envelops the desert at night is somehow soothing all those worries, and that upon the return trip home you’re enlightened to the fact that you’ve grown enough to see those fears and desires are yours, and the desert simply always was.
It might sound flowery, but that’s the creative schmoo that the desert inspires in us.

8. Art-rock is a diverse genre. How do you define the distinctive sound of Poppy Roscoe within the realm of art-rock, and what artists or influences have shaped your musical style?
When you ask the average person what kind of music they listen to, you’ll likely get the boiler-plate “I listen to a little bit of everything” response. That is at the heart of Poppy Roscoe’s musical mission. I want to be a band that plays a little bit of everything, exploring the depths and shallows of music from world-beat to surf-rock.
I think that’s why I’m so attracted to the art-rock genre, because it’s a step away from descending into some wild avant-garde madness, but rooted enough in fundamentals to still touch on classic popular music sensibilities. I take it almost as a blank check to explore all avenues without getting too wild or snotty about it, but loose enough to not have to worry about all that hyper-genre-specific labeling.

9. The intersection of music and storytelling is a core aspect of Poppy Roscoe. Can you take us through the creative process of crafting a narrative within your music and translating it into a visual experience?
It’s always chaos in the beginning— crazy ideas bouncing everywhere in grand blurry strokes of fleeting thoughts. Personally, I write down whatever nonsense idea I have onto one or two loose-leaf sheets over the course of several months. Then in one or two days, organise everything into smaller manageable pieces.
From there, the music and the story writes itself. You start with an idea or a theme and let it roll, and usually it rolls somewhere. The first drafts are always messy and maybe even disappointing, but by chipping at it with a sculptor’s knife it it’ll usually turn out alright. When a piece of art is rushed by concerns outside of the original inspiration itself, it usually shows in the final result, which is a deathblow for a band like ours.

10. Your dedication to storytelling is evident. How do you approach lyricism to ensure it complements the broader narrative, and what themes or stories inspire your songwriting?
Inspiration comes from living in whatever form that may take, which is reflected in the varied songs Poppy Roscoe writes. As much as lyrics and visual art can tell a story, it takes on new dimensions when they’re combined together.
It’s important for me, at least, to understand the full picture of what I want to create or say in broad strokes and ideas before the writing even starts. The real work is getting into the minute details of each song and each scene to match and sync with each other in a meaningful way. “Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats” tells a story visually and lyrically, though I’ve felt that it paces so quickly it’s difficult to glean all the information I’m throwing out constantly. I wanted it to be fast-paced, but it’s an issue I’m working on in future works.

11. Los Angeles is a city known for its diverse music scene. How has the city's cultural melting pot influenced the evolution of Poppy Roscoe's sound, and what aspects of the local scene do you draw inspiration from?
The band has made it a habit to go to as many local shows as we can, whenever we can. Los Angeles is one of those cities that’s so huge it’s difficult to take in the scope of it all even for native residents. Sure Hollywood might be here, but it’s easy to forget this is the Port of Long Beach— there’s TONS of manufacturing and culture that gets traded through here on an hourly basis. It’s hard if not impossible not to be influenced by such a crazy awesome setting.

12. The reimagining of Poppy Roscoe involves bringing back the idea that music can tell a complex, meaningful story. How do you see this narrative-driven approach contributing to the overall impact and longevity of the band in today's music landscape?
The musical world today has plenty of room for walks of all life, it’s one of the boons of the industry. On the plus side, everyone has access to making music with a computer and free software, meaning everyone has a voice to contribute to the zeitgeist of humanity. On the negative side, everyone has access to making music with a computer and free software, meaning everyone has a voice regardless weather or not they have anything interesting to say.
The band’s spirit and identity takes shape in the form of the almighty Concept Album. It’s something of a lost art; gone are the days of The Wall and Tommy, where albums may unfold like a storybook or an operatic piece of art. With good reason, mainstream music is meant to be digestible and easy to hear in small sound bites, rather than a whole ordeal of a meal that has to be paid attention to and something you have to chew on. The lasting works, however, aren’t the centerfold magazines or the dollar-store memes. A story can live forever so long as there are people and mediums to share it, and that’s where Poppy Roscoe will make our mark.

13. As a band that places importance on both audio and visual elements, how do you approach the production of your music videos, and what role do they play in enhancing the storytelling within your songs?
Gone are the days when the masses would buy a full LP recording and critically listen to it start to finish, (save for a few small isolated pockets of audiophiles and musicians). The reason has been beaten to death, but it draws to the shortened attention span audiences have that has been created by the entertainment industry as a whole. In comparison to a 90 minute action movie, it can be pretty tedious and boring for the common layperson to sit down and listen to only music. I understand it, I have similar tendencies when it comes to the media I consume.
I saw music videos as the last bastion of refuge for music, and after creating Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats I’m convinced the combination of music and video in a conceptual way is a medium I want to habituate in primarily.

14. The imagery of rats and lyzards suggests a vivid and unconventional visual aspect to your narrative. How do these elements translate into your live performances, and what can audiences expect from a Poppy Roscoe show?
Currently we have one projector, whatever the venue has, and a dream. I’ve already plotted a full production and show for the album, but it runs long and there’s no budget or public desire for it as of yet, so it’s on the back burner until we can get some more steam behind our projects.
Otherwise, It’s just me bouncing around stage while Jake makes wild faces and Adam’s trying to focus.

15. In a world filled with various music genres, how do you see Poppy Roscoe carving its niche and standing out?
That’s a really good question that we really don’t have a satisfying answer. The way to stand out is to be unique, but unique doesn’t always sell, and carving a niche is all well and good until you realise The Simpsons already did it in the 90s.
I’d be tempted to take the cop-out answer and say we’re not concerned with standing out from the crowd or chasing fame; we’ll follow the path we choose, where that leads. We’ll stand out by making a secret cave of dedicated followers under the beaches of Malibu, plotting our takeover into the over world.

16. Looking ahead, what's on the horizon for Poppy Roscoe? Are there specific goals or directions you envision for the band's musical evolution and growth in the coming years?
There’s an EP in the works that’s set to release early 2024 and a remake/remaster project that’s on hold until my older brother comes back, but the big goal has always been a space-opera. I know it sounds tacky, but it’s been a bug in my mind for some eight years now.
“Lyzards: A Space Epic” currently has thirty-five all-original, multi-genre songs written and demoed, with over half of them nearing completion for final recording. While the music is mostly written and played by Poppy Roscoe, the idea is to create a small community of local artists appearing as features on certain songs, wherein guest bands are brought in to perform songs to varying degrees. (I.e.: Poppy Roscoe wrote a metal song, then will merge for that song with a local metal band to help perform/ write the song on the album). This collaboration would take place with the idea that because each song can vary so vastly, writing and cooperating with experts in their respective genres would serve the song and therefore the work as a whole.
The writing itself is presented as a combination Grand-Semiseria Opera with Kabuki elements, with no directly spoken dialogue spread across five nohs (acts). The story has several characters and plot lines, all of which are delivered visually and through song lyrics. The story has been in development since 2019, where it was placed on hiatus due to the COVID-91 pandemic. Since then, other smaller projects have been undertaken by the band and Toadwarts (outlined in later sections). Poppy Roscoe is recouping and trying to build a dedicated fan-base before work on Lyzards re-commences. Projected release-date is scheduled for summer of 2025.
And before we hit the ground running on Lyzards, however, our studio is planning one more intermediary project to cut our teeth: a bonafide rock-opera. We believe that after one more serious project, we’ll be ready to tackle the monstrous Lyzards. We’ve partnered with a local metal group to make the music and story.
The project is currently roughly thirty minutes of heavy-metal opus exploring the cycles of life and death, (currently in pre-production).
When the project was first started in 2019, there was no existing network to start with and nowhere to begin work. The outlook was bleak— we had no animation support, no recording studio, no money or reputation to lean on, not even a performing band. Starting from the ground-up: I rebuilt the band, opened a small private recording studio, learned to animate, and (earlier this year) completed a project of which I’m extremely proud of. All of the music writing/recording, filming, editing, and even animation were done in house. The result: “Poppy Roscoe in: Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats” - Lelahel Metal

"Best Live Performance Award: “Highway Blur” [LIVE]"

Poppy Roscoe – “Highway Blur” (Live at Whiskey A Go Go) [November 3rd, 2023] - American Tracks Music Awards

"“Freaky People”, by Poppy Roscoe: A bold, thrashy, rock sound"

Reassembling in 2023 amidst the barren landscapes of the Sonoran Wastelands, Poppy Roscoe emerges as an Art-Rock ensemble hailing from Los Angeles. Their mission: to craft a multimedia musical-video adventure that captivates their devoted fan base. Under the leadership of founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe rekindles the belief that music has the power to infuse meaning into even the most complex of stories. Keep reading for my thoughts on ” Freaky People”, their latest single!

The lyricism is what strikes you first– appearing to highlight a divide between “freaky people” and the rest of society, with the singer contrasting their unconventional lifestyle with the “suited praying people.” The lyrics touch on themes of rebellion, and non-conformity, and are overall, very reminiscent of the lyrical themes used in garage and grunge rock music pioneered by the likes of bands like Nirvana in the 90s– and as a fan of the genre growing up, I could immediately feel a smile start to come on my face as I heard this song for the first time.

The production on “Freaky People” is what holds the lyricism together, with an unabashed rock-n-roll sound, and adrenaline-infused guitars complemented by the precise, thrashy drumming that keeps things going on swimmingly for the duration of the song. The vocals are another standout here, with their front-and-center, bold sound reminding me of bands like Papa Roach, especially on their record, “Infest”.

Some standout parts of “Freaky People” include the brief interlude with an acoustic guitar, almost serving as the precursor to the screaming electric guitar solo– and what a tone! I was genuinely impressed at the sound of those lead guitars blaring down my ear-holes. Overall, “Freaky People” by Poppy Roscoe makes for a very solid overall package in terms of the execution, and the themes it tries to drive forward. Check out the track here! - Sinusoidal Music

"Interview: The Rising Maverick of Poppy Roscoe – A Symphony of Eclectic Rock and Face-Melting Guitars"

Hailing from Los Angeles, United States, up-and-coming independent artist Poppy Roscoe seems destined to make their mark in the music industry with their latest single, “Poppy Roscoe in: Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats.”
Their refreshing blend of art rock and indie melodic pop rock makes its presence known, leaving no doubts about the trajectory of their career.

Just as legends such as Arcade Fire and Tame Impala once did, Poppy Roscoe is paving their way towards greatness in the realm of indie rock, psychedelic, and retro guitar rock scene. - IndieRock News -- SuperPop TV

"Poppy Roscoe – Dawn Patrol: A Song Review"

Poppy Roscoe is a Los Angeles-based Art-Rock group that has gained a dedicated cult following for their unique multimedia musical-video experience. Led by founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, the band is known for their ability to tell complex and meaningful stories through their music. In this blog post, we will be reviewing one of their latest releases, “Dawn Patrol”.

“Dawn Patrol” is a track from Poppy Roscoe’s sophomore album, “Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats”. This album follows the journey of three rats from the desert as they embark on an adventure of a lifetime. The song “Dawn Patrol” is a standout track that explores the horrors of suburban America and the eventual takeover of hippie jam bands.

“Dawn Patrol” begins with a hauntingly beautiful guitar riff that sets the tone for the rest of the song. The lyrics are almost non-existent, painting a vivid picture of the darker side of suburban life with references to strange people and the influence of jam bands.

The instrumentation in this song is top-notch, with each instrument playing a vital role in creating a rich and layered sound. The drums, played by Jacob Smith, provide a steady beat that drives the song forward. The guitar work is intricate and atmospheric, adding depth to the overall composition.

One of the highlights of “Dawn Patrol” is the bridge section, where the band showcases their musical prowess. The guitar solo is a standout moment, showcasing the technical skills of the guitarist while maintaining the emotional intensity of the song. The combination of the haunting vocals, powerful lyrics, and captivating instrumentation creates a truly special listening experience.

Poppy Roscoe’s “Dawn Patrol” is a song that showcases the band’s ability to tell a complex and meaningful story through their music. With its haunting guitar riffs, and powerful drums, this track is a standout on their sophomore album. If you’re a fan of art-rock and appreciate music that pushes boundaries, “Dawn Patrol” is a must-listen. - Fenomen

"POPPY ROSCOE - Highway Blur"

Among the questions that arise in our loneliness, we can find transparency in our thoughts, or we can find a refuge in which we can live with our true being. Surely you have also felt this mental gap when you have been traveling along the road heading into the distance. with your solitary version, because that was also the case for “Izzy Fortune ”, who wrote his song “Highway Blur” , motivated by his moment of isolation, he has digressed into various introspective doubts, as he shows in his verse: “Who am I?” “When am I alone?” , a very significant question for any human and that can only be answered by diving to the depths of our consciousness while objectively meditating.

The melodic proposal that “POPPY ROSCOE” has made leaves us with incredible choruses and riffs that make us enter a nostalgic mode, the Rock ease that this band has is an emotional odyssey that takes our breath away, so you will love to play This song in your moments of social confinement to feel a renewing vibe, listen to it so that you are part of their sentimental world and maybe you will find answers that you didn't know you needed about yourself!

Imagine the following: you are on your way to a new life and you are moving away from those you previously knew, a change is coming and a spiritual awakening is present in your head, because that is exactly what you will find in the new single from “POPPY!” ROSCOE ” along with a wonderful melodic delivery of Classic Rock that you should not overlook! - Sonidosurbanos

"Poppy Roscoe Presents “Freaky People”: A Bold Art-Rock Odyssey Unveiling the Dark Side of Suburbia"

Poppy Roscoe, the captivating and inventive Art-Rock ensemble, proudly launch their latest music video, “Freaky People.” With an unwavering dedication to crafting a comprehensive multimedia musical-video experience, the band, led by founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, redefines the power of music to narrate a rich, meaningful story.

In their sophomore album, “Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats,” Poppy Roscoe delves into an extraordinary tale chronicling the adventures of three desert rats. This narrative unfolds a compelling story that resonates deeply with its audience. “Freaky People,” a pivotal track from this album, is an exploration into the eerie and unsettling realities of suburban America, illustrating the eventual rise of hippie jam bands amid the horrors of modern society.

The music video showcases the next step in Poppy Roscoe’s evolutionary musical journey, signaling their forthcoming ambitious musical pursuits. This journey is set to culminate in the band’s magnum opus: a Grand-Semiseria Opera infused with kabuki elements, promising an unprecedented audio-visual experience for their dedicated cult following.

Inspired by iconic artists such as The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and Black Sabbath, Poppy Roscoe masterfully weaves their unique style, breathing life into a narrative that is both intriguing and musically immersive.

Plot Synopsis of “Freaky People”: In the video, the Desert Rats, portrayed as foreign invaders, are captured by local housewives, thrust into a life of luxury within the upper echelons of a Civilized Zociety for the Bi-Annual-South-Western-Regional-Rat-Judging-Competition-and-Trade-Convention-For-Elite-Home-Owners. Amidst this extravagance, Izzrat and Jacorat deliver a rather stiff audition, easily overshadowed by the virtuosity of Adarat and his FORTUNE brand guitar.

Amidst the glamour, Adarat is selected for the final competition while Izzrat and Jacorat are relegated to the behind-the-scenes debauchery of the entertainment industry. As the big event unfolds, Adarat, upon seeing his friends in the audience, realizes his true passion lies elsewhere. Joined by The Band, they break into a series of electrifying solos, defying the judges’ snobbish attitudes.

As chaos erupts and the judges attempt to remove the rats from the stage, a musical invasion unfolds, symbolizing a rejection of suburban monotony. The Desert Rats, understanding the vacuity of the suburbs, depart in search of a more fulfilling existence.

This latest video release marks a pivotal moment for Poppy Roscoe, setting the stage for future groundbreaking narratives and exceptional musical experiences for their devoted fan base. - ArtistRack

"Poppy Roscoe: The Concept Behind ‘Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats’"

Poppy Roscoe is an alt-rock band with drastic compositions. Their work features complex backdrops, borrowing from a variety of styles from grunge and punk to nu-metal and acoustics. They are unpredictable, insatiable, and innovative. The band’s latest album, ‘Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats’ is an eclectic art rock collection that combines visual frames with experimental dimensions. Across eighteen tracks, the listener is presented with immersive narratives and creative storytelling. This article delves into two distinct frames of rock that are set out in ‘Freaky People’ and ‘Highway Blur’. 

After being led in by the hard grunge and rock ‘n roll of Desert Rats, Freaky People stands proud in its hard-wrung chaos. With disjointed bass lines, driving riffs, and rock-rap, the track sports an avant-garde design. One can spot 90s hip-hop styles forming charismatic collages with powerful guitar lines and beats. It is a warping soundscape, filled with textures and tonalities. And underlying this is a psychedelic experience. It scatters the mind and unfocuses it to progressively reveal a new perspective. What on the surface might pass off as abstract is rooted in well-thought-out sonic concepts and intellectual quotients. 

Highway Blur introduces Side B of this double album. Its sedating rock blues emulates the creativity and exploratory work of bands like Pink Floyd and The Moody Blues. Highways can seem endless when you’re streaking through them. The speed merges everything and blurs the edges of 3D space. 

Drawing from this, the track is forged to bring that dazing infinity to life. With dragged rhythms, dilated melodies, and slow vocal moments, each element is devoted to creating a sense of timelessness. The artists load it with a whole lot of resonance. Live guitar licks play into ruminative bass lines, psychedelic solos, and anthemic rises. And dwindling with a mellow sense of melancholy and loneliness, the track has an iconic 70s rock vibe. Listen Now! 
The track is available for streaming on popular sites like Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music, and Amazon Music! 
You can listen to ‘Poppy Roscoe in : Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats’ here
https://youtu.be/7VQ-32hF5WY - Apollo's Harp

"“Sally Singer” a rhythmic freshness of sound transformation"

The art-rock group, POPPY ROSCOE invokes the concept that music can still present a significant and complex story, marking the colors of a time and the thoughts that enable the personal evolution of each being.

Third track from the album “Poppy Roscoe in the Devilish Dance”, the song “ Sally Singer ” presents itself with the rhythmic freshness of rock, surrounded by synthesized and intimate effects that make us travel through the waves of time and understand that all the marks of memory bring us to evolution.

The sound seems to echo from the depths of our consciousness, rising in guitar chords and producing a symphonic mixture that envelops us in a constant flow of nostalgia and sensory revival.

Like the doses of small pleasures ingrained in our mind, invoking the colors of the past and objects of admiration that we have planted.

Well crafting an engaging plot, the lyrics tell the story of a girl who loved to sing, lyrically exalting striking traits of her personality, which makes us admire and want to know such a talent.

There is also a feeling of revolutionary music, breaking paradigms and showing the various faces of rock, and, just like in the past, awakening us to the new era and its sensorial transformations.

“ Sally Singer ” a nostalgic sound that sweeps us away through the waves of time.

Social media:





https://open.spotify.com/intl-pt/artist/73RSy65aClEQFNpuM9mZiv - MusicforAll

"[Interview] Introducing: Poppy Roscoe"

Poppy Roscoe is an indie garage rock band from Los Angeles, California.

Bio: Resurrected in 2023 surrounded by the arid Sonoran Wastelands, Poppy Roscoe is a Los Angeles-based rock group dedicated to creating a multimedia musical-video experience for its dedicated cult following. Captained by founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe is bringing back the concept that music can tell a complex, meaningful story that's really special.

For Fans Of: The White Stripes, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, (Early) Cage the Elephant

Why We Like Them: Their new album Manzanita just sounds like a great psychedelic band jamming in a garage. The music is fun and the energy is electric.

Poppy Roscoe’s Featured Song: Freaky People
Our Favorite Song: Backdoorman

A Quick Introduction to Poppy Roscoe:

Describe a fan of your music.
When you’d ask the average person what’s their favourite type of music, you’ll often get a response similar to “I like a little bit of everything”.

What’s your best musical talent?
Poppy Roscoe is on a mission to blend the lines of the audio-visual worlds to create a unique experience for our fans. Save for musicians and hardcore audiophiles, few people will sit down and critically listen to a full-length album front to back, with good reason: it can get incredibly boring for some people. That’s why Poppy Roscoe takes the visual aspect so important in music making— the ability to tell a story increases to the umpteenth degree with the extra dimension of sight. Check out our full-length movie we made: “Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats”! (YouTube and theatres)

What’s your unpopular opinion? (Music, culture, anything)
Well, the accessibility of music through the technological revolutions of the past few decades (home audio workstations, simple-to-use DAWS, decrease in price-point entry on equipment, online tutorials, click-and-point distribution, etc) has made it so anyone can start making music. That of course means that ANYONE has the ability to make and release music, even those who perhaps should have done so less haphazardly. While it’s a boon that anyone and everyone can express themselves through an incredibly rewarding hobby, it’s also caused mass over-saturation in an already saturated market. Thus there are two conflicting realms of thought: “…when everyone is [a musician], no one will be.” And “Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.” - Background Animal

"Poppy Roscoe une vertentes do rock no álbum "Manzanita" (Spanish)"

De Los Angeles, Estados Unidos, essa é uma banda que aparece por aqui novamente, agora com um trabalho revelado nas plataformas de streaming recentemente e que iremos falar mais sobre abaixo.

Lançado durante a segunda metade de Maio, "Manzanita" é um álbum que entrega para os ouvintes 8 faixas, quase 30min de duração e uma sonoridade que trafega por diversas vertentes do rock, indo pelo clássic, garage, pelo blues, pela psicodélica e muito mais.

Seguindo a carreira, depois de lançarem o álbum "Poppy Roscoe In: Sea Fortune And The Desert Rats'", terceiro álbum mostra uma grande produção, atmosfera incrível e a união de vertentes mais old school com elementos modernos, vocais marcantes, linha de baixo destacado, riffs muito bem e executados e uma combinação enérgica, envolvente e que não deixará ninguém parado por um segundo sequer, fisicamente ou com nossa mente sendo transportada para outros planos ao longo da audição. - Os Garotos de Liverpool


  • The Devilish Dance [Demo] (2018)
  • One More for Saftey [Demo] (2019)
  • (OST) Poppy Roscoe in: Sea Fortune and the Desert Rats (2023)
  • Manzanita (Pre-Release) (April 2024)
  • Upcoming Rock-Opera (Winter 2024)
  • Lyzards: A Space Opera (Summer 2026)



Re-formed in 2023 surrounded by the arid Sonoran Wastelands, Poppy Roscoe is a Los Angeles based Art-Rock group dedicated to creating a multimedia musical-video experience for its dedicated cult following. Captained by founder Izzy Fortune and drummer Jacob Smith, Poppy Roscoe is bringing back the concept that music can tell a complex, meaningful story that's really special.

... ... ... also rats (and soon lyzards).

Band Members