Stargaze Festival

 West Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA

Promoter or Music Buyer

Bands we've booked

Stargaze Festival has not booked a Sonicbids band yet.


We are hosting the 2nd Annual Women's Art and Music Festival Weekend in New England. Come join us at Barrington Shores Campground, in Barrington New Hampshire this September for an eventful, jamming couple of days. Pack up your hiking boots, sneakers, yoga pants, and dancing shoes; throw your bike, and any other toys you may have in the the back of the car, and let's make some mayhem by the campfire. We'll have live music, sports, parties, boating, hiking, workshops, art installations, etc, or just relax with the girls and toast marshmallows by the fire. *If* you find yourself in someone else's sleeping bag in the morning - no one's asking questions. We want everyone to join our community of artists, campers, and festive girl. Bring and share your own talent, art, music, creative inspirations and thoughts. Whether you're down for a hippie "love in", a crazy and memorable weekend with the girls, or a spiritual and creative awakening, we'll have it all going on with lots of campground frolicking with the ladie